Refuting basless WoW is dying claims

Player created content. Something that has significantly suffered over the years IMO and also a big reason why Classic might actually succeed.

You got me thinking about it, and it is kinda funny nowā€¦ but I remember trying to kill some ogres in Gorgrond and they kept phasing in and out. I would get off one attack and poof they would disappear and then reappear about 30 seconds later. Probably a good thing I was a disc priest or I likely would have died 1000 times from my stubborness.

And Honestly BFA was also a kind of a win for us ā€¦we have wanting Kul Trias in the game since WoW started and we have been the same for Zandalar ever since Mists. With the faction war Starting up again the RPPVERs were eager for an excuse to start bashing skulls again.

That was a big issue with WoD. Most of the time I encountered it, was node farming. But ya, really annoying.

Wait, you say all of these folks have no facts, and that they are opinions, yet you are refuting their (ALL opinions as far as you are concerned), with an ā€œopinionā€ and no facts?

Makes perfect sense.


Oh ya, the ā€œislandsā€ are content that people have been clamoring for, and for good reason. Lots of potential. And credit where its due, I thot Drustvarr was a good zone. The possible old gods content coming up is bitter sweet for me. The lore I want in the expansion I canā€™t stand.

Sorry, but the MoP 2.0 storylines are so bland to me. The reasons for the faction war seem too artificial and Syl is mostly a joke of a character now. Its a waste IMO.

To his credit he has corrected previous statements.

Eh it it just the beauty of the Zone and all these cool little spots to hang out at are just SUCH great things for us rpers.

Honestly I have enjoyed the War Campaign for the Alliance. People tend to hate Anduin for his decisions in BFA but you must remember he is still a child who is now expected to lead an massive collection of nations against something like Sylvanas, he is bound to make mistakes and I am glad he did. Also things like Tyrande and Genn basically Telling Anduin off and doing their own thing helps alleviate the ā€œHigh KIngā€ stigma the Alliance suffered in mists.

Say have you tried rp I think you may enjoy it! :grin:

My issue with the BFA storylines are almost all on the Horde side. Syl is no longer compelling IMO, she is just a cartoon villain and Saurfang is Volā€™Jin 2.0. Zappyboy, I do like him and think he has potential, should really be explored by the writing staff IMO.

I like Anduin. That small sidequest and cinematic in Legion was soooo good. I think his behavior is a little out of character in BFA, but that is mostly in response to the Horde being just over the top. Its so heavy handed and ham-fisted. Its like they are writing for a 12 year old audience. If thats the case, fine. But it would be yet another example of Blizz being out of touch with their fans.

RP is a matter of dosage for me. In single player games like Skyrim, it can add a lot of flavor. In WoW, Iā€™m prolly too busy PvPing to adhere to the guidelines =)

Right now Sylvanas is doing what is best for the HORDE and has done nothing to cause her to lose that support like Garrosh did. So far the ONLY one having issue with her is Saurfang and he has been likely branded a traitor by the rest of the horde.

That is what makes it great actually, Anduin has always pushed for peace ā€¦he a negotiator a diplomat and here he is thrust in the role of a General fighting an invading army which is out his element. Sure the sight of Anduin wearing plate armor swinging a sword at people is an awkward site as it is SUPPOSED to be.

There is such a thing as RPPVP Surely as a PVPer you have dreamed in fighting in Large scale LOTRish battles.

Donā€™t think I could disagree more with this. She is made a gamble. A power play that she hoped would result in a decisive victory. It resulted in a long, drawn out conflict against the only real threat on the planet to her people.

Analogy time! It would be like the US invading and occupying, then DESTROYING Hong Kong in an attempt to bring China to heel all on the grounds of possible trade routes for a new substance that isnt understood that they ALREADY control.

Yes. But guess which side Iā€™m rooting for in this videoā€¦

Yes but that does not mean the US people and their allies will not support it. Let us take for the example the second invasion of Iraq several people both in the US and out of it still think we did the right thing despite others saying we did more harm than good.

And I meant in the sense that she does nothing to antagonize the Fellow horde races I saw this is a previous post on I think the story forums (I do not remember which) but I am gonna use a similar reasoning I saw.

Sylvanas vouched for the Sinā€™dorei when they asked to the join the Horde, the trolls thinks the spirits are backing Sylvanas, The goblins do not care as long as they make a profit which this war is doing, the orcs likely see saurfang as a traitor, The ONLY one who may have an issue are the Tauren but they are not going to stand against her if they are standing alone.

That was in Illidan which is NOT an rp server you will be glad to know in a RPVP event any dirty tactics and hostilities REMAIN in character.

I really feel like refuting your refutation. :wink:

Suffice it to say that your arguments are no more compelling than the ā€œWoW is dyingā€ crowd.

In a sense itā€™d be a shame if a game so many people loved DID die. In another sense itā€™d be an absolute boon. Itā€™d give an opportunity to some newcomer to become the new WoW. Something a bit fresh and fun. The success of WoW might actually be whatā€™s CAUSING mmorpgs to become a dying genre.

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MSM pumps out actual fake news stories to push agendas on the daily. The US people havenā€™t been this divided sinceā€¦the 1860ā€™s? Good lord, movie critics actually called The Las Jedi a good film. Its Bizzaro world in the US right now.

The one where we went to war under false pretenses and got wrapped up in a decade long battle with insurgents that was a direct cause to the formation of ISIS? That one? ā€¦really?

Asking tauren to drop plauge on their own peepsā€¦

I would be way too tempted to troll my a$$ off on an RP PVP server. Too much fun to be had at the expense of others. I would be a menace, but at least I can admit it =p

Some legit truth here. Blizz flew too close to the sun.

That has some sense after all if a massive tree grows everything in itā€™s shade is doomed to die.

I think its more about not having any ā€œchecksā€ against them in the market. Competition hones a blade to a fine edge. Competing only against oneā€™s self can foster arrogance.

I do agree that competition is a good thing maybe if Madden had competition each new version would not be worse than the last.

Now I am NOT Comparing Blizzard to EA Blizzard has not done the bad things EA has done. However if a MMORPG comes that can contend WoW for the biggest MMORPG that could drive blizzard to put more money into the game.

Seems very unlikely. WoW is the exception, not the rule. MMOā€™s are huge investments that typically attract niche audiences. Very few are worth the opportunity cost. and thus AAA devs/publishers have been avoiding them for a while.

Itll take a small dev studio or crowdfunded project that can catch lightning in a bottle to content with just 1 million subs, much less WoW.