Reg flying and dragon gliding should be same speed

I think the more honest comparison would be the GM Fly mode with the speed cranked to 1000% in RP Private servers like RP heaven.

Surprisingly, i was still able to make my mark on landing stuff even then.

As someone whoā€™s using static/original flying about 85% of my time in the Dragon Isles, no I donā€™t want it faster. That was one of the things I didnā€™t like about dragon riding, you zoom past everything so fast you really canā€™t spot details on the ground, like Islefin pools or missing wild pets, or rarer gathering nodes.

Dragon riding is fine for getting from one side of a zone to the other quickly and it was great having a form of flying pretty much from the start, instead of waiting almost a year like weā€™ve done the last several expansions. But regular flying is fine as it is.

Being able to fly at dragon-riding speeds without having to accelerate up to those speeds would just be an abomination; people who want to afk can just switch to their old static flying mount. On my druid I have /cancelaura (name of my main dragon-riding mount here) in my flight form macro so I can switch to static flight with one button

No it wouldnā€™t.

I personally donā€™t agree that Regular Flying should be faster, but iā€™m not gonna go as far to say ā€œIT WOULD BE AN ANOMINATIONā€, given the fact that faster regular flying speed is just that.

What you were describing earlier is completely different from any form of flying in this game. Not even Flying at all, itā€™s just you saying ā€œDemon Hunter Glide with 5 mastery buffs (Thereā€™s no way to get 1000ā€™s), and 5 stacks of temporal hiccupsā€ which i can only assume you are saying you will be disconnected a lot, when thatā€™s the fault of how Blizzard set-up these teleports in this game. Not increasing speed of flying.

I still donā€™t see this as an issue. If anything, if you guys never see AFKing on the ground as an issue, why would it be an issue in the air then? It makes no sense to be against only that.


You make it sound like itā€™s a hard thing to do, whenā€¦ Macros are pretty set-it-n-forget-it. Heck you wouldnā€™t even need a macro if you know where the dismount key binding is, which iā€™ve set it to Backspace.

Agruebly you wouldnā€™t even need to do any of those given thereā€™s an option to auto dismount you, or you can just start attacking/doing something that makes you dismount.

I use both types of flying, if I am heading to a raid/dungeon or a rare then I go quick. If I am farming herbs, skins and exploring or just trying to relax I use normal flying. They both have their place. I will say though, I do prefer regular flying :3

I mean, you knew this crap was coming.


I have spent many hours moving in-game at over 900 percent movement speed (in fact I have an idea for a way to hit 1000%) on a demon hunter in the Cobalt Assembly and it absolutely is abominable without dragon-riding physics and shouldnā€™t be allowed except in gimmicky parts of the game like the Cobalt Assembly

If 900 percent ever became the standard movement speed for static flight it would be incredibly janky and awful

That is literally not comparable to any kind of flying. That is you again, describing something completely different.

You really donā€™t know what Regular flying is at 900% or 1000% faster flying speed.

This sounds more like an argument to nerf Dragonridingā€™s speed, rather then keep regular flying speed as it isā€¦

das funny. :dracthyr_crylaugh:

I said 100 stacks of the mastery buff, which you can actually get. None of the secondary stat buffs are limited to 5 stacks; you can get 10 stacks of haste, 100 stacks of crit, and 100 stacks of mastery

Keep in mind, it is Sunday, and what kind of threads tend to appear on Sundays? That said, there is always the chance the OP is serious, in which case I only have this to say:

You are getting classic flight with no pathfinder, just reaching max level/completing the storyline, donā€™t ask for more or we might be back to DR from the get go and PF for classic flight, but maybe with the changes you want. Figure out what you really want and donā€™t rock the boat trying for more.

No, the point is that 900 percent movement speed is fine with dragon-riding physics (which includes velocity and acceleration)


Regular flying is fine as it is.

I couldnā€™t care less about DR.
Remove it completely if you want.

No, it shouldnā€™t. I called this monthz ago in a post and here it is.

No, :-1: f you want to afk fly, you can go slow.


everyone did which is funny some tbc flyers even said we will not ask for this

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Iā€™ve never seen any of this happen.

Mind proving it with an image or a link to those buffs? Because i canā€™t find anything about these buffs on google.

If itā€™s fine with Dragonriding physics, then itā€™s fine with regular flying.

If itā€™s not fine with regular flying, then itā€™s not fine with Dragonriding Physics.

The point is, your argument stems from implying that more speed itself is bad for all the (Bizzare) comparisons youā€™ve listed off here. Adding Physics to it wouldnā€™t make it better. If anything, it would probably make it worse the way youā€™ve described it, because the game has to keep the physics in mind as a constant. Hence why your argument comes off more of wanting dragonriding to be nerfed then making sure the regular flying speed stays at the same speed.

This isnā€™t to mention that, i was stuck in a bad disconnect loop with one of the teleporting debuffs on me before regular flying with my dragonriding mount. Because as iā€™ve said, itā€™s taking account into physics and how the game is set up. I only finally stopped DCā€™ed once that buff is gone.

Worse it would do while iā€™m regular flying that time would be just one DC and thatā€™s about that, i can click off the buff before it does it again or leave the area.

You ever been to Zaralek Caverns? Hundreds of bots showing that software in full display with no repercussions. If blizz wanted to get rid of bots they should just station someone there permanently to stand next to a mining node and start banning away, like 80% of the bot population is in that zone.

You rarely see it anymore because they killed Cobalt Assembly boosting so thereā€™s very little incentive for anyone to stay there long enough to max out their mastery buff, but anyone who was there in like the first month probably remembers tiny demon hunters moving around the place like The Flash and one-tapping anyone with Throw Glaive if war mode was on

Gold Farming, but i digress.

But againā€¦ that isnā€™t the same thing as flying at 1000%. This is not nothing like flying, at all. I donā€™t even know why you bought this up, if anything, bringing this up would only kind of hurt dragonridingā€™s caseā€¦

Thatā€™s actually false, acceleration and deceleration is everything. IRL you generally canā€™t actually die from driving a car too fast, you can only die from stopping too fast. It feels totally unnatural to go from not moving to moving at 900 percent speed instantaneously

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