Itemization was broken in TBC with greens/blues from the first zone being on par with old world raid epics. It’s one of the things people complained about when TBC launched with the absurd health pools and some classes scaling so well that they had to introduce resilience.
Let’s not forget arena which was some failed attempt at a stupid e-sport.
Wow wotlk. Where pvp was good but pve was a loot pinata for pugs from the get go. So you wanna faceroll pve content without a guild and then hunt senseless achievements while sitting in dungeonfinder. I get it.
I was in the Wrath beta and man…DK was AMAZINGLY fun back then. Even by release it had been significantly reduced. And I’m not talking about OP numbers. I’m talking about just design and how fun it was to play. They really pulled it back throughout Beta.
Anyway, as far as Wrath Classic my own personal requirements to play it: a fresh server option with no Deluxe Edition or Boosts. I’d play that. Without such an option, I won’t. But that’s just me.
Heirloom gear, Xrealm, AOE speed dungeon runs, people quitting after a boss that didn’t drop the loot they wanted because of xrealm and no accountability. I could name more but WOTLK was the start of what we have today in live. In fact, I would say live is better in many ways than WOTLK. Don’t get me wrong I did love the content in WOTLK but the changes were the start of the end. A lot of these changes are not around anymore with live they were so bad.
To all the folks who try to point to WotLK as the start of the fall of FEELZ! I ask you to take a step back, and realize, you’re soaking in it, classic era style.
Thomas Wolfe says, “You can’t go home again,” and you know from experience, that it is truth.
See you in WotLKC, where I’ll leave one of my accounts, and MoPC, where I’ll park the other account.
wow-min-2tha-MAX<.>com - Your home to level boosting, profession mat kits and gold, so cheap, you’ll think we have a brain tumor.
-yeah naxx sucks, but doing immortal and sarth3d will at least provide a modicum of challenge for the first few lockouts
-doing the meta achievements for the heroics in levelling gear was some of the most challenging and fun content I’ve ever done in this game
-ulduar was beyond just “cool”, also every raid gets invalidated the following patch, so what? (also most ppl couldnt kill yogg-0 or algalon even in the subsequent patch)
-ToC wasn’t nearly as bad as people made it out to be. I assume you got Tribute to Insanity if it was so faceroll?
-ICC was amazing, but yes it goes on for too long
-who cares about catchup gear, its good if anything. The best part of wrath was how easy gear was to obtain, and let people actually compete in arenas etc
-meh, all the 10man raids are ez. They’ve never been anything but loot pinatas
-wrath didnt really have much class homogenization? IMO Wrath had peak class design (mop class design was great as well but too much over the top spells)
-not even sure what this means but also meh
-who fkn cares if reps are braindead to grind, noone likes grinding rep anyway
Watch the faction imbalance flip flop when humans get that second trinket, suddenly alliance was always their favorite and they have no idea what you are talking about.
‘‘You delivered the greatest fighting force the world has ever seen right into my hands just as I intended’’ are some of his last words.
So apparently killing yogg malygos sartharion algalon, the entirety of icc, anubarak (which he sends you against as a ‘‘challenge’’ by the way) and a handful of guys he sends against you during questing and instances wasn’t enough of a test to him. You were only worthy when you’re at his doorstep and give him a beatdown.
If he can’t see how that could possibly go wrong he very much is an idiot
A dramatically easier version of Naxxramas, a raid that everyone just did recently, and a couple pretty easy bosses.
And some heroic dungeons that are way easier than the already not hard BC heroics.
Heigan without teleports and a 33% slower dance that doesn’t one shot you.
Anub’Rekhan but you can just tank locust swarm.
Maexxna but the stun is 4 seconds instead of 10 seconds and she’s tauntable.
Gothik but the adds have the same HP and damage as level 60 while you’re level 80 so you zerg everything down.
Gluth but the zombies do the same damage as level 60 and you’re level 80.
Four Horsemen but with no shield wall, they run themselves into their spots and marks last 25 seconds and do the same damage as level 60 (void zone actually does less at 80 than 60).
Kel’Thuzad but he doesn’t mind control his tank and does grossly undertuned damage.