Refuting basless WoW is dying claims

My main server is doing fine and so is my guild and it seems the subs on my main server are ok so it seems evident to me WOW is doing fine.[quote=“Powerbottom-zuljin, post:122, topic:57770”]
Yet you took the time to make a huge post to combat the “stigma”. If the stigma exists, according to you, why does it exist then?

Yet you took the time to make a huge post to combat the “stigma”. If the stigma exists, according to you, why does it exist then?

Some of the servers are. People move to certain servers for guilds and the fact that they are full. When they do that they leave other servers that are dead/dying.

There’s a reason they use phasing tech - it masks the fact that the open world is generally dead and empty.

Well I can’t speak for other people only myself, I used to think wow had dozens of years left in it, but I’ve seen the reaction from the community around the world to many of their favorite franchises turning into political correct jokes and so on, and it’s not a pretty picture…for a lot of people, first they came after Star Wars, Star Trek, Ghostbusters, then they went after Dr Who, now I can tell you right now that it’s not just a bunch of ‘manbabies’ getting offended, there were a lot of women that found girls appearing with guys names like ‘Bill’ and ‘Michael’ in these shows as very weird…they also found the episodes starting to get more boring.

It’s true that people have said wow is dying for years, but for BFA, I’ll be honest in my opinion, the first two patches have been a little bit of a let down, but they do have a chance to fix it all up in 8.2/8.3 the biggest problems with BFA is that people don’t feel they are getting adequate rewards for the content they are doing, the Mythic+ crowd thinks they aren’t getting anything worthwhile for their efforts for example.

I admit I did get a bit heated … but when you go to the forums of a game you loved for years and all you see are people hating on it some of those people using no evidence like you accused me of makes you want to protect the game you enjoy. I just wanted to show that not everyone here hates the game.

To be fair, plenty of those people are at least testing the waters in games such as FFXIV. I know quite a few that have migrated there, and the minute I don’t have a reason to play WoW that’s where I’ll be.

You missed the point entirely. I will try again.

If it was just a matter of WoW being terrible. Those players that left would all be playing a different MMORPG. Some are. Most are not. This would lead most people to (likely correctly) surmise that it is not just a matter of WoW being terrible, but of the genre as a whole being in a decline of popularity.

More clear?

I mean that’s fine, but it’s not helpful to push everyones feedback aside and say it’s pretty much a non issue. There are valid reasons why people dislike current WoW.

So spouting out random nonsense conspiracy theories instead of engaging your fellow WoW players is how you respond? How many times have you listed “people skills” as a strength on your resume?

No. No you didn’t. You tried to create a thread that was basically “lolFakeNewzYall” with nonsense to support everything you claimed. A simple “Hi guys! Merry Christmas from Azeroth! I still love this place!” would have been SOOOOO much better at that. I think you are lying about what your goal really was.

You’re not a mythic raider so stop saying you are to boost your argument. I have yet to see anyone actually good at the game that hates the game currently

No there’s not, there’s revisionist history and nostalgia

If WoW wasn’t dying, it wouldn’t be such a hot topic to DEFEND on the forums.

If BFA was a great game then we would have other things to talk about. Sadly, BFA has no new engaging content so we are stuck debating this due to BOREDOM.

Merry Christmas!!! I just got three new videogames as gifts and don’t plan on spending any more $$$ on this crap expansion. WoW IS dying slowly, but BFA accelerated it.

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The thread was never made to refute the legitimate claims just the ones that have no proof of evidence or proof that was not backed up. Do I believe BFA has some issues Yes. I DESPISE How gold has so hard to get this x pack I HATE How toxic the Mythic + community has become I ADMIT Warfront would be cooler with a PVP option But I am saying BFA can still be salvaged …Blizzard has been working day and night to fix the issues we brought up …and all these threads about how WoW is dying and how we should all just leave may make Blizzard decide to give up and just pull the plug and that is HONESTLY the thing I absolutely do not want.

Actually, no, that’s not realistic.

If WoW was (not there yet but this expansion took the foot off the brake) terrible, most of its playerbase would just quit. Likelihood is the players hanging on are the players that have been playing for a while and have a significant investment in the game- you’re right in that you’re not going to see them flee to other games, they’ll just flee the market period.

This feeds into the point I made above.

The genre is mostly stagnant. It’s not declining rapidly, it’s just not surging in growth. The stupid companies make their mistakes and lose that base, the smart companies retain their customers or even gain customers.

Youre killing me smalls…

So they love the genre, but refuse to play anything but WOW. Ok then.

Final time: I am not claiming WoW is not in decline. I am saying that ON TOP OF THIS the entire MMORPG market is as well.

Done now.

That is a mistake on my part I admit when I first wrote this it was 2 am and I was tired.

Actually, good on you for owning that. Kudos. Seriously. I now have some legit respect for you. Merry Christmas Skarin, try to use your eyes and ears more than your mouth in 2019. I always try to, but seldom succeed.

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I don’t want that either. Because if WoW succeeds we all win. The main issue boils down to communication and how we try to reach out to Blizz but they don’t really want to have a conversation with us. I made a thread a little bit ago called…

Not the best title but honestly, I’m just as passionate as you are on the subject matter. I try to iron out all the new features and the issues that I have with it. And in my opinion, I think there are simple changes that could be made that could make the game fun again.

Like removing trade restrictions so we don’t have situations like our warrior on our raid team. He waited 10 weeks to get his M Taloc weapon because every drop was on a player that either didn’t even have a 385 weapon or the one that dropped for them warforged. Our HPal who doesn’t even need or use the weapon got a 395 that he couldn’t trade due to the restrictions.

It feels bad. Like, really bad that we don’t get to help our players on our team when they’re struggling in a difficulty that requires serious teamwork.

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TY man I honestly have no issue with ppl critiquing the game as long as they have evidence to back it up …I guess in all my effort to call those people who did not I became the very thing I was fighting.

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