Refuting basless WoW is dying claims

Now a lot of people have been giving reports on how WoW is dying however A lot of these claims do not give any real evidence I am going to refute a few of the more popular ones. This Is MY OPINION so do not take too far as fact.

Low Reviews on Medicritic and Reddit: The issue here is the reputation of the site. Since Medictirc allows anyone with an account to review it allows people who nitpick or make reviews that just talk about how much they hate the game without giving any reason why the game is bad. As for Reddit …well I have seen some of the posts that are on Reddit boards and it does not give them much credibility. Worst of all Neither these give any video evidence of the issue so it makes it hard to see their complaints as credible. Also if this is true WoW would not have won a gaming award.

Popular Youtubers and streamers are leaving in droves: Yes that is the true but WoW is dying is not the reason. You must understand a lot of the people who are crying that WoW is dying also make up these youtubers and streamers subscription base. The REAