Regarding the Recent Bans and DQs Due to the Macro Bug

You and others thought it was important to personally demonstrate the exploit in-game?

Why not just have people watch the video?

How does using the exploit as a demonstration improve the gaming environment for everyone?

Appreciation for unintentional exploitation?


100% THIS.

What is more toxic? Venting or people legitimately abusing the system.

Also MY DH had a macro. IT WAS LITERALLY NEVER USED. I haven’t played on my DH for over a month after done decent in SoloQ. Then when i tried 3s last night the character was DQed from 3s for a season.

Also I know a few people who tried the MACRO and then REPORTED IT. They also got bans / season suspension.

Actually the most amusing part of all of this. Saved by his own stupidity.



You should not get DQ’d for simply pressing a macro in duels. You should get DQ’d for exploiting an unfair competitive advantage in rated arenas.

Yes you should. You should get DQ’d for exploiting an unfair competitive advantage in any content. You are lucky that you were only DQ’d and not banned. Take the lesson learned here as experience and roll it over to next season.

Testing it in a duel isn’t really exploiting an unfair advantage

Then why not allow it in Random BGs? Heroic Dungeons? Where do you draw the line?

Answer: You don’t let it get to that point.

Getting a friend and going “hey let’s test this” isn’t really the same as utilizing it in bgs or dungeons. At least that’s what happens in my mind when someone says they only used it in a duel. The conditons and environment are controlled, the interaction is consensual, and there isn’t generally anything lost or gained. It’s not any different then me testing it against a target dummy, but again that depends on how the duel was conducted.

Probably just at duels or wpvp with somebody you know, lol. I’d be pretty fried if I dueled my buddy who wanted to see if @player worked with reticle abilities and he got knocked off the ladder because of it.

Testing a rotation on a target dummy vs testing something not intended to be allowed in the game is not the same though. If you want to test “grey area” stuff like the macro go to the PTR.

I tested something not intended to be allowed against a target dummy, not a rotation. I wasn’t banned or dqd

What if it was 100k gold duels in front of Orgrimmar?

I get it, even if the test was non-malicious and innocent I would be upset too. Intent is the only thing that is tough to verify so they have to have a strong pimp hand here.


Intent. :dracthyr_love_animated: Seeing if a thing works for no gain isn’t the same as using it to some advantage.

Ye, maybe.

That is where the rub is. You tested it without eating a ban. The OP tested it and ate a DQ. The only difference here is did it actually happen in a duel, a test dummy or instanced content? We (the forum’s readers) don’t know and will never know because all we can go by is the other players statements.

I don’t think Bicemex should have been DQ’d either but he was the messenger that was shot. I hope that he gets his DQ reversed. What he did many people consider content that Rextroy puts out on a regular basis.

you either made the macro wrong (cant ban stupid)

or you made it after they fixed it


Yeah, I think Battlecruisr established this. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

He used it in a duel, so he got clapped like the rest of them. None of us can really know if people saying they only used it in a duel are telling the truth. But really them telling the truth or not isn’t really that relevant. I don’t think those who only used it in a controlled duel should’ve gotten actioned, and that should be something blizzard could actually verify with some proper investigation.

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it’s been around for a while

i think the video exposing it was good overall but the people who saw that video
watched it being used
and said “wow lol!!! i wanna try!!!”

why? you already saw it being used
you’re only aware of it because you WATCHED it being used

just completely stupid to me

the people that heard about it thru word of mouth MONTHS ago and heard people were actively abusing it at the top of the ladder MONTHS ago
i think they’re within their rights to investigate
i think if they don’t investigate they can’t rely on blizzard to investigate alone
(this includes people who tested it on wrath)


I don’t take what some people say at face value until I can verify it for myself