Release Mage Tower Statistics

Correct, but that goes along with my point. People did wait to outgear, which would hinder the success rate, and popularity of doing it, since they stopped trying, wouldn’t you agree? Hence the problem with the statistic. But besides that, the MT is packed every single day currently. It has been since release. Even dead night at 3 am is has about 20 people at my shards going at it. Only time MT was like they in legion was towards the end of the expansion.

Sounds to me like you can outgear it. So do you want it to be outgeared or not? I don’t understand your point.

People keep saying this, but some of your CDs have been tuned for it. Unholy’s army of dead is 4 min instead of 8, for example. And Blizz said they’re normalizing the fights to function without tiers or borrowed power, so other abilities are also inline with this. Given that every single fight has already been completed in shadowlands gear and no consumables, Blizz has not lied. It’s more or less tuned correctly, just not in the way you want.

You keep mentioning success rates, but which ones? What’s your proof? What do you want it to be looked for?
The infographic can be interpreted in several ways. There have been several threads, and one yesterday, where people said on average it took them 30 runs to complete with current MT. In legion, first week, people could have ran but quit, and only elites would have succeeded, hence the 32 average runs. It could also be many many runs, but they lower the stat by taking much less runs on their alts. Remember it only talked about characters, not players. And it was average run to success, it shows nothing of how many people tried and quit.
Just take the numbers i mentioned earlier. At 15.2m runs and 134k successes, that’s 113 runs per character. But average is 32. You have to account for 1) people doing the on their alts lowering the number 2) people who tried and quit. If those who cleared it only did it in 32, how many did others before they quit? Hundreds, easily.
So you have no actual proof it’s harder now.

Druids totally not easier lol

No different than any other stat in wow. I think it’d still be interesting to see myself.

If you look it up, RWT sites are charging more for bear than an expac (and $200+ for the book) so…yeah…people are def buying caries

First time since I started playing in like…2007ish that I’ve even considered buying a boost of any sort, I’m kinda disappointed I even considered it, but to paranoid to ever do it especially when I have the authenticator set up and a very specific IRL location that has been used for the past…8 or 9 years when logging in?

I wouldn’t do that, not worth the risk imo.

Probably the only safe way to get a Mage Tower “carry” would be to find someone that plays WoW in your local community/neighborhood and then have them physically come over to your house and physically sit at your chair and do it for you on the spot :laughing:

Like I said, I’m to paranoid to do it doubly so because of the authenticator, but the fact of the mater that I even considered it is what’s truly upset me about the Mage Tower as it’s that inneproachable by me and I’d think I’m a pretty decent player (silver in both heals and dps and bronze in tank from proving grounds)

…alright alright, I just gotta ask: how many wipes so far?

Must be pretty bad to actually have considered going the RMT route :laughing:


I lost count myself

I said “Paladin is easier” you say “Druid is not easier”.

Looks to me we’re saying the same thing.

Just because it’s advertised for sale doesn’t mean people are actually buying it or does that do are actually getting their bear from it.

Scams are scams. Those same sites sell AotC week 1, before anyone has killed the last boss. I’ll let you guess if you actually get AotC out of it, or just lose your money.

I stopped after hours and hours putting into that :frowning: .Didnt had the dbm so dont know count but i just installed dbm and im gonna try next week maybe some nerfs come then :slight_smile:

I gave up after only clearing phase one, once, in 132 attempts

And on that clear as the Inquis was dying an infernal spawned in right atop Velen and basically gibbed him :clown_face:

Notable bugs I encountered
-Eyes in terrain
-Eyes spawning on the edges of the platform without punting Inquis
-Inquis being immune to ring out, meaning we can’t kill him the same way we can die to mechanics (I tried this a few times but it wouldn’t let him leave the platform so…)
-Velen deciding to try and melee the inquis for some reason
-Velen just sayin “F this S I’m out” and pathing the wrong way at the start, causing him to fall and die resulting in a whipe even before the Inquis was targetable
-Infernals slams not being in the marked area (sometimes less than it, sometimes more than it both in length and width)
-Drain Life, Eye Spawn, Netherspawn all happening simultaneously (this might not be a bug but just a bad rng potential)
-Infernals ‘breaking’ and casting slam on a .5s cast time, and on occasion, even repeatedly slamming back to back from a single one
-Netherspawn that were interupted after getting a tick of their storm instantly recasting the storm
-Velen’s orbs cleansing all enemies of dots (this is a 100% of the time thing too, and just…stupid with the fact that the vast majority of bear damage is in dots)

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