Release Wrath of the Lich King Now and WOW is Saved

How do you figure I mean undead still has willed forsaken which is literally the same thing the only difference is.

At least everything I Red It shares a cool down with the trinket It’s so not really.

Guess you didn’t play wotlk. It’s the easiest pug expansion to date.

To be double fair in actual TBC Serpentshrine and the Eye were launch content.

The only raids in “the old world” are Kara and Mt Hyjal.

Mag, SSC, TK, & BT are all on Outlands. ZA is in Ghostlands, which is part of TBC and didn’t exist in Vanilla. Sunwell is on the isle of the Isle of Quel’Danas, which isn’t even in the game yet.

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I wish the same, but thanks to the senseless censorship as your only EFFORT to save the franchise.

Without forgetting the ABOMINATIONS of microtransactions that they put in the TBC classic that today I do a /spit to the stupid one who bought that new mount and has lost the prestige and ORIGINALITY that so many of us have wanted to see play again as it was in 2006.

I do not think that even WOTLK CLASSIC would save Blizzard, even worse that even WotLK pirate server almost 50% blizzlike content is much appreciated for the CHANGES that will force the company to lose the prestige and originality that we highly appreciate in the golden years of 2008

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You must be one of those pug guys who doesn’t do hardmode content like you talk about. Try doing Yogg 0/all hardmodes and ToGC Insanity in proper gear. Super fun and challenging content. Awesome rewards. WotLK PvE is top tier.

You probably don’t even know what I’m talking about. Ofc stuff is ez when you play it on ez mode. Did you expect something different?

Wow forums IQ i swear man.

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Such a big talk. So you are saying optional difficulties are harder? Does that make the initial difficulty harder? no? Guess what it’s all a loot pinata. Also naxxramas very hard mister I call forumers low IQ. Must have never raided in wotlk I guess? :slight_smile:

Everyone plays this game on “ez” mode, only because some choose to do the hardmodes does not make it less of a loot pinata… but keep praising how hard it is /lol

Yeah that is true however Back then We also Is weren’t clearing ter 4 Is in one day either.

Because 50% of the playerbase playing undead-RMP is any better. Least wrath had variety and every class was powerful in some way.

Wrath PVP will be undeniably better than TBC PVP

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‘cool unique 10 man raids’ but you need 5 groups of 10 people so you can have 2 groups of 25 raiders to make sure no one misses out, or 2-3 groups with rotations, yeah very cool wow

Nah it’s you that didn’t play that expansion, hey. Quite clearly.

(Beyond pugging naxx during the icc patch lmao)

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If you play a DK …

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tbc was always known as the wotlk waiting room


blood elf demon hunter

Opinion discarded

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your forgetting about malygos/sarthion/vault.

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Everyone I know is raid logged, quit, or just playing through TBC.

Not 1 person I play with is looking forward to playing Naxx again on training wheels.


It’s going to be insanely popular. Maybe more than classic. Def more sustainable.

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WotlK is garbage, and if you like WotLK you like garbage.

Sorry, facts are facts. Go back to retail, check yourself, etc.


Honestly? End this joke of a classic experiment. This game is past its time. Once this 6 year classic renewel of interest ends, this game is DEAD permanently. Admit it. You aren’t going back to vanilla to level again, you aren’t interested in seasonal leveling 1-60 just to give up everything you’ve done to start leveling again. YOU HATE LEVELING! And even if you did, this game isn’t Diablo 2 or WC3, where you can walk away for 5 years, then come back and solo everything. This will NEVER again have the population to support this type of game. You get 2 years for 3 expansions and this experiment is OVER

Yeah we said that about TBCC during Classic. The simple fact is that there will always be that subsection of players looking at the next expansion of the first phase of content. Doesn’t mean they should get it.