Not really. Again, Flying at 1000% speed is wildly different from whatever comparison you’ve made here.
If that comparison wasn’t dishonest, then it’s just wholly irrelevant to make. Either way, you have no idea how regular flying at 1000% speed works. And i don’t see the reason why you feel the need to tell incorrect things about how either Dragonriding or Regular Flying works.
WoW is real life given this is the same game that has giant flying fire breathing telepathic talking lizards that also immune to fall damage and can be stopped by a tiny branch. Dragons wouldn’t even exist, so this realism argument is pointless to make.
Should i mention that WoW has like SEVERAL instances of just outright defying physics as we know irl because it’s a fantasy video game?
Absolutely not! The speeds are good the way they are!
Static flying is slower because it is un-interactive. You can just “auto-run” while flying in a direct straight line and AFK while you wait to get where you need.
Dynamic flying (dragon riding) is faster because it is completely interactive. Having to actively pay attention would feel bad if it was as slow as static flight.
What they really need to do is not only get rid of static flying but also get rid of all static character movement and change it all to be like dragon-riding, so your character has to accelerate up to a certain velocity when they’re running, kind of like how it is in GTA
Or you can quit WoW and play GTA, and let WoW be WoW instead of you wanting to ruin the game.
GTA 5’s and especially Red Dead Redemption 2’s controls are AWFUL. They have been AWFUL since GTA 4. I love the games, but the controls are genuinely so bad, that it makes the stiff crap twitch controls from GTA 3 feel god-tier in comparison. I geniunely have more fun controlling my character in GTA 3 then in GTA 5.
It’s so bad, that i have to go to First person in RDR2, in order to get more control and responsiveness as well a slo-mo toggle mod. It’s that awful.
GTA5 is so good that they released it for like three console generations (PSTriple, PS4, and PS5); for awhile I was thinking we were going to get GTA5 (and Skyrim) on PS6 before getting GTA6
Doesn’t matter. Crap controls are crap controls regardless if the game’s good or not. If you don’t see that, then you’re the part of the problem. Especially since it’s crap controls contributed to the game being easier and more casual, and more linear feeling then the previous GTA’s on the PS2.
If WoW should be more like GTA, WoW Should be more like GTA VC on PC, and NOTHING like GTA 5. GTA VC with Precise, fast, responsive controls. Simple and to the point. Even the defective trilogy controls better then GTA 5 because it still has the snappy responsive controls the orgrinal games had. (Which btw, the only thing they curbed from GTA 5’s combat controls was it’s weapon wheel, which originally came from RDR1. Otherwise the aiming controls are the exact same as it was in GTA SA, just with buttons switched around most likely.)
Gamers want better gameplay. Not worse gameplay.
You want the game to be ruined more, why?..
This is why you pro-dragonriders make the game worse and should be banned from the game tbh. Why not just quit WoW since you clearly hate it?.. Why not just play another game instead of being on WoW since it’s clearly not for you?
I definitely think regular flying should be faster then it is now, up to maybe 500% or so, but I also definitely think that dragonriding should be faster than normal flying.
While I do enjoy the movement of dragonriding, I know I would 100% just do regular flying if they were the same speed. Regular flying is good for quick short movement and dragonriding is better for long distances.
No, DR have actual consequences if you don’t pay attention to what you’re doing. There’s something to react to because there’s something that can be done wrong. Normal flying simply allows you to take your hands of the keyboard regaless of what is going on and nothing happens.
This has nothing to do with “feeling superior”. It has to do with normal flying not being actual gameplay. You already got normal flying. You’re complaining for no reason, Mr. “Dur dur gonna call it ‘glide’ to be snide dur dur”
Not if you fly so high up into the sky and just angle yourself slightly downwards where you don’t have to do anything. but just glide across the map. I made a video about this 10 months ago.
Because it’s meant to be casual.
If it’s in the game and we get to play with it, then it’s gameplay.
Their not wrong for saying that since they know how Dragonflying really works. WE all do, and yet idk why you want to lie about that.
That said, oof, looks like there’s meta stuff in flying now. GG wow players.
I think going back to the mighty 60% speed for all flight forms.
Make the struggle of a dull flight real minus the sheer terror of a catastrophic failure in route.
I am going to disagree with the equality notion of the two different flying methods.
I feel dragon flying should be faster than classic flying. Wait… There’s more. Not only do I feel Dragon Riding should remain faster that classic flight, I also feel Bliz should double down on Dragon flight and make the dragon customizations for these mounts more than just visual.
I think it’d be a neat idea to make Dragon flight WoW’s version of drag racing. Players should be able to adjust their dragons for better top speeds, acceleration, handling, quickness, distance capabilities. Dragon Flying mounts, IMO, should be something a player can build up, improve, and then compete with.
I don’t see how that’s any different given you need to fly up to avoid the obstacles entirely anyways… The only way to “Interact” an obstacle while flying.
I rather not deal with the headaches that is WoW’s hitboxes where it leaves me not even standing on the branch, but in the air next to it, while with some trees i can phase though branches no problem.
Also, i’ve done that video to demonstrate that not interacting with Dragonriding is possible given how they designed it and still able to get one part of the map to another still at 900% speed. That’s not a “Taking forever speed”. Especially since i use this method of flying up very high and angling myself just right, while spamming 1 and occasionally shift+B (Viger Recharge) and Spacebar.
And the choice would be…what? If both forms of flight are the same speed, then there’s definitely no choice anymore, is there? What am I missing? The way it’s set up now is a textbook definition of choice: Great control, or higher speed.
Ever heard of a thing called Trees? It’s green leafy giant plants that populate the earth you’re standing in, as well WoW maps, and their purfose in this game is static background hitboxes. And not very accurate or consistent ones at best.
I thought i made that pretty clear that’s what i was talking about.