Release Mage Tower Statistics

Yes, it’s intentionally non-trivial, and that’s a good thing.

I’m (for the most part) super happy with how the Mage Tower returned, and I’m hoping that they do something similar with Mists of Pandaria and Warlords of Draenor challenge mode dungeons eventually.


Something doesn’t have to be ‘trivial’ to not be frustrating

30-40 pulls: not trivial

50-60 pulls: your on thin ice to being frustrating

100+ pulls: why design it like this?


These seem pretty arbitrary.

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From what I can gather they’ve been riding the token, boost, store sales wave for the last couple of years.

The quarterly reports say it’s working, but I still question how long it will last.

Even whales move on after they get full. It seems like Blizzard is hanging their hat on that revenue stream. Only time will tell if it was the right decision.

So, you like to make 50, or more, attempts at something to be able to get through it? I know mythic raid guilds that won’t make that many attempts on a single boss before going back to the drawing board entirely, and that’s for content that doesn’t have a hard timer on completion.

Have you tried this?

I’d sit around and spitball how I could better approach a challenge between attempts or sessions.

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Oh I did that as best I could, I’ve watch the guides, farmed out some of the old gear with sockets, enchants, potions etc

Still can’t do more than 4-5 attempts at a time, stopped even launching wow after I hit 132 with only a single p1 clear by that point, where Velen died before Kruul ‘spawned in’ because an infernal dropped right atop his head.

In all my runs I didn’t get through a single one with out SOME sort of bug happening, like eyes in terrain, infernals just freaking out, nethers chain casting the storm spell, etc. Since I stopped I’ve not even launched wow (and that was last wednesday) because I’m just…burnt out on it. First new, shiny, exciting thing is added in ages (doubly so for bears) and it’s in such a frustrating state that it’s not worth it and just reminds me of why I left at the start of legion when I used to main resto sham (cause they decided resto sham kit needed a full rework with parts of the, til then, core kit being moved to pvp only talents)

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Yeah, the majority of people just didn’t do it for over a year until the new patch was out, and they had access to a higher tier of gear.

I think at this point, it’s pretty clear that the trend in users going down, any increase in revenue through alternative means is mostly controlling the death spiral. They need to turn it around by shipping something new and exciting or revitalizing something they have.

Remakes of old popular games isn’t keeping the boat afloat, especially when they’re well received like Warcraft 3.

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Timewalking CMs returning would be absolutely sick.

Maybe for the MoP ones they they can do garrosh heirloom recolours and the wod ones could be Shattrath themed class sets since we never got that raid. :frowning:

That’s one change I feel they should definitely make: Have it up all the time, regardless of if proper Timewalking is up or not.

Im thinking highest number of clears, highest number of fails, highest engagement, but when you look at it as a percent compared to others it’s going to be behind some of the easy ones, but ahead of some of the hard ones.

Better change : Just have Timewalking up all the time. And shorten the rotations.

Week 1 : TBC + Cata
Week 2 : WotLK + MoP
Week 3 : WoD
Week 4 : Legion

Mage Tower : 100%

Ulduar up WotLK week
BT up TBC week.

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I’ll be honest here: The DPS check is tight on Retribution, unless you’re in crazy optimized gear. The incoming damage can also be rough. But the thing that killed me almost exclusively was the absolutely horrible hit detection. I got killed by “dark wings” flying across the screen and “hitting” me, even though it looked like I was safe so many times. And I also had a few times I was literally stomping on a rune and it didn’t disable it, causing it to explode. One I was even running back and forth on it for a good two seconds before it exploded, making me so angry at it.

I only completed the challenge out of pure hate and rage. It was 0 fun. It also made me wonder if people with better connections to the server have found it to be “easier” because of this.


Yeah the valkyr angle was annoying both times I did it (Legion and recently). I tried to figure out how to reliably gauge the angle, but you just have to get as close as possible to it.

Yup. I did the same. The circular room gives some weird angles and makes it harder to judge where the safe gap is. Problem I kept having was that I was in what looked like a safe spot and the Val’kyr would fly by and not look like they hit me, but the game would say “Oh, you got hit!” anyhow, and I’d get one shot.

Thing is, I notice a lot of hitbox detection issues in many different Blizzard games, from WoW to Overwatch and Diablo III. Blizzard seems to be the only developer that I’ve played games from that make me angry at things hitting me that look like they shouldn’t have hit. Now, I’m sure there are other games like this out there, but Blizzard really stands out for me.

Dude, I feel you. I’m too embarrassed to tell anyone how many times I tried it. Started doing it out of rage around attempt 150.

Ah that’s cool to see! I like seeing the statistics. I didn’t Guardian was too bad back when it came out but feral I couldn’t do until they did that hard buff to Ferals. Then it was really easy.

Then you’re doing something wrong and you need to improve yourself somewhere.

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Here’s what blizzard said when they announced the timewalking mage tower:
“While the Challenges were considered quite difficult for most of Legion, we’re tuning the encounters in Timewalking to normalize player power, with the intention of providing a meaningful level of difficulty to current players.”

Wouldn’t be that odd to assume it would be around as hard as it was in 7.3 or 7.2.

In 7.2 the average number of attempts for a clear was 32. I can only guess it was even easier in 7.3 with even better gear and all the legendaries available so you could use the best ones.

Now look at timewalking mage tower. They aren’t even comparable. Many experienced players who are by no means bad at this game spent 10-12 hours of just non-stop wiping to clear the timewalking version. Far beyond 32 attempt average. More like 90 to 100 attempt average, and those were the GOOD players who got their challenge done in the first week.

You can’t honestly say that the timewalking version is anything that they told us it would be. It’s way more difficult than it was in 7.2 and 7.3 and it definitely did not feel “normalized” at all when it came out. I immediately saw a difference when I took off my shadowlands gear for BfA gear. And then I finally got my guardian challenge done easily once I had farmed out a set of legion raid gear, with good trinkets, gems, and watched videos on what the “meta” strat was to do it.

Nothing like the legion experience at all. Didn’t have to do nearly as much back then. Just get my legendaries, get some basic 7.3 gear which you probably already had for alts if you played them doing world quests and weeklies in argus, cause alts were very common back then, and just get your mage tower done it wasn’t nearly as hard back then.