Regarding the july 23 patch

Visions of Azeroth

Strange visions are calling to the heroes of Azeroth. Players who have reached level 70 and have completed the final chapter of the Dragonflight questline will be called to take their next steps into the story leading into The War Within with the first part of the “Visions of Azeroth” questline.

“and have completed the final chapter of the Dragonflight questline”

So you mean to tell me I have to complete the dragonflight questline on this char in order to participate in said quest tomorrow? I’ve completed it on like 3 or 4 other chars, but not my main im using now (a surv. hunter).


If that isn’t the biggest middle finger idk what is.


guess on my part, but access would likely be based on the achievement earned by completing the questline, which would be account wide.

it says “players” not “characters”…


They’re usually very good about making the unlocks like that account wide.

But I also think it’s the Harbinger questline, not the leveling campaign.


This week enables all the new account wide features. Among them is tracking for “Warbound completed quests”. So, I’m guessing that as long as you did it once, you’re good.


The event doesn’t start until the 30th.


Soo nothing is really released tomorrow then?

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If you see the article I have linked, the first 3 sections, Warbands, Visions of Azeroth and Skyriding are all mentioned first, then a break and it then mentions the Event ( Call of the Radiant Echoes)and gives dates. We know Warbands and Skyriding arrive tomorrow, so I think it is safe to assume the new storyline is tomorrow also.

This is correct. If you’ve completed the Harbinger questline, the quest should trigger, but you can take part in the pre-expansion event in any state at level 10 and above.


Is that an account-wide credit, or does each individual character have to have done it?


Tomorrow they’re enabling the Warband features and I’m guessing the talent trees.

In the new spirit of warbands, we only need to complete the Harbinger questline once, not on each and every alt, correct?

(I’d check the 11.0 PTR to try to answer my own question, but it appears to be down)

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But not Hero Talents.

Oh Wow, I just came back and I hate the questing in DF…but the pre-expansion quest is locked behind questing in DF?

It’s not even a long questline. :person_facepalming: :rofl:

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Just for the sake of clarity, will we have to complete the Harbinger’s questline for every character we wish to do the new quest on or if we have done it on one character, those that are level 70 can do it regardless on if they completed the Harbinger’s questline?


“Strange visions are calling to the heroes of Azeroth. Players who have reached level 70 and have completed the final chapter of the Dragonflight questline will be called to take their next steps into the story leading into The War Within with the first part of the “Visions of Azeroth” questline.”

Absolutely shocking that you have to do a storyline to continue it, what were they thinking? And that same storyline is still IN Dragonflight



Well obviously; that’s the selling point for the next expansion.

The quest line in question might take you an hour, maybe two tops.

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Ok, that’s not bad. Thanks

I worry it is character but hope it is account. Don’t really want to do it multiple times again. <.<