Refuting basless WoW is dying claims

No awareness like self awareness.

Just wait for the wow china ban then come back to talk about it.

Well the Chinese themselves are getting pretty offended by this stereotype, they are finding it racist and stereotypical, how we blame everything that’s happening to our movies and games on them.

What is true I think is that products are being made for a particular audience, rather than a broad audience, which is disappointing.

And they have been Blizzard has been working day and night to tweak the azerite system and honest some changes may not be swift remember the personal loot system has been here since WoD changing it like you said to allow free trading will take time due to re balancing. I know I am going to get blasted with “soon” comments but if we are willing to give blizzard time we may see change.

I dont care what they like or dont like.

The best news about the Azerite system was the announcement about the 8.2 azerite changes
before 8.1 was even rolled out. Its broken. They were told it was broken in beta. They have been getting this feedback since this summer.

Why do they deserve credit for not making the system any better for the first 9 months ish of BFA? They only real change is the addition of vendors, and that was just for PvE!! PvP still doesn’t have vendors.

Sorry, effort for design is the last thing they deserve credit for.

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I don’t recall saying that. Point it out for me?


The entire market for traditional MMOs has been on decline for years. WoW didn’t just start suddenly having issues, but massive surges or drops in popularity cannot just be blamed on the market when we’re talking about a market that, as a whole, has been around for over two decades now.

Whether or not the rest of the market is in decline does have relevance within the scope of WoW’s popularity, but the entire market is not mirroring WoW’s current major drop in popularity; therefore, it is logical to conclude something is wrong with WoW in particular.

I’ve given Blizzard since WoD

I admit as I just do LFR these days I was not too affected by the Azertie but I can see other people was and I can how forcing warfronts and WQ on people who just want to PVP can upset people but I honest have a theory about this and this just my opion

Both WoD and Legion had very shaky launches WoD crashed constantly the first week and Legion suffered from massive Latency issues during prepatch. I honestly believe that the majority of WoW’s team was focused on making sure the launch of BFA was stable. While this is NO excuse it could be reasoning. Perhaps their funding was threatened to be pulled by the shareholders or even Activision unless they had a stable launch.

I have also edited my original post I hope it relays my original goal better than 2am sleep deprived ramblings.

Rotten Tomatoes scores for all the movies these days;

95/97%, this movie is awesome!!! I love it!!

Audience score: 45% (if lucky), dropping to 35% and lower.

There are some people that say that the reason that movie ‘critics’ are giving these fake reviews is because they have to, otherwise they don’t get to interview the directors and people making these movies.

Doubtful. The six largest WoW servers had HUGE issues. They were offline about 50% of the time the first few days of launch. World lag was more complained about during BFA launch than it has been since like
sharding was introduced. The launch, from a purely technical stand point, was a borderline failure.

I’m not contradicting you on purpose, I swear. At this point its just fate =p

Well the launch wasn’t as bad as the Legion/Wod launches, I do admit that Boralus was a bit laggy to begin with though

This is true. I will say that BfA wasn’t as bad as WoD (on Thrall at least), but it wasn’t smooth like Legion though either. I’d probably chalk it up to worldwide release
 not entirely sure who thought that was a good idea.

I was honesty on MG WoW largest Rp server when BFA dropped and it was quite stable for me. Part of the reason I biased for blizz is I was one of the internet users who was affected by the latency spike during the first BFA patch blizzard IMMEDIATELY got the team on it and kept in contact with the playerbase until the issue with was fixed I guess stuff like that keep me hoping.

The biggest issues with WoD was the phasing around setting up the initial garrison quests. After you got past that point, it was pretty smooth sailing. The server downtime and world lag in BFA were much more impactful on the biggest servers the game still has.

The Legion launch was relatively stable but ONLY because the Legion Pre patch was so bad Blizzard had to resort to MASSIVE sharding to drop latency.

Eh, I finished the garrison stuff early on by way of grouping with someone from a smaller server (before they fixed that, lol), but I had horrendous horrendous lag for days. It would eventually get so bad I would dc and log back in to a 10k+ queue
 only for it to happen again 20 minutes later. I should have stopped trying but I kept convincing myself that maybe THIS time the lag would go away.

I’m envious of that.

World latency has been worse for me across the board since the BFA pre-patch. AH functionality was so slow on launch it was essentially un-usable. I mean minute long delays for simple search functions and longer to actually scroll thru pages.

The game itself performs much worse than before BFA, and that is excluding things like class design, combat mechanics and gearing systems.

That was essentially my BFA experience. Very frustrating.

I admit honestly I have been looking at it from an RP server and we have always found ways to keep playing despite the quality of the x pack.

Honestly my biggest complaint (The nerfing of gold missions from the quest boards) was one of the things PRAISED in BFA.