Release Mage Tower Statistics

I think the thing that bugs me is that its the worst of all worlds. The mage tower is unquestionably harder then it was for most of legion, but the reward structure is built to just do the easiest challenge on your class and never go in again. Like at the current tuning there would have been nothing wrong with throwing in the weapon unlock too, it would devalue nothing.


But Iā€™d love to see stats on how many attempts average is sitting at. Especially to compare it to other tank specsā€¦IDK. For all I know, weā€™re a bunch of adults wearing diapers here crying our eyes outā€¦

Prot Paladin is pretty fair now since the 10% health nerf.

Thatā€™s a fun little infographic.

I hope that they make another one for the current event.

Maybe for total number of clears, but Iā€™m willing to bet itā€™s got one of the lowest percentages of clears for the amount of attempts

See no evil, hear no evil.

My geared alts say otherwise. They arenā€™t cranking out enough DPS in tank spec to defeat Kruul.

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Showing proof removes the illusion :slight_smile:
Now why would blizz do that ! :hot_face:

There are lots of helpful guides for learning your rotation.

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32 average attempts to clear a mage tower challenge in 7.2 compared to what we have now is so ridiculous lol.

All these people claiming itā€™s not any harder than it was in Legion are so full of it.

Nobody had to go farm old content and make old consumables and enchants to do mage tower either so this is just multiple layers of fail from the devs.


The tank challenges were difficult during Legion, too. Possibly the most difficult (although the healer challenge was also a struggle, mostly due to how stupid the NPCā€™s were).


pretty sure the prot paladin challenge was considered the hardest one in legion.

healers had it rough too but I remember it was a struggle for me to get that prot paladin challenge done.

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I remember the Prot Paladin version of the boss had twice as much health as the same boss in the other tank versions, just because of Protā€™s higher DPS.

I donā€™t recall it being particularly difficult.

Aside from not having an ā€œoopsieā€ button if you got knocked.

that and they did very little damage back then so they were the only tank that didnā€™t have any way to recover from a knockback and they had like the worst damage of all tanks too.

To be fair, I think it might be true, as itā€™s most difficult but has possibly the best reward especially for those who havnt done the original mage tower I know a lot of people who literally grinder out just Guardian Druid for the Fel bear form.

From their feedback I hear it was hell though, some people 50+ attempts, most over 100+ attempts.

Those numbers would be the closest thing to actual subs theyā€™ve released in a very long time. Rough guesstimates would tell more about the real story than they want us, or the investors to know.

I know weā€™d all love the info, but I doubt weā€™ll get it.

I put it in another thread today where a guy was claiming people were doomsayers, Blizzard has been bleeding users for 3 years straight. Across all their titles, not just World of Warcraft.

Itā€™s literally in their financials. When they report Monthly Active Users. Less and less people are monthly active users of Blizzard games.


some classes and their specs have a much higher skill cap than others - statistics never tell the entire story. especially when it comes to roles that fewer players indulge in - like tanking. i would expect those numbers to be lower.

reminds me of when players tried to apply the same logic to class balance and dps meters - thereā€™s a lot more to it.

Considering some one tweeted bliz about getting it in like 90 pulls and bliz strait up said they were ā€˜eliteā€™ for doing it in less than 100ā€¦yeahā€¦bliz intended this to be overly frustrating for people from the start

Hereā€™s your proof by the way ā€œSub 100 pulls? Elite statusā€