Regarding the new cycle of hatred

First of all a big thank you to the people asking for this talent to be changed even though they weren’t playing it in the first place and it didn’t affect them.

A round of applause for getting us this replacement, you really saved the day, as usual.

I see the devs are listening to the right people instead of providing alternative play stiles which already exist too, they just ruin something that others might have enjoyed, and when you change it the likelihood is that they are still not gonna play it, and the complaints are gonna shift from, I hate uptime, to I hate that meta uptime is so high. Definitely the kind of people you want to listen to.

With that out of the way though, this new cycle is a literal abomination, at least if you’re gonna change it make it flat 20 seconds or reduce the cd of eye beam based on how long you channel it, up to 20 seconds at full channel.

That would at least be acceptable.

This new cycle is a literal travesty that should have never seen the light of day


clearly are rofl

making sure any other methods of play are bunk, and banning anyone who suggests otherwise or just outright flaming them until they leave.

I hope the next round of notes are better, hopefully the devs see the massive disparity in the majority who want old fun havoc compared to this current crap pushed by the loud controlling minority that has been shoveling this crap down our throats since SL.

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They are incapable of minding their own business, or thinking of alternative solutions. Their thought process is completely binary.

It’s lazy thinking.

They are gonna hyperoptimize the fun out of the game. Sometimes i wonder what kind of spec they would make if they were left to their own devices, probably would play like trash, but hey at least it would do good damage, because that’s all that matters to them. They don’t play games for gameplay.


Yeah, the cycle changes are some of the worst I’ve ever seen. They make absolutely zero sense. They take a talent that’s perfectly fine and make is toxic and miserable with absolutely zero gain to even pretend to offset the irritation.

another lenegis and gardunkle thread about rng and fh mods

have a free bump

Thanks for the bump, do you also donate money to people you don’t like just to tell them how much you hate them? Very clever.

But seriously you really are a pathetic sore loser.

Do you usually stalk people you don’t like? That’s borderline bipolar behavior, i never said this to anyone, but, get a life.

I remember how you once called me “crazy”, have a little self awareness.

You’re behaving like a stereotypical reddit mod, probably look like one too.

Just stay out of my discussions, you’re not interested, clearly, and im certainly not.

How many times have i replied to you outside of discussions that i didn’t start, and you infiltrated, derailed and started to annoy the hell out of people, but especially me with your literal garbage points? The answer is never, maybe once or twice at most, you should do the same.

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Just ignore him, he’s a perennial troll, a reflexive contrarian, and a huge fan of all the changes that have continuously made DH less enjoyable since BFA.

Also, that’s his main. He isn’t posting from alts like sensible folks.

i have nothing to hide, no reason to post on a alt

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Exactly; you have nothing to hide. You aren’t part of a relevant guild, you’ve never done serious progression raiding, you’ve never hit the top ranks of M+, and you’ve never even gotten 2400 in pvp. You don’t even have a CE achievement.

This isn’t some grand moral failing, but maybe stop trolling people you disagree with. Maybe you don’t know everything. Maybe you’re wrong from time to time; I certainly am.

Merry Christmas.

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I’d rather chaos strike and blade dance reduce CD by 1 second. I think it was like that in legion with an artifact node or something.


the fact your going instantly to io carding while you and others actively show how you have 0 clue how havoc works or why X/y/z wouldnt work. you legit have nothing relevant to say if you have to resort to attacking me and my guild.

dont worry, i wont let anyyyyyy fh mods get any of yall. you dont have to hide your mains, especially when its really easy to find out through the various tools that standard in wow

No the legion cycle was based on soul fragments, basically souls would reduce the cd of eye beam, and obviously you had demonic appetite.

Honestly I would still prefer that version over this new version concocted by the devs. I hate this new buff garbage thing.

You die? Lose the buff, pulls are too slow? Lose the buff, new raid boss? Lose the buff.

And it’s not some 20 second thing like skb, you lose minutes of progress. Skb is actually fun, even if they could improve it, this new cycle is just crazy, the timings are way too long, you cannot put such a buff that takes literally minutes to build and you have to keep it up and not die

And even if they solved all of the other issues by making it permanent, and making it persist after a death, which they should do on every ability that has a similar buff upkeep mechanic, it still would reset with a raid boss. Which for something like skb it’s fine, you’re gonna get it 20 seconds later, for this, no.


Exactly, not to mention M+

With current / old CoH you can just play like normal. With this upcoming version there will be a significant dps difference between Havocs who can stay in combat and those who cannot. It’s entirely unnecessary and toxic. I seriously don’t know wtf the devs were thinking.


