Regarding the Recent Bans and DQs Due to the Macro Bug

Upon discovering the macro bug on Twitter and YouTube, both I and others shared this issue with friends and made efforts to demonstrate it, with the hope that it would be promptly acknowledged and addressed. After receiving multiple reports, the developers did indeed acknowledge the problem and promptly implemented a fix.

However, what deeply troubles me is that, like many others, I had no intention of exploiting this bug for a competitive advantage, yet we have been disqualified and banned. It’s crucial to distinguish between those who exploit bugs for unfair advantages in competitive gameplay, such as in rated arenas, and individuals who actively worked to improve the gaming environment for everyone. My intentions were pure: I aimed to ensure a level playing field by exposing the macro bug to my friends in duels, not to gain an edge over others.

I implore the WoW team to reconsider their approach in this situation. Transparent communication and a clear distinction between those who exploit bugs for competitive gain and those who expose them are essential for maintaining the trust of your players. Unintentional exploitation should be met with understanding and appreciation, rather than disqualifications and bans.

I have faith in the fairness of the World of Warcraft community and trust that, in the future, similar situations will be addressed with the nuance and fairness that this complex issue requires.



Or you know, just don’t use exploits? I mean you used an exploit and are confused as to why you got banned.


You don’t see a distinction between showcasing an exploit in hopes a Blizzard dev sees and fixes it, and using the exploit in a rated arena for personal gain?

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doesn’t matter about the distinction. because no one really knows if you did or didn’t use it in arena, but blizzard knows you did use it and thats enough to get a ban.

bicmex might be able to get off since he has influence, but the rest of the plebs who used it a duel to “just test it,” probably wont get the the same mercy.

if you don’t believe me check the customer support forum.


If they know enough to distinguish it was used against another player as opposed to a target dummy, there should be little reason they shouldn’t be able to distinguish whether it was used in a queued environment.

they don’t release any info about any of that, so don’t expect to know for sure what their methods are.

Noooo guys dont ban the cheaters for cheatttiiinnnngggg ooohhh noooooo ive used the cheats just to “test” them outttt in the ranked ladderrrr for frrreeeeeee rewards and i got baaaaannnneeddd

Well deserved tbh


It was literally posted all over the internet, even showing up on wowhead, it had enough exposure, there was zero reason for people to actually use it in game to see it in action themselves/or show other people for fun.

Anyone who got banned for “testing” it in game brought it on themselves.


And how did it get that exposure?

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Streamers talked about it’s rampant use without using it themselves.

Bicmex was the only one who actually used it in game to show other people, did he get banned? everyone else just talked about the fact that a lot of people were using it for an unfair advantage.


Well that’s kind of lame, only one I would have sympathy for given his was the clip that brought it to so much attention.

Pretty sure blizzard has taken this stance with exploits in the past tho no? Using it even to show them has gotten people banned before.

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Maybe, but that’s kind of irrelevant as to how things should be.
It’s acknowledged by everyone that there are people who were banned who did not exploit it for rating gain and did not harm others, and that sucks.

well now you know that testing exploits can get you banned.


not going to lie 100% shouldn’t of made this post on a shaman


I kid you not same thing happened to me showed it to my friend and thats it. Decided not to use it simply put because of 3 reasons
1 it was scummy
2 really not much of an advantage. I love interrupting at 90% of the cast and the whole let me fake a few times war.
3 What is the point of getting good and playing better in a game if you need to resort to this type of garbage.

and then BAM 24hour bam and no explanation why and just a canned resonse.

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using it is using it so

Which exploit was it? The interrupt one?

every ele is a bot i swear