Regarding the july 23 patch

I am…puzzled.

If you’re deeply opposed to doing the 40 minutes or so of Harbinger quests, why do you want to do the new questline? It’s not integral to the “Radiant Echoes” prepatch event.


What is the "Harbinger’s questline " please?

Answered my own question. I had the quest in my log but hadn’t done it.

Im not repeating it again to someone who isnt listening. Ill just echo this statement.


Look it up on wowhead.

Copy the completion script.

Post it in your ingame chat.

If it says true, you completed it.

If you want to play a game that’s based on questing, but you don’t want to quest, you don’t want to play the game. The time you’ve taken to complain about it could have just been used doing the quests.

They get to design a game that you have to play in order to play.

You aren’t making an argument based on my “logic” … you’re just upset that you have to meet any requirement of any kind at any time to progress in a game that is based largely on questing requirements. You picked the wrong game.

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Don’t be silly. Not ever player cares about quest completionist. A new expansion event shouldn’t require a previous expansion quest completion.

In fact, quest should never be a prerequisite to any content. I would think that we all learned this lesson in legion.

Because gating content is bad game design.

There should never be barriers to players being able to play the game.

Because I can’t read. Whoops. :joy:

Good thing this is my main. Easier to deal with achievements than switching around or trying to play catch up with an alt. At least until Warband account wide hits.

Then I can finally play alt and it not feel like a waste of time (from a questing PoV). Each toon existing in its own universe was getting old.

It was more frustrating than the cross faction issue because I play solo.

My toons are my team

:ocean: :milky_way: :ocean: :milky_way:

First is WoW based on questing now? Maybe during Vanilla and BC but now I can level from 10-60 in dungeons, in BGs or heck I could pick herbs. I am pretty sure WoW has largely been a game about raiding and PvP and recently Mythic+ dungeons.

Again I also stated that it is DF quests specifically I am not a fan of. From the story to dragon flying to the zones, it’s just not my favorite.

By the way I did do the questline, it had nothing to do with DF really and it took less than 40 minutes so, no big deal.

Be careful who you ask.

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Annnnnnnnnd it doesn’t. You can do the “Radiant Echoes” prepatch event without the new handful of quests.

You can only just do the new handful of quests if you’ve done the old handful of quests, which if you’re interested in the quests, why would you not want to do the quests?


I’ve done the prerequisite quest. It doesn’t need to be a damn mega quest chain. It doesn’t solve any design problem other than forcing busy work on otherwise willing participants.



I seriously haven’t.

You mean expecting people to actually play the game.


It literally doesnt.

Nothing in this entire game isngated except quests

for twenty years, you arent gettingnto do the last quest in the chain before the first. Chains are the same. The quest chain that unlocks today is a continuation of the harbinger quest.

cope and seethe that you cant do any quest in any order you want, the way it is in literally every single solitary game ever.

Which part of the game? Pet battles? Rated arena PvP?

Stop being silly with this silly argument.

I agree, but my agreement would be about my dad’s old-man-weak hands and being forced to dragonride/skyride everywhere until they genteeeeeeeeeely bother to let him fly the wimpy disability-friendly way.

I mean, he knows I’ll carry him, but he gets to play more than I do - if his hands don’t hate him.

Catch-22 :frowning:

I must have missed the main campaign quest chain when I played pac man yesterday.