Rejoice! Rework is slated for 10.2!

You contradicted yourself with that last one and now you have nothing left but insults because you’re mad you aren’t right.

Slice mechanics is pretty much rupture mechanics but you aren’t complaining about that.

Now if you said slice doesn’t really fit the spec because it isn’t a poison or bleed, and makes more sense for outlaw, then you’d have an arguing point.

Your arguing point is literally “I don’t like pressing it, waaah” when not one person complained about having to use rupture. (literally the same mechanics as slice lmao)

Sin is literally a ramp up spec, it totaly belongs as a valid keypress; not only, it’s literally one of rogues most iconic pve mechanics since, idk, 2004?


Except i didn’t. You just choose to ignore every argument against SnD in favor of boiling them down to “i dont like to press the button”.


You’re wasting your time. The person you’re arguing with is on my and many people’s ignore list for a reason. They don’t even play sin to begin with. They constantly contradict themselves and are actual toxic trolls.

I understand that you want one less thing to ramp as sin. Cool. However things like that is what keeps the specs diverse. Removing one more thing that sin has to ramp allows it to target swap better than it did before, therefore removing subs/outlaw ability to ramp less, and be better on fights that it should be good at. (target swapping, cleaving, etc) So by removing slice it would only further homogenize specs; Eventually your spec is just going to be “i like yellow rogue better than purple” if the game continues down this path.

In my opinion, Sin should be superior on patchwerk(has time to ramp, fight lacks aoe, fight lacks target swapping) while outlaw should shine on non-patchwerk fights(cleave, target swaps, Adds with low hp. Good at fights under 30 seconds), and sub should shine on funneling high damage in short moments.

This is, however all opinion on my side.

Btw I am all for cut to the chase(because it still requires ramping and the threat of it dropping); I just don’t like giving an already simple spec more simplicity for the sake of just making it easier to play. However, if slice was removed, there needs to be something added to the spec so it isn’t just a fury warrior with 1 bleed to track.

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There are ways to make the specs more thematic without adding unnecessary abilities people generally dislike. Ive already suggested a ton of ideas for Sin in particular and a few for Sub. SnD removal is just one of those ideas.


I understand why people usually go for the SnD-Rupture comparison. It’s pretty low-hanging fruit if your criteria for a solid argument is that both abilities are single actions that very basically translate into damage.

I made a funny point against something similar elsewhere, that critics/trolls would be out the window defending the need to open the game menu to toggle a checkbox mid-fight as reasonable gameplay design if doing so somehow translated into +5% damage for thirty seconds. “It’s all damage! Open the menu! Stop complaining!” – uh, sure…?

Rupture is still damage when we’re off-boss. It limits resets for stealth classes. Its damage bypasses armor. It kicks back energy. We have to make smart decisions about where it goes in multi-target situations. Dunno, dude. For such a simple ability, it’s got a lot going on by comparison. There’s surely a line for what constitutes rewarding feedback design somewhere. SnD is pretty obviously over that line.


I agree that Cut to the Chase should be baseline for all specs, that little talent just made me happy.


I love how many people are shaking the cup begging for the bare minimum of buff-based-porridge.

Like please sir, may I have a quality of life? May I… not… maintain a useless 20-30 second buff/debuff across all 3 specs for no reason, while simultaneously doing dead last dps in all content?

Like Tiny Tim of the rogue world


Rogues need some kind of AoE protection in PvP, specifically against AoE that hits one target and then spreads to other targets. It’s absolutely trash gameplay being randomly uncovered because some guy 20 yards got hit by an AoE and then it spreads and uncovers me.

The only AoE that should uncover us are melee range AoEs (from both casters and melee toons) and the AoE that requires a ground target. Everything else should be 100% avoidable.


Slice was supposed to also increase energy regen on fights you could auto. Was supposed to increase poison proc rate. These interactions was the knob that blizz could turn when rogue pve dps was too low without overbuffing rogues in pvp. That was literally the purpose of slice. This is what made haste valuable in pve and not so valuable in pvp. Now I understand it’s a different year and changes happened, but honestly, the spec needs a soft rework because, you know blizz doesn’t understand half the changes they make over the years.

If you wanna dump slice then we need to rework the spec as a whole.


If it’s useless, why even use it then? Being last in dps doesn’t really have anything to do with slice. QOL is nice for some things, but like I said, the spec has barely changed since wrath (oh wow, we got some cool aoe interactions now + big dam cds) and honestly pruning something from the rotation is pushing it further into 2 button rotation territory. I mean, unless that’s what you guys enjoy.

I’m all for pruning it if the spec receives some kind of change to make the spec more interesting. It’s kind of a weird situation when you log in your character and an ability is removed from your bar for the sake of making the spec easier when in general, most people expect to see new toys and abilities on their bar as their character ages in wow.

Not trying to call you out or anything but I’m curious to how often you’ve played all 3 rogue specs over years to understand the purposes of such designs.

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Pressing a button only once does not constitute “ramp up”. There is no threat of SnD falling off. You press it once at the pull and never think about it again. If you are worrying about SnD falling off, you’re doing something wrong and should reevaluate your rotation.


Umm, it is a ramp in the fact you have to spend 2 finishers before you start pumping envenoms. Yes modern slice has a ridiculous duration and the way tanks hyperpull nowadays diminishes that it could fall off. Previous iterations of slice and style of dungeons and raid definitely had the threat of slice falling off; which gave way for the other 2 specs to shine in a niche.

Removing slice means 1 finisher before you can pump envenoms, so yea, that’s less ramping. Sin is literally melee affliction, now if affliction could just press 1 global and the target be full dotted and never having to maintain the dots, does that even make sense from a gameplay standpoint? Would their even be reason to play the other specs if none of the specs need a ramp? Their is a whole point to ramping specs, the whole reason why dots are supposed to deal more damage per global than non dots. If that was the case then either non-dots would be useless or dots would be useless. With ramping, their is meaning to both non-dot and dot abilities. Yes slice isnt directly a DOT, but it basically functions the same as, deal less now, deal more later.

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When I open on a boss, SnD is the 2nd button I press and never press it again during the fight. The ONLY way to have less ramp up is to not press it at all. Which takes us back the argument for making it a passive ability.

And slice deals more damage than an envenom would correct? Imagine if lock just pressed their dots 1 time and spammed non-dots to refresh them the entire fight? It would make absolutely no sense as a “dot spec”

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SnD doesn’t do damage. It’s a player buff that enhances the player’s ability to do more damage.

Assassination’s DoT damage comes from bleeds and poisons.

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OH I had no clue :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Slice and Dice - Spell - World of Warcraft (

You gotta be kidding me right now, it was sarcasm.

Just gonna sum this up as pve brain wanting their spec to do everything instead of it being specialized in it’s purposeful niche and lack of dev’s understanding their own game and creating this massive homogenization that just gets worse every year.


That was your question. I was answering it.