Just make it a choice I beg. Completely ruins my favorite havoc build I’ve ran since s1 of DF.

This is pure garbage, how does this even get value if you’re resetting eye beam with meta??


You talk about toxic gameplay like the current CoH doesn’t have the same problem of being a toxic gameplay loop. You talk a lot about DH devs and the discord mods wanting certain things, that’s because most of the havoc community agrees with them. We can see how often talents are taken in M+, and CoH is almost never ever used. Why would they keep a talent for 1% of havoc players? That’s dumb, it should very much be changed if not removed. But, the change they’re bringing doesn’t help or fix the problem.

Long story short, you’re right, but for the wrong reasons. Nobody cares about your beef with the DH discord mods, we don’t want to go back to a 2 button playstyle of just blade dance and chaos strike, it’s boring and we should move forward into other expansions instead of being stuck in BfA, because you don’t want to deal with more than a few buttons.


Inc huge wall of text

People like you are why we can’t have nice things.

So let me get this straight, you weren’t using this talent anyway, there already are alternative builds, go play those. Problem solved.

Now instead due to your complaining we are stuck with a version of coh that’s way worse than before.

What about downtime, please just shut up.

I’d much rather have this inconvenience than whatever the hell this new cycle is.

Pretty much every spec in the game has some kind of mechanic that requires uptime on target, just get over yourself.

And the ones that don’t are usually less fun to play because the don’t have good gameplay interactions that are actually engaging, would you look at that, what a surprise.

Also, nobody talked about 2 button rotation that’s just your head canon. It’s pretty much a strawman


So a talent that no one ever takes, should just sit and remain useless? Pretty bold take. Also no, I will not shut up. Your ideas of what the spec should be, are garbage. I’d much rather them rework the talent to be useful, instead of being useless, only bad DHs take it right now and it’s a dead talent for 99% of the player base, why wouldn’t it be reworked? Also, almost all of the uptime specs have been changed because they are in fact, toxic gameplay loops.

People like you, are the exact reason we can’t have nice things. You want to keep a dead talent from being reworked because YOU want it that way. You play no mover by the sounds of it, that’s a 2 button spec with some short cooldowns thrown in. I’ve played it, I did for years in shadowlands, and it sucked. Very few DHs want that back, you’ll always be in the minority.


Sure mate whatever you wanna tell yourself.

Are we done here? What you thought that a no u type of argument would be something I give a damn about.

Most uptime specs? Majority vs minority? You have no idea wtf you’re on about dude.

Again, the spec already had alternative play stiles, play those, the “uptime” issue falls flat on it’s face when literally 90 % of the specs in the game require uptime at this point. But you believe whatever the hell you want. What you’re describing ultimately is: I don’t like this talent, guess what you can play another talent, but this “objective problem” with the ability itself, please stop blowing smoke, you guys are way over exaggerating. To the point where it’s laughable, you’re acting as if these types of abilities are like shadowlands icy propulsion or Perma uptime breath.

Just stop. It’s embarrassing

“Your ideas are garbage” yes as opposed to the ideas spearheaded by people like you, those are all flawless that is why everyone and their mothers are asking for a rework. What about the compromise where I said make cycle reduce the cd by 20 or make it work kinda like raddon, where full channel reduces the cd by 20, I don’t think you even red the post.

I think the current gameplay loop of havoc is mostly fine, I mostly don’t like the hero talents and would like to see some tuning changes, new talents to take the place of 2 pointers, but for the most part I am currently fine with the spec tree. Not great not bad.

Also the shadowlands version of havoc is significantly different even from the current sd/coh build, but if you wanna sit here and try to gaslight me and yourself into believing that it’s totally the same you might actually be legit insane. You’re not being honest.

And finally here’s a translation from bs to English:

When someone says the majority they really just mean themselves 99.9% of the time.

But yeah, thanks I see that you guys asking for a change to coh basically made it even worse, well done indeed. Saved the day. Splendid work.

That’s honestly the main issue with the patch notes for havoc the rest is mostly fine, maybe a bit uninteresting but not legitimately bad.

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People have been asking for exactly that (or just making the old CoH also reduce essence break’s CD) for a very long time. That’s literally what made them change CoH, except they changed it to something that nobody asked for and still misses the point of it desyncing cooldowns.

The same thing needs to be said here honestly. You keep raging at people for wanting an improvement to a talent that most people agree is problematic, purely because the change is something that no one could have seen coming. You then say things like “what about xyz?” when xyz were the original suggestions made by the people you are raging at in the first place. You made a post, then made at least 5 edits to it in 2 hours without any response from the person you were rambling at because you just couldnt let it go. None of that looks good.

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