Release Wrath of the Lich King Now and WOW is Saved

He’s not the typical youtuber and he doesn’t bring bias arguments to his videos. They are actually very genuine. In fact he was someone who started in Cata and that is one of his fav expansions. But he goes over lots of facts like statistics and whatnot… but the biggest reasoning of it all is… story. Wrath wraps up the Arthas story from WC3 and that was huge for many players. So no, features was not his main point that you assumed.

Also you have some impression it seems that you think I hate TBC as you have said about 3 times now I don’t have to play or take a break… I like raiding, got a raid tonight. We might go for 10/10 tonight instead of just SSC today and TK tomorrow. So yeah, another assumption wrong.