Relax RDF will be here

I don’t know if literal addictions are a fair comparison. Unless your argument is that people get addicted to convenience. Which means we need to undo most of modern history if that’s the case.

Perhaps, but is that the case here?

Classic Vanilla? Sure. Classic Wrath? Debatable.

While school does this, it’s not the main function of school. It’s just a side benefit. Also, people tend to default to their high school or college friends more because it simply becomes so much harder to make friends as you get older. After college, you don’t have large blocks of free time around mostly the same people anymore.

Not really. It was simply a way to get business done.

Of course. That’s all any of this is.

well yes it kind of is. look at why people drink for example it is a escape from reality for them. this is why majority play video games for the escape from reality. gambling they think they will hit it big one day and will get that car / item they want when you loot a boss it is a gamble will the item drop. so that applies here to. as for smoking i dont know about your country but mine has pictures of people and body parts with disease as a result from smoking.

gaming itself is a addiction. google wow addiction. but that is a different argument.

i feel it is yes, i do not mean this in a bad way at all but you are not really a good fit for this version of the game. because you are shy and do not want to talk to others you want to do you and only play with others if you really have to i’m guessing. that is fine but can you see why this might be a issue for a game that trying to grow and trying to get people to talk to each other and others about the game. they need more social people for growing the game so more people like you can just see a group going in chat by the social people and join said groups, as i said i mean no offence at all but it just seems logical to focus on the social audience rather then the unsocial ones would it not?

by not allowing this to form naturally people will just stop doing it naturally

i’m glad you caught on to that. i would say RDF would be more like getting home schooled yes you complete your studies and get what you need/want but there is no opportunity to meet people. while you was at school you meet people overcome a hard test a bully what ever point is the bonds generally formed over mutual obligations and had the time to talk to these people bonds was formed.

you mentioned as you got old it was harder to meet people because you had less time. that is exactly the same as join a RDF you did not spend time with them summoning group at all you got in there got the job done and left. same as in college do you feel if you had more time would have meet more people ?.

I didn’t know using RDF was classified by the AMA as an addictive disease. I was unaware that people actually experienced physical withdrawals when they stopped using RDF, up to and including convulsions and delirium.

Thank you for your informed and completely relevant information.

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please understand that was extreme point to get it across it is not as simple when it comes to human nature.
your proving my point here? you are showing these symptoms you mad cause your not getting it? using any kind of rational to try and pick apart what i’m saying.

these are all things a gambler would do to try and convince others why gambling is fine.

I refuse to play Wrath without RDF. I deleted all my characters above 15 and gave money to low alts. Everything is 15 or less now. If they do have RDF, I will come back. If they never do RDF, I will play retail.

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It was irrelevant. There is no physical reaction to using RDF. Our brains don’t release dopamine whenever we press that find dungeon button, no more than when we use our dishwasher. Our “human nature” in the case of RDF is simply a cost-benefit analysis, just like when we use our dishwasher. There is no physical change at all.

Compulsive gambling is a disorder.

It’s a common misconception that because they’re not coming down from the chemical high of substance use that they wouldn’t suffer the same after-effects. To understand gambling withdrawal, you’ll need to understand the role of [brain chemistry and dopamine in gambling addiction.

You may get frustrated or even angry when your dishwasher breaks down, as you would when anything routine and fairly simple suddenly becomes tedious. These are emotional responses and have nothing to do with physical responses. Mainly because you don’t produce dopamine when pressing that button. Same with other daily conveniences we engage in. Same with RDF.

Stop trying to compare RDF with self destructive behavior. It isn’t. RDF doesn’t change our brain chemistry and suddenly turn us into anti-social, nasty ninjas. And that is the comparison you’re trying to make.

what is your rush enjoy the game ?

do you not get excited when the que pops? waited 10 minutes like come on gooo then bam que pops dopamine hit, you can finally do the dungeon.

I actually do want to enjoy the game. LFG is a means to actually do content. It’s not content itself.

Uh, no. I actually think to myself that I’ll have to hearth after the dungeon and then fly out again to where I was.

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what do you mean RDF drops you back to where you was when you entered?

I thought you were talking about being invited to LFG. But no, I don’t get a rush or a thrill when my dungeon or BG or w/e pops. I’m happy about it, sure, but please don’t try to insinuate there’s any kind of dopamine release.

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denial another sign/symptom of addiction. you have become so desensitize to it you dont even know how to enjoy the little things anymore. may i ask how long you have played wow?

Ok I’m done. You’re making light of how traumatic addictions are. It destroys families, people’s health and often costs lives.

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im using real life examples. yes they are a bit extreme but are relevant to why blizzard specifically said “we know its addictive.”

Proof that these devs are complete morons.

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please do some research on the matter. this one more so


No one said games can’t be addictive. What I said is RDF is not. It’s no more addictive than dual spec, or 30 minute hearth or equipment manager. I have no desire to engage with people this dishonest.

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Just because we aren’t spamming general chat with give us RDF or using LFG, doesn’t mean we don’t want the tool. Struggling to find groups isn’t fun. Spare me the ‘I get groups in seconds 24hrs a day’ bs because that’s what that is - BS.

Yeah people don’t complain about the game in game. They only complain on the forums.

but it is it allows you to play the game more feeding that addiction.

Game addiction isn’t a thing really.