Release Spirit button greyed out, can't rez and am stuck in a Delve

I died in the Nightfall Sanctum Delve and the release spirit button is greyed out and says another party member is stuck in combat. I tried the stuck character service, reset my interface, no add-ons are enabled, I restarted the game. Nothing has worked and I can’t play the game at this time because of this. How can I fix this so I can play?

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Remain fully logged out for 15 minutes to allow the instance to reset.

If that fails, open a stuck character ticket to force move it to a GY.


Stuck character ticket.


Thanks, I just put in a ticket with that link. I already tried the stuck character self service and it just put me at the Delve empowered restoration stone but I was still dead with the button grayed out.

Do try staying logged out at least 30 minutes, to let the instance reset

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Still not fixed, same delve on boss ship, can’t release spirit or do anything.

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I logged out for over an hour, opened a ticket no response yet. Logged in after 70 minutes, still stuck :frowning:

7 days later. Now it’s recommended to stay logged out an hour.

There is a newer thread with a X post from CS acknowledging this.


Did this delve today and died on last boss. Was unable to release (Brann was still in combat for a minute) but after a few minutes, the timer appeared. Waited 5 minutes and the release spirit button was enabled and was able to rez without having to log out. An improvement but of course, it would have been better to be release without the delay.

All of that being objectively false aside, submitting tickets is the only way to have a GM intervene.

While the stuck character service is on cooldown, there’s a direct link to the ticket submission form that’ll have them lend a hand. Darthwraith linked it seven posts above yours in this thread.


Would you mind explaining, precisely, what is “objectively false” about anything I said? I ran the character unstuck process, and it teleported my corpse to the recovery point, where it now still sits, dead, and unable to release. No option came up to submit a ticket at any point. I just checked again, and I am still stuck there.

No, not at all!

All of this. The direct contact point was provided a week ago by Darthwraith in the post I mentioned, and the support article they put up 12 hours ago also recommends submitting a ticket if none of the suggested troubleshooting helps. Generally that ticket link is provided on the Character Stuck page while it’s on cooldown, but ONLY in that 8-hour timeframe. You have to attempt the automated service part first.

None of that ticket process is automated, and it’s also considered their quickest response queue because their primary goal is to get you back in-game and playing as fast as possible. Response times vary, usually within 60-90 minutes, but shouldn’t take more than three or four hours.


You are right about those direct links, was finally able to file a ticket that way. I just don’t understand why navigating customer support for something of this nature has to be so convoluted. I still can’t get to that link navigating from the customer support link in game.

Try just moving a random character you don’t play right now.

When that’s successful, close out the tab and re-open and try again. It should be on cooldown for 8 hours and prompt that ticket link. If not, that’s a support site bug report.

I waited between 30 minutes and an hour, however long it took to dungeon spam my prot warrior from 78 to 80, went back to my dead DK and he was zoned out and the delve reset.

I was able to enter again (still bountiful), had to reclear, and killed boss. I think I died to a bug with his AOE damage to begin with because there was no visual representation of how or what I died to, but the log said several million damage from his AOE ability despite me not being near anything and I had done this delve several times previously.

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