Release Mage Tower Statistics

Crusader enchants worth putting on still?


20-25% dps boost + you canā€™t die.

Strength only though.

Wasnā€™t it 1k ?

So as a guardian druid crusader enchants are useless?

Yes. You need more dps not the ability to not die - bear only gets the healing but not the dps boost.

Idr tbh.
I just checked a quick youtube video it showed 100, but cost might go up with each loss.

Can I stay in Boom Chicken form? I seen a guy do it on YouTube but I donā€™t know how the hell he pulled that off

Could be 100 then. I sure donā€™t remember it changing per failure.

Donā€™t do that lol. I open up with starsurge into sunfire before I go bear and pop everything. The advice to funnel all your rage into maul is solid though. Ironfur is somewhat wasteful imo. Obviously you need to use frenzied regen sometimes though.

Useless from a damage perspective as your spec doesnā€™t benefit from strength.

I think youā€™ll still benefit from the heal, though, but Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s worth losing the damage.

I liked moonkin form for p1

Potion before talking to the NPC that ports you into the instance (60s potion) so youā€™re left with 20-25s when the RP is ending, heart, starsurge, dots up, knock the heal with tyhpoon, do some damage until the adds spawn, sunfire them, bear to thrash, then back to moonkin

Then Iā€™d go back moonkin whenever I had the chance and got through phase 1 with only a single infernal

I canā€™t find solid info anymore on google. So itā€™s completely possible few people were running hundred attempts. Especially if they were butting heads for a week straight

I like to see that dude set up that went full boom chicken the whole encounter. So I know itā€™s possible.

Weā€™re using all my rage up for maulā€¦ I didnā€™t give it a try but Iā€™ve always had to use my rage for defensives.

Youā€™re saying youā€™re only surviving 3 annihilates though so why? If youā€™re using Survival Instincts on Annihilate 2 and Annihilate 3, what exactly is killing you? Are you taking damage from the Nethers casting or something? Are they living too long or something?

crazy, cause my 210ilv druid cleared it as soon as I understood how to survive against Kruul. Use an unbridled fury, pop incarn, maintain moonfire, get your stacks of thrash and mangle away. Nothing else to it. If you use consumables and are dying to Kruul, itā€™s simply because you are misplaying at some point. Not the challenges fault. Itā€™s not meant to be a walk in the park.

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Itā€™s the 3rd and 4th annihilates that kill me.

Iā€™ll pop berserk to help with the annihilates.

Maybe Iā€™m messing up my timing and going into berserk

How are you handling the annihilates?

Found the Lazel kill vid, he says 35 attempts. Heā€™s literally the only Prot Paladin that managed it the first week :

Iā€™m guessing attempt counts were much lower on account of not being free back then.

Annihilation 1: Ironfur as much as you can, 2x is normally fine.
Annihilation 2: Ironfur + Barkskin
Annihilation 3: Ironfur + Survival Instincts
Annihilation 4: Ironfur + Barkskin +Survival Instincts

Always iron fur as much as you can before he hits you. You can also delay his cast by grabbing an orb. You dont need to spend rage on maul. At least I didnt.


You should pop Berserk going into P2 with Drums and pot.

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Then open up with moon fire and start spamming thrash?