Regarding the Recent Bans and DQs Due to the Macro Bug

Yeah, or probably any of the macros that’d check for something like auras.

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I remember when a lot of people would use that auto-interrupt software in arena, if someone knows you’re using it they can exploit it. Such as casting fear to bait an interrupt for chaos bolt spam. But yeah it shouldn’t be in the game at all.

I had a great time with ele till they changed the flame shock procs. I loved my instant cast lava bursts :grin:

How long are you guys disqualified for? Like permanently? Or just end of season

I think that it’s for the remainder of the season on that character.

I don’t have an opinion on this yet, but it’s 100% Blizzard’s fault for allowing complex scripts/macros in a classified environment. Thats the one to blame.

If the person was using third-party hacks, that’s another story.


Seems typical blizzard, I have received more suspensions from asking for bots to be addressed, than bots have been suspended. A slightly grumpy tone will get a 1 week forum silence but ele shaman can bot without consequence all the way to 2400.

I barely even played retail this season (check my ratings). I got this suspension because I wanted to test if the bug was working on Classic Wrath too.

did you get DQd on classic?

Haha 10 char

I also read about the macro bug and watched Bicep’s vid on it with the string linked on there, and guess what I didn’t do? That’s right, I didn’t use it and guess who didn’t get banned? That’s right, me and the thousands like me who were smart enough to not use it.

Sucks to suck, take this as a learning experience.


I have known Tundras for a LONG time, I know he would not cheat, but he is a curious guy. I hate to agree with your take on it. If it is something sketch, why try it on the MAIN you are r1 on…knowing they find all the reasons to ban people.

yeah i was never like “ooooo let me go test to see if this exploit works” lmao

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Yes they DQd me on Classic Wrath and I only used it in duels. :confused:

Honestly, at the time, I didn’t think it was an exploit when I first heard about it. I just thought it was a clever macro that people had just found out, and I thought it would probably just get removed soon. But yes, I clearly messed up by trying it.

Youre 100% lying LMAO

I tested it during duels and i got 0 bans from it. I never went into instanced rated or even social gamemodes to test it. I got 0 bans

Macro didnt work for me but i caught no bans.

Dawg stop lying you malliciously used the macro for your selfish goals and you reached your goal, a ban and Dairy Queen. Now do us a favor and stop lying

Theres a reason WHY they DQd you to begin with :upside_down_face:

Inb4 “nuh uh”
They literally track everything in the game even macro usage. So theres no more excuses to be made

You got banned and DQ’d for using the macro to your advantage. That is all that needs to be said.

Better luck next season when your 600 rating less then you are now.

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We already established that it didn’t work for you because the macro wasn’t in code format, so it wasn’t actually formatted correctly when you copy pasted it. So you never really used the macro.


It would (still does) give this error when copy pasted. As such, the macro never actually got used for him.