Rejoice Alliance! Man'ari Eredar are coming!

Least they don’t expect you to burn a race change on these.

I am holding out for a mermaid version with the lavender to seafoam coloring. Or perhaps a nice plaid.


Heres what the lore will be: one day a bunch of void elves thought itd be cool to fight like a paladin but using void. The end.

You’re probably right but I’m still holding out hope they do something to make it make sense.

So I heard. :frowning:

And it seems silly, since the explaination fit so well, what with Kul’tirans being so big overall (seriously, they’re tall).

I do wonder if maybe that was the intention but something wound up delaying the Man’ari customizations.

Their release so close to each other is pretty suspicious

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this i agree with . Esp with LFD if they aren’t going to put more options into them then they could’ve just given those options to normal draeani entirely .

I’m so glad we’re getting Man’ri. She could have added it just like that, but it’s much better to tie it into a questline. But when I look at them like this, they look kind of weird. Because the skin tones we get don’t look like the originals in Legion.

I don’t want to complain, I want to be happy. But I’m a little scared that we’ll only get cheap versions that don’t look as cool as the originals. I want to be positive and wait and hope for more to come. Especially the Fel options on hands, hooves, horns and glowing green eyes.

Do you speak about these ones?



Honestly, I’d kill for a glyph that makes holy spells have purple/violet coloration. It’d make for a cool ‘void knight’ aesthetic. It worked awesome for the warlock’s green fire.

That would be cool or maybe hiding the void visuals? I dunno.

It’ll be interesting to see what they end up doing.


Congrats to you guys!

Those skin options look pretty damn cool.


Should’ve been a Horde Allied Race imo, red has no place in the Alliance :rage:

Players: “Draenei Warlocks makes ZERO sense! Lightforged Warlocks are even worse!! WTF Blizzard?!?!”

Blizzard: “EL OH EL You think you’re mad now?”

Blizzard: *adds Man’ari Eredar Paladins and Priests in the next patch*


thing is they consider being able to make your VE look like a BE to be giving players high elves. Sad to say but Blizz looks for every chance to save money if they can it seems of late. I mean hey some worgen players been asking for optional tails and what does Blizz do they give them more fur colors and make the new race crack jokes at their expense. The fact draenei getting man’ari customization just means Blizz likes the space goats more than the worgen and that’s depressing at this point

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I agree that the customization would be fine. I don’t think Vrykul could get their own race slot when you could just add a “lean” option for kultirans and they would fit the bill and look just like vrykul.

It’s funny that the most cost effective would have to just give us what they have been dangling in our faces for years, instead of the monkeys paw they threw at us.

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I’m not rejoicing, but I’m not flipping tables, either. As a citizen of Stormwind it ain’t my business what sort of deals Velen chooses to cut. Some form of rapprochement after the Legion’s defeat was nearly inevitable.


The Horde will always be evil and lose every war.