Regarding the july 23 patch

Thank you so much for this clarification! I was practically pulling my hair out trying to figure out if I needed to cram all the Dragonflight quests I missed after dinging 70. I am so excited for this quest line and the actual “big” event and the upcoming expansion!

If you’re mad that you have to play a game to play a game, it might be time to not play that game.


What? I clearly stated I am not a fan of DF quests. If I don’t like Pet Battles is it time to stop playing? If I don’t like Arena is it time to quit the game? What if I hate Ghost Lands(I don’t)? I really hated that underwater zone during Cata. Should I have quit during BC or Cata because of that?

By your logic one must enjoy 100% of every aspect of the game or the WoW player police will take your players license.


Evidently, how else would the pre-patch event be available to level 10 characters?

They arent locked from the prepatch if they don’t do the Harbinger quests - its just completing the story for the expansion. I mean, they clearly say a level 10 and up can take part in the prepatch and they obviously have no way to do the DF questline.

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Wait, there was a requirement? I didn’t complete the campaign on my Pally and I have the quest.

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Or people who recently returned to the game, which is a huge target of a pre-patch event, or who rolled a new character for TWW (if it turns out to be required to be completed on alts as well)

Do you think people who have raid logged all DF even require catch up gear from a pre-patch event?

You clearly have bad blood towards anyone who in so much as looks at any sort of “non-casual” content for some reason, but there is no need to be abrasive when people are just asking questions.



Simply put, no. The event requires nothing to be done to access it besides whats in the event itself.

The harbinger questline, and the followup in this post, have nothing to do with ANY of that.

You want the rewards from the questline? Do the questline. Period

I have bad blood towards people who make things up and then run their mouth about it, especially when its been said multiple times even by a gm that they fundamentally are just not understanding and people who want rewards from content without actually doing the content

Thats all. No one else.

I will say it again for you:

The prepatch event, available as early as level 10 that deals with content on Azeroth as a whole, does not exist gated behind a singular quest line that requires level 70 or the previous expansions quest line.

You do one without doing the other but if you want the rewards from completing the quest, you have to actually do the quest, and because this is a followup to the harbinger quest and not a standalone quest, you have to do the harbinger quest first and it legitimately in all takes less than 30 minutes to do

You can freely go into AWW without doing any of this and not miss a story beat, but if you want epilogue and prepatch rewards, just like every other expansion ending that had them, you have to actually do the content.

And really, if you didnt do the storyline for dragonflight at all, I wouldnt be surprised if you didnt bother with AWW’s story either besides what you were forced to do.

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Perhaps they mean it feels like it takes years to do the quest rather than literally.

The Visions of Azeroth questline is part of the pre-expansion release though, is it not? It’s even on the official pre-expansion release announcement page from Blizzard.

So yes, that would absolutely be something people returning to the game (or new to the game) would be interested in looking into.

Not sure why you assume someone who hasn’t done the storyline wouldn’t be interested in participating in the one for TWW. There is such a thing as people who didn’t play Dragonflight and thus by default have not completed the questline, and not because they just don’t do casual content.

Considering these pre-expansion patches are pretty much marketing to get people back into, or newly into the game accessibility would be a reasonably important aspect of that. :man_shrugging:


That’s correct. You don’t know what the biggest middle finger is.


No. Its not. Its the epilogue of DF that follows the harbinger to set up AWW.

It is not a standalone quest and was marketed, from the beginning, as a followup to harbinger.
If you want the content rewards, do the content. Period.

This is literally irrelevant. You do NOT have to even touch the campaign to these quests. You ding 70. You get the quest to go to dalaran. You do the quest. You get the followup. THATS IT.

Like what are you not getting about that?


Played the DF expansion. It sucked. I wouldn’t want to have to go through that questline again myself. Blizzard permadefenders are wild these days on the forums.

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Cool story, didnt ask. Your opinion matters little to me tbh, both because you’ve barely done any actual content so what do you know about it, and:
You dont have to do a single campaign story to do this content. What you think about that content is wholly irrelevant because you don’t have to read a single line or take a single step with any of those quests in your inventory


So what the hell have you been up t for the past few years?

Nothing of note. He did it on 3 characters minimum and somehow thinks he both has to do it on that character, and that he cant do it on any other character hes done the content on.

I have no idea whether I have completed the main quest line; it seems to never end.

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Blizzard (the developer) tends to disagree. It’s literally the 2nd content point on their pre-expansion release announcement.

So apparently Blizzard is wrong?

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OK, I just did the questline. It took me exactly 39 minutes. It’s not too bad.