Regarding the july 23 patch

Play the game next time, and you wouldnt be here whining now that there is content to play the game locked behind gasp doing content from the game.

You dont hate it enough to not be here whining you cant do the last quest chain of the expansion because you didnt bother to do anything else story wise in the expansion or trying to justify and vindicate people that are whining about that fact.

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Same. Once. Iā€™m not doing it on multiple characters. I did it on my main, so itā€™s a non issue for me.

The quest comes up independant of any progress on your characters through DF once theyā€™re level 70; my shadow priest got it immediately.

And if you havenā€™t completed the campaign up to this pointā€¦ Iā€™m not sure what to say?


You should really think harder before you post. I clearly have it unlocked and done if you take one look at my armory. But locking a pre-patch event behind the entirety of the previous expansion prevents people returning for war within from participating because by the time they finish dragonflight itā€™ll be over.

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Ok sorry just want clarification. I havent played in a few weeks so is the harbringer questline already out? And I need to do that before prepatch to do this new questline? I think i already finished df main questline. ( end was the party?) :cloud_with_rain:


Obviously you havenā€™t done the very short questline.

So, Iā€™ll ask you a question nowā€¦ was it necessary to pretend that you know what youā€™re talking about just to push a negative narrative towards the game like youā€™ve done for the last how many ever years?



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Wooo thatā€™s awesome! I think last year it was level locked right? This is super cool!

since warbands are coming out, make all major quests be auto complete on alts if main finished em. thanks


I will give you that for sure. DF in my opinion was the most boring of all the expansions, granted i did miss out on wod through bfa. I even think SL was a more exciting expansion but that may be because thats when i came back.


I like doing quests on alts. If I do a major quest on one character and it autocompletes on all the other characters, there will be no opportunity to do it again. That would subtract a lot of enjoyable play for some of us.


Is this an account wide unlock or do we need to do harbinger on all of our characters???


they said if a main finishes the story quests then the quests disappear from the map on alts but they can still be picked up if you want


I really hope this is account wideā€¦ I donā€™t want to do this on altsā€¦


I think folks are getting confused.

The pre-expansion event doesnā€™t start for another week. They never said it was locked behind a quest.

The new story questline, ā€œVisions of Azerothā€, is locked behind doing the last quest line from the current patch.


You should read better.

The one word you took out of my entire post was to everyone crying about this.

You in particular, even though you finished it, which you made no indication of in the post i quoted, still fit into this because youre whining about something literally inconsequential if you just casually played the game.

I have zero sympathy for anyone whining about not being able to finish the story without doing the rest of the story they didnt bother to play, and neither should you. Even if you started tomorrow, with 0 campaign quests completed, nothing is gated anymore. Just do the quests normally, do the weeklys youve been doing all expension if you bothered to do anything but world quests, anf you will be done WELL before the 30th to do this one piece of content.

But thats not even the issue here. You are just making up scenarios to get mad about and blaming everyone else for your ineptitude.

The event is not locked. ONLY the epilogue quest chain is, and literally all you have to do is to the harbinger quest before it. Be so for real and read better than a 4 year old would.


People. Who. Did. Not. Play. Dragonflight. Should. Have. Full. Access. To. Events.

Hope that helps! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


You do you buffoon. Nothing is gated you fundamentally dont understand the original post and are getting mad about it like a four year old.

Hit 70.
Do the harbinger quest.
You can do the FOLLOWUP quest that is referenced in the post.

Or alternatively for people that dont want to bother playing the game past a few days into launch (and thereby dont really deserve any voice)

Hit level 10.
Do the memory event, completely separate from anything else in dragonflight

Personally, if you havent bothered to do the expansions story or better, quit and arent even playing the game you dont deserve to get the ending rewards from the story questline without doing the campaign while youre still in the expansion the story takes place in. Watch it on youtube.

its that simple


itā€™s really not. i just checked and have completed it ā€“ iā€™d totally forgotten. so not much of a grind.


The candle in the wind clears it up! Thank you!

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