yea, takes so little skill to achieve apparently not something you can do.
At the very best we enter a situation where SnD is used more like CT where you apply it when possible in ST, but unlike CT it still wouldnt be used in aoe.
This actually makes me think of something else. I would literally rather press CT in single target than press SnD. It actually gave Sin some cleave potential while keeping it ST focused back in BfA.
Nice to see you still monitor my raid logs.
Being one of the biggest mouth on here, with the kind of comments you make, its quite entertaining.
rbg is basically pve, how come you dont have one.
I might be a loud mouth but i don’t lie. You needa read logs better
You’re mistaking the context of being “useless”. It’s useless in that it doesn’t further your rotation, or reward active damage. It’s a maintenance button with a heavy cost occurrence that could be passive. Having to actively “use” rupture, and/or Slice&Dice, and/or RTB is “useless”.
What? Rogues suffer from more button bloat than literally every other class in game. Non-subjectively, this has been metered/measured out.
Again… S&D, Rupture, and RTB going passive/auto-active/CTTC doesn’t “prune” anything. You would still get the effect. Quit using buzz-words trying to validate your point.
Nor would automatically updating Sinister Strike to Ambush with Opportunity specs. Nor would a rework that automatically applied Blunder to Eviscerate. Nor would BF being a toggle, and/or - gasp - rogue wide? ANARCHY!
Nor would poisons being permanent. Nor would Vanish being fixed after 20 years. Nor would an actual viable healing option
In fact, I’m arguing for the opposite; Rogues need a new button; a group buff.
I’ve been repeated/public about it. I’ve got 7 Rogue gladiator titles, at-content full gold CM (armor+weapons), 3 The Elite Rogue seasons, DF S1 gladiator mount as Rogue, I raided CE as Rogue in every expansion until SL. Shadowlands was the death of Rogue due to Echoing Rep/Flagellation being both horrible and unfun to play; with Sepsis / SBS being suboptimal.
Not to call you out, but you misrepresented Rogue history, Rogue rotation, button bloat numbers, rogue skill sets, and basically 20 years of Rogue gameplay with your post. I’m curious if you’ve ever even played Rogue.
I can agree with about 90% of what you said, other than ambush/sinister and blunder/eviscerate Imo (note, opinion) those are done on purpose. Not really sure what you mean by viable healing option unless you mean crimson vial which if that’s the case I hate the fact warriors and rogues can heal at all.
Your last statement is a bunch of rambling because you felt hit by the “not trying to call you out” part. I never said anything to downgrade your experience as a rogue; it was a simple question. Immature people tend to get mad when you ask their experience on a topic; immediately assuming it was to downplay their opinion.
Mentioning rupture activating passively is looool though. So what your saying is you wanna press mutilate, shiv, envenom, damage cds and call it a day? Just remove all dots from sin and let sub be the bleed spec then and sin can just be instant nature damage spec.
It’s not a matter of “what you think it should be” - it’s a reality that the game exists within a capacity/window, and performance is based on that window. When other classes have access to incredibly powerful instant self heals with short cooldowns but you don’t - you’re less viable.
Made up.
Asks inflammatory question, gets responded in inflammatory way, gets inflamed.
You asked a baited question with a tongue-in-cheek implication of “PSCHT, WEHELL ACHUCKTHUALLY” tacked onto it - but don’t have experience to validate any of it.
What? This is exactly what you’re doing. Heavy projection.
Yeah, you’re right, Rogues having 3 maintenance buttons before they can begin their active damage rotation is intelligent design. Just curious, though, what other class has to invest 6-14 GCD’s into their maintenance before they’re allowed to start their standard rotation?
Who are you again?
Ha, you pulled the ole i’m glue your rubber. And no, just because a class can heal in a disadvantaged window doesn’t mean every class should; there’s other ways around it.
Back to the “this has it, I need it” argument.
It’s more of a, “This is the measure in which viability is metered around. I am up against this as my direct composition for invitations, viability, and utilization. I have got to be able to compete equally, or I am not the viable choice.” - as damage is not a viable option for us, nor is aoe, nor is aoe cc, nor is buffing, nor is utility… What would be our viable option?
You’re a weird guy, I can’t be bothered to keep up with your constant edits to add in quips/snide comments after I’ve already replied to you… So this will be my last one.
Lol crimson vial is not stopping you from getting invites.
“Rework” aka how can we move around the same abilities you’ve been playing with since legion on our “talent tree”
Unholy DK also suffers from excessive GCds to get damage rolling
The hell is Blunder?
I think he meant between the eyes. I just went with it.
Blunderbuss was a legion artifact ability that changed your next Pistol Shot into Blunderbuss, causing significant damage upgrade.
It was removed/antiquated in the namesake of Fan The Hammer + Greenskin’s Wickers + Opportunity.
Problem is, it ended up being more clunky than it needed to be. Now there’s 3 steps to go through to get what would’ve surmounted to one-and-done.
When in reality, they could’ve just changed Eviscerate to automatically proc Blunderbuss, and skipped the entire step instead of recreating then gutting then changing then gutting. It would’ve been a much better option than Greenskin’s Wickers.
If Outlaw is getting nothing more than a shuffle of what is already there, then it will not fix the spec.
I see you guys are mostly arguing about Sin, I have not played Sin since it was called mutilate. and wont. So i dont even know if Sin is bloated or not. To me the spec is nothing but maintenance, if i wanted that, id play a warlock.
And arguing about SnD. I get the hate that maintenance is boring. It is. But SnD is a buff that you take with you to all targets you switch to. Like RtB (which people also seem to hate) But SnD is a good buff.
Far better than the stupid short debuffs that Outlaw currently deals with. BtE/GS for example. Personally, i hate what they did to BtE, i loved it as Utility and hate it as Rotation. (man oh man, i miss that ranged stun)
If SnD gets removed Blizz will do what Blizz typically does and replace it with yet another button. Blizz tries to get all fancy with their bs and it usually makes things worse.
I would gladly give up SnD to reduce the bloat of Outlaw, but it wouldnt be my first choice.
How about starting with some better capstones. I dont have much faith in this dev, this is the guy that though ER would be a great capstone for the common tree. (the SL abilities should have been flavor, not forced) and a 7 minute CD in outlaw tree(so what if its reduced by RB, still a dumb idea) or a stealth proc that doesnt change the stance bar, another dumb idea.
Sub does have its fun moments and flows pretty well, although it does have weird modifier issues making it a one trick pony, but at least the spec isnt a bloated mess.
I really miss my Thunderfurys, but as it stands right now, Outlaw is the least amount of fun ive had as a rogue in the entirety of the game. and that is not hyperbole.
Just having blade flurry reverted to it’s WoD state where it taxed a bit of your energy regen but was out of the gcd and a toogle would do wonders for the spec in my opinion.
Cut to the Chase would also be a step forward.
They should get rid of Shadowstep and Shadow Dance also, doesn’t fit the spec in the slightest and just bloat the spec. Hook is vastly superior to Shadowstep anyways. Just make those two baseline for Sin and Sub, while having the Hook baseline for Outlaw.
Having too many buffs for Pistol Shot and having BtE is also something i heavily dislike, feels like i’m playing Hunter LoL. Just make it utility, a stun perhaps? Our version of Shuriken/PK?
Also RtB should top damage meters in all situations when you got all the buffs, otherwise what’s the point of rolling a buff roulette?