Region wide AH needs to go, or be balanced around

What they need to do is make the entire AH system region wide.


Bigger market is always better for consumers.


When I see flasks selling for 17g, I can do literally anything else in the game and make more money.
Prices cannot be as low as they are.

Amount of materials required and gathered.

let me buy and sell options on trade mats and I’m there


Blizzard doesn’t set the prices. The players do.

How’s this for Econ 101:

  1. The wow economy isn’t a closed system. You’re paying for time, not goods.

  2. Larger markets with more competition are always better for consumers.

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DING DING DING we have a winner! ever think that Blizzard WANTS people to be out exploring the world and not camping AH to make gold?


Then go do literally anything else in the game and make more money.

The same phials were also 600g a week into the expansion. Heck, they were 60g at the start of this year.

It’s season 4. Season 4 is stupid. Of course nobody is buying stuff to play, right now. Not to mention that everyone is also unloading their built-up stocks.

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In short the OPs complaint is more about how things naturally happen, high prices on expansion drop and possibly season starts, but as things close out, people dump all they can for whatever they can get for them.


Does the OP not realize we are about to start a new campaign and this always happens at the end of one expansion?


You say this like it’s a bad thing

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There shouldn’t have even been a season 4. They should have had Plunderstorm last as long as ReMix then people could to do one or both. That would’ve been plenty until the pre-patch.

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End of expansion, less people playing, less demand for items and consumables, more people trying to dump their stock.

So you have a lot more goods chasing fewer customers. Prices will drop.

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If a player can’t earn enough gold through gathering to pay the cost of crafted gear, upgrades, and consumables, then he will need to either buy tokens or give up on doing content that requires those things. Why is that such a hard concept to grasp?

Because there many ways to make gold other than gathering. :person_facepalming: :rofl:

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I like it that way.

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Prices were this low near the start of DF when I first played.

While there are, you ordering people to play the game some way you think they ought to be made to do will never be something they find entertaining. There are people who like to gather. They used to be able to earn enough gold to pay their in game expenses doing so. We both know that sort of player is in no position to start doing carries, and has no desire to dedicate their entire playtime on multiple characters into developing a profession business that leaves them no time to play the parts of the game they used to enjoy anymore.

Then they should use one of the other 1,337 methods of getting gold.

You’re paying for time. And the exchange rate for time in a video game is super low. Some people farm all the time. Some multibox. Some bot. You’re competing with very, very cheap time.

The wow economy isn’t a closed system. Gold and materials are literally created by the game. The only direction the value will ever go is down. You realize you’re advocating for monopolies, right?

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personally I wouldn’t take anything shiyo has to say seriously. Same person who believes TSM is botting and now complains about the AH being too cheap.


AH prices have always gone down near the end of an expac. Hell a lot of things don’t last through a single month. Like cloth mats.