Regarding the new cycle of hatred

They basically went the extra mile and made mover also work for no mover, or at least that’s what I grasp with the Felblade changes.

They just need to change Felblade so it reliably cancels VR animation and you can basically macro VR and Felblade for a complete no mover playstyle with the same burst profile as mover.

Fingers crossed they actually do it and just stop the stupid friction that’s been plaguing this spec since Dragonflight.

Let’s get rid of both, meta and demonic, since we are at it, let’s turn Fury into Fel Energy, some skills generate it and others are pure CD, when we reach 100% fel energy we can use EB and enter demonic form, while we are in demonic form the Fel Energy is consumed over time, at 0 we came out in a demonic form.

You cannot know this.

Sure we can look at how many people are playing mover builds vs no mover builds in M+. But that doesn’t tell you how many people play momentum / inertia only because its the stronger build but would prefer another.

You also so don’t know how many players quit DH cause they went to WoWhead and it told them to play momentum. You don’t know how many players would switch to DH if it went back to the simpler play style… though you could make an argument based on how popular ret pally and bm hunter are.

And you may point to the vibes in the FH discord where higher-end players tend to congregate, likely not the type that would prefer no-mover builds.

The point is, you just don’t know what the majority and minority is.


Lol this is crazy.

Why are we in a place where macroing two movement abilities together to stay in the same place seems logical?

I hope they can make a build that does just as much damage without needing to give up our movement. DH being mobile is no longer true when all our mobility is used to stand still for a damage buff.


I mean, don’t ask me.

I would’ve removed mover a long while ago. But Blizzard devs seem to think it’s “core” to the spec.


Didn’t mean to imply you were crazy. Just the design of havoc.

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Rework the talent? Sure, I guess, but this version is cheeks compared to the old version.

Also mover specs are the v6 camaro with straight pipes of the DPS world; all that flash and noise just to sit behind the tank. I’d much rather play a “2-button” spec than play a mover spec. At least with a 2-button spec I can have fun meming with the boys in discord instead of playing a spec that directly conflicts with blizzard’s precise-movement game design.

Basically, if you like mover you’re probably still rocking a gelmet and wearing the same pair of oakleys your mom bought you in 2006. That’s chill if you like it, but nobody else does.

I’m not a fan of our movement skills doing damage but this is a bold statement considering that’s just your opinion lol. I’m sure there are plenty who do like it, but making this class 2 buttons is crazy boring sounding and not the answer imo.

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I want it back. I hate burning movement abilities to cancel each other out and stay in one spot so that I can get a buff. I want to use movement abilities for movement.


reminder that dh has a double jump,a glide, and 2 charges on felrush each sub 10 second cd. it really sounds like you dont want to press movement abilities ever, cause you still have options for movement. your not spamming felrush till 0 charges and its not like fel rush has a 40+ second cd like other movement buttons

Yeah I have options for movement, and I want to use them ALL to move. Using them to cancel each other out to maintain a buff sucks. Meep meep, Thptptptptpt!!


The first two are of little to no use for getting out of damage since AoE’s work like a tube, it will still deal damage to you even if you jump, and the damage demands in the meta require that FR be saved for momentum, and our movement speed depends on Mastery.

DH is supposed to be a mobile class but there are much more mobile classes than DH in Pve and PvP, such as the druid and rogue that have increased base movement speed ranging from 15% to 30% up to 45%, not counting dash or hooks, the survival hunter has increased base speed, dash, disengage, harpoon. Neither of those classes have damage or stats tied to their mobility, and none of them are as vulnerable as DH in pvp for control effects like roots.

Double jump is a fun niche ability that would be relevant if exploration was some kind of content in the game, but doesn’t provide any real significant advantages in reality, neither for pvp nor pve, any time we can cut with double jump could also be cut with a 30% speed increase, and getting to high spots is pointless unless you’re exclusively running from a melee, not to mention that as a melee class that relies on the leech to survive, being out of range is pointless.

The DH is not a fast and mobile class when compared to classes like the Druid, the Rogue or the Hunter, it is a class that pretends to be.

Oh! I forgot that you don’t have the Mastery movement speed increase from base, you have to have a talent for it to start calculating it, and you also need around 50% or 60% of mastery to have 30% increased speed, if I remember correctly, I have to look up the formula since the talent doesn’t even tell you.

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Ok, let me stop you right there because you are making a mistake that I didn’t fix until half of Shadowlands.

Double jump is extremely good in PvE. There’re some mechanics that you can just double jump over.

Just to mention a few, in Aberrus you could jump over the lava waves of Rashok and in Nerub’ar Palace, in Queen, you can jump over the the rings of death in P1 and P3, and I believe you can also double jump over the toxic waves in the first intermission.

It’s niche, but it’s not like the thing is useless.

i like how we’re pretending that fel rush isnt a 10 second cd and you have 2 charges of it and supposed to save one charge to gtfo of things

It’s not useless, it’s niche, just like Spectral Sight is.

Sure, it’s still not something that most people want to do, and the proof is that Blizzard is already changing DH in these patch notes so that there is less pressure to use Fel Rush offensively. :man_shrugging:

Also the point is that the DH is not a class that really stands out in mobility, even though it is supposed to be, when compared to others.


Dh has more mobility even with having to use it (fel rush once every 40s) than every other class in the game. Double jump> glide is more mobility than priests have in their entire kit

Of course we are mobile if we compare ourselves with one of the stiffest classes in the game XD

I’m tempted to make an Excel with all the mobility of each class including slow and rooted breakers and see what comes out.


You can compare yourself to any class in the game and dh is more mobile by a mile

Windwalker is more mobile than DH.


not to mention Mistweaver, or Druids among others

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