Release Mage Tower Statistics

Basically, when he lands is your best time to get the most damage pumped into him. Just be ready to Ironfur up for the 1st annihilate.

This is correct. But honestly if you go ursoc you only need 1 iron fur for first annihilate since you have freebie frenzied regen.

Now hereā€™s my point. If a pro, at the time when it was super difficult to do, did this in 35, how many times would the average person do this? How many would Lazel take on his guardian (assuming he played and knew guardian)? Thereā€™s plenty of posts on these forums from pros saying itā€™s taking them roughly 30 now. How many would someone whos skilled but not
And what I said earlier, is mostly pros were finishing these. Iā€™m going off the idea that the MT is as tough now as it was then.

The optimal way: Kruul shows up, IMMEDIATELY you press: moonfire, sunfire, pot/drum (make a macro), pod, ursoc, mangle, thrash, maul and just alsdhfjadshfalkjdflk as much as you can. For first annihilate maybe one ironfur, but donā€™t worry, frenized regens are very low cooldown for next 30 seconds.

After second annihilate start picking up orbs as needed for your heals. If you see tons of orbs lying around try to start using them so delay his annihilate and so you can pump more deeps. Try to always capture your incap with nether horrors with kruul. Never forget moonfire to be up.

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So many less. Luffa carried so hard and the bosses had way less health than for Prot Paladin.

No one is debating that if they released the stats, it would be far more than 32 average attempts to access and probably far fewer than 135k characters. The total attempt count would probably be down too on account of the more limited player base, even though this thing is now in its 3rd week vs the original that had a few days.

Which is why we may never see actual stats.

So how did that guy do it in just boom chicken form?

Cat form interrupt twisted reflections, lots of disengages, did it in the window where Horrors were stationnary while casting giving him lots of time to setup the orb interrupt, only took 3 Annihilates, lots of pro playing.

What a clown, guardian is one of the easiest lmao, want to know whatā€™s hard? Try havoc or holy priest, they are so tight that it is the most normal thing to inevitably wipe at 5%

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Begone troll.

Millenka is right, though.

The Holy Priest and Havoc challenges are difficult relative to Guardian.


And Guardian is difficult relative to Prot Warrior, VDH, Prot Paladin.

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The only way weā€™ll find out which is harder is if The hard-working office people release the statistics.

honestly not sure why people want these stats so much. They will be inflated anyways from people buying the carries.


I havenā€™t gone in there on my warrior or my DH, but I messed around in the tank challenge in my DK, my paladin, and my Druid.

Druid felt easiest to me imo. Itā€™s the one I ended up clearing the challenge with. Not to say it was easy (took me 80-100 attempts). Iā€™m sure with practice Iā€™d probably get it with the DK. I just donā€™t know if I wanna listen to that RP another 200 times! Hahahaha.

1 million wipes
2 million salty posts
Pop corn sale profits 3 million

Forum entertainment - priceless :+1:


ok since you are being so pedantic: account sharing for the achieves.

Iā€™m not being pedantic so much as recognizing that that is probably not as common as raid or key carries.

Piloted carries in general are pretty rare, since you know, you can get banned for them.

Paladin is definately easier. Pop wings, do damage, bubble annihilates, Horrors donā€™t even cast.

Regardless, inflated stats from buys. And itā€™s probably not as uncommon as you think, since you can just google it and get a bunch of sites advertising successful/happy customers.

No, itā€™s probably even more uncommon than that :slight_smile:

You do realise those sites are scams right ? Like those level 1 Priests in trade selling ā€œAotCā€ the first week when even Method and Limit havenā€™t gotten AotC yetā€¦ And the ā€œhappy customersā€ are sock puppets ?

Just making sureā€¦

If you think mage tower wasnā€™t popular from itā€™s release day to the last day of Legion you are dead wrong.

The difference is back in Legion you could just wait until 7.3 to outgear it and just brute force the challenge doing the bare minimum necessary mechanically.

Timewalking is completely different. Itā€™s not like 7.2 or 7.3 at all. You canā€™t just wait until it gets easier. Certain items scale drastically better than others. I see many videos on youtube of mythic raiders and gladiators barely scraping by in the new mage tower.

I just watched a video of a gladiator, ie. top 0.3 or something percent player, straight up say they were doing less damage than my survival hunter, then they spent 300k gold on crafted gear, and suddenly they are doing 1k dps or more on the challenge and they complete it.

Scaling changed everything. So did removing artifact weapons, the artifact weapon tree, legendaries, the talents we had in legion, itā€™s all different now and it wasnā€™t tested properly to reflect the success rate of legion, it was tested on the turbo nerd min maxers who could beat it in the 24 hours it was up on ptr, then they made it even harder after that.

The timewalking mage tower is a testament to the fall of WoW over the last five years and the shift from an overall amazing expansion like Legion to the dumpster fire state the game is in now where people are mass quitting, alliance players are left to die, and less people than ever are completing end game content like heroic/mythic raiding.