Regarding slavery practices on the Horde

Not all gladiators are slaves, but that doesn’t change the fact that the Horde has slave drivers training slaves to be gladiators in the Ring of Valor.

But go ahead and continue to be obtuse and disingenuous.


Or at least during the Garrosh era, there was an Orc alone on a beach who had some suspicious gladiators.

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“The Crimson Ring uses the Ring of Valor to train their gladiators.”

Weird how the Horde would allow a slaving organization roam freely in their city, and train their slaves in their arena. Under Thrall’s reign no less.


Panda, are you trying to break my record on how long one can debate Akiyass about whether or not the Horde practices slavery?

I think that Record might belong to another orc in the “Where is the outrage for Dazar’alor?” thread.

I think we hit 800 posts in that thread.


The Horde practices slavery.
The Alliance practices slavery.
Many neutral factions practice slavery.

World of Slavery Online



Well, Dark Irons… But no one actually like them.
They have cool hair tho.

Not sure if the modern Horde practices slavery.

It does not.

“Many,” is not quantifiable. Feel free to point some out.

Try applying the actual definition of, ‘Slavery,’ to the examples you come across.

The Dark Irons did have slaves, but whether or not that remains the case after Moira solidified her regime change, remains to be seen.

Sorry sorry, I guess I meant to say:

The Horde practices ULTRA-SLAVERY (which is 10x worse than normal slavery)!

The Alliance practices “indefinite unlawful imprisonment and forced labor of civilians which is definitely not slavery”.


It’s not a difficult distinction to make.

“Does the practice involve treating the individual as property to be bought and sold?”

Yes - It’s Slavery!
No - It’s not Slavery!

[Edit]: Feel free to write to your local governor about how, “Community Service,” is slavery. By your logic, it is.

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Solid strategy to complete ignore the arguments of others only to make obtuse, disingenuous and often sarcastic statements. You must have been in debate club.


Dayum, is ours at least 2nd place? Longest debate I ever done on these forums.

Orc internment camps weren’t a form of slavery? Or how about the fact that Thralls’ name literally means “slave”.

We just had that entire argument about how exactly that WAS slavery.

Alliance practices slavery in the same manner the Horde does.

In the past.

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Again, we merely disagree on definitions. I say it’s slavery to keep people against their will and force them to work for you with no plan to release them. You say I’d have to sell those people for it to be slavery.

I don’t have a problem with us disagreeing.


That was mostly just a Blackmoore thing. The internment camps were mostly a solution to a problem that had no right answer. But even then, the Alliance of Lordaeron is not the current Alliance, and if we are going to hold the current Alliance liable for their sins, then the same can be said for the current Horde and the sins of the Old Horde.

But the current Horde still practices Slavery. Both the orcs and the Forsaken.

Not sure… I had some pretty long ones with Derranthy and Treng.


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Kinda like how Rehgar was mostly his own thing during his time as a slavemaster, but was still doing it under the Horde endorsement. The internment camps were literally being paid for by Alliance tax money.

That’s kinda why we chose to live in a desert.

That was back in Wrath and Cata, how do we still practice slavery now? Do you mean, like, how Sylvanas kills and raises dead Horde troops to serve as puppets?

Treng makes sense, Orc warriors like a good fight, but i didn’t think Darethy was the arguing type.

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Omg who caaaaaaares

People on the Story Forums that like to piece apart lore and discuss it?
Actual terrible response.

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Except these topics never are an actual discussion and are just regurgitation of talking points for why the other faction is awful and evil.