Regarding slavery practices on the Horde

So, i was casually levelling my Undead alt through Blasted lands, and i found quite the curious quest, the link is down below. (Please copy and remove the spaces on the link as i can’t post direct links yet

imgur .com /a /MZRLgK2

So i suppose that settles the debate that the horde practiced slavery post WOTLK?

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Oh please no, not again…


I’m so sorry, but i had to do it. You would understand, right?

Not necessarily a reflection of the modern Horde.

Thrall’s Horde outlawed Slavery on paper, but it happened regardless under the table.

Garrosh’s Horde, as this picture indicates, seems to have practiced Slavery. Not a big surprise, Garrosh is Garrosh.

Vol’jin’s Horde has no evidence one way or the other to my knowledge. I’m going to assume since it was meant to be more like Thrall’s, it was at least illegal on paper.

Sylvanas’ Horde, to my knowledge, doesn’t have anything indicating one way or another. I suppose one could infer her raising of Horde casualties into mindless undead as a form of, ‘Slavery.’ Honestly at this point, allowing Slavery would be the LEAST of Sylvanas’ offenses.

Also, it’s very depressing having to list out FOUR different iterations of the Horde during WoW’s lifetime due to Warchief Roulette.


Much like the gladiator master in Durotar, the umbrella of banned slavery does not seem to extend to non-Horde races. Take that as you will.

You people realise that the worse and more villainous the horde is, the more stupidly forgiving the alliance will always end up being for completely letting the horde off the hook at the cost of one cast off scapegoat.

You could have a requirement that all horde members murder an alliance orphan as part of horde lore and by the end of the expansion only one token Horde leader would get the chop and the rest of the Horde would not only be completely forgiven but champions of the Horde, ie the Horde players, would be regaled as noble heroes and champions by alliance leaders the very next expansion when some iconic alliance character enviably ends up in a neutral role again.

I guess Spaceballs had it right. Evil will always win because good is dumb.


They’re ogres, who cares?

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I mean, they’ve also allowed the Forsaken to do what they please and you could argue stripping someone of their free will is a form of slavery. See: the ever popular example in Theresa. Hell it’s even in her title.

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wrong thread…?

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Not really. The thread is pointing out slavery in the horde which for most threads like this serves to show the horde in a negative light, particularly in respect to the alliance. My point is the more negative the horde looks, the more ludicrously stupid the alliance looks for constantly letting the horde off the hook. I am simply pointing out the consequences of this activity.

Something worth considering whenever you want to talk down the other side. It is kind of like horde npcs calling the alliance weak. Its kind of lame coming from someone on the team who has lost almost every major conflict against the alliance. If the alliance is weak, what does it say about the guys who lose to them?

See my point?


I definitely saw your point, but there’s another active thread titled The Races of Warcraft have a Penchant for Incessant Stupidity, so when you called the Allies out for being stupid i though you may have posted to the wrong tab.

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The Alliance presumably let the “relatively innocent” portion of the Horde go/did it due to the practical reason of now losing more people to a war. As for what will happen now in BfA, we all have no choice but to well, wait and see. While your right I doubt the Alliance will destroy the Horde, I also dont think the Horde will get off as easily as MoP.

It doesn’t even extend to Horde races, either. Valeera was a gladiator slave, and she’s a Blood Elf.

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If prisoners of war count, there are instances of Kul Tiran and Kaldorei prisoners being enslaved in Stormsong Valley and Darkshore. Prior to that, Gilneans were enslaved before Sylvanas became Warchief.

I don’t necessarily know how we’re defining slavery in this thread, so these might be moot points in terms of this conversation.


Tell that to all the Horde players who will be getting praised as heroes by alliance neutrals come next expansion who helped murder all the people in the towns in Ashenvale and raised NEs as forsaken in Darkshore. So ‘relatively innocent’. Your just going to let us all of scott free. Either that or Blizzard will have a very angry horde playerbase and that wouldn’t be great for you. If they decide to overcompensate to appease Horde players it will likely come at Alliance expense.

We will see. Whatever they do they are going to have to sell it to the Horde players as something they will be ok with. The average player doesn’t really put in as much unless it is too obvious and even people who have a passing interest don’t want to be the loser of the story. People will, in this case actually rightly, call it out as being unfair to Horde players that basically BfA was a story about the horde getting set up villains so the Alliance could be heroic victors.




the alliance practiced slavery with the orcish internment camps, and I’m fairly certain that the practice continued in hilsbrad foot with the syndicate. Are you trying to claim that the alliance has some sort of moral high ground on this issue now as well?

Why do people keep pushing this lie?
The Horde already did their villain act and Alliance already failed to save or stop the Horde.

There is nothing left besides making an empty revenge gesture (BoD) until Saurfang or Thrall show up to depose Sylvanas.

Feel heroic? Lmao.

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This is probably one of the dumber posts about poor orc slaves meme that I have seen in the past week.