Regarding the july 23 patch

Should have participated to be honest. Just normally playing the game would have had you done forever ago. The only people this is a slap in the face to are people who checked out in 10.0 or raid/arena logged. Thats entirely on you.

NooOoOOooo I don’t want to have to do 10 mins. worth of questing to do 10 more mins. worth of questing!!! ! !!


Was it necessary to lie?

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 that’s a very minor point at best. :rofl:

I mean, they’re trying something new from a player power standpoint and given how they have 12 classes with 36 subclasses all in need of perpetual balance fixes I can’t exactly fault them at this point for not having something more flashy from a player power mechanic standpoint.

Thanks. Follow-up, is this per character or account. I have one of every class at max level and I think I’ve only done the harbinger quest in like 4 of them.


So you’re locking a War Within event behind finishing the entirety of Dragonflight? Huh?

Are you removing the requirement of the entire DF campaign from the Harbinger quests?


It’s a fairly short quest, nothing major. Go to Dal, talk to Alleria, go to the Void area, kill a few bad guys, go to one of the Dranai (sp?) old worlds watch some memories, kill them, then back to Void, kill a few more and turn in. The end.

You can tag even if others are attacking including cross faction. So if it’s busy, just tag or help a bit, goes fast.

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I did complete the campaign on my Monk. For my alts I get the quest line once I hit lvl 70.

Actually currently doing the Emerald Dream fight on Tazen, and I have one other alt that just dinged 70 a couple of days ago and she got the Harbinger quest. I don’t think I’ve completed DF on her yet. Still have to finish Azure stuff and then Norz’s quests. I think. I have a tendency to get mixed up I have quite a few alts. lol :face_with_spiral_eyes: :laughing:


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Bookmarked for later use! Thanks, Neth :two_hearts:

How long is it likely to be before wowhead has new talent tree loadouts I can import?

Its there; at the bottom of the tree there is a drop down box that lists some suggested loadouts, and a copy to clipboard function that will give you a string like:
CEQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwYAAAAAAAwDsZMLzgZGjBmxMMWmZmlBAAAAwysNsMzAzCzyMmZMGLsxMzUWAAACAQAA to load in the game once the new talent trees are available.

At least that’s how I think its going to work.

Sorry, you’re upset that you’re meant to be caught up on story quests, to continue story quests?


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Some people hate questing. Myself included. I think I did it though. Is there an achievement somewhere if I did? I know everytime I saw it popup on alts I just untracked it and ignored it, I hope I did it at least once lol

can i still do the harbinger quest after the 23rd?

[Hunt the Harbinger]

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Ty. I did it back in May so I guess I did do it at least once lol. I know it’s annoying popping up on every max level character I have.

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I get that I hate dungeons.


To be fair the whole expansion seems like its going to be a minor point lol

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It looks better than DF. :person_gesturing_no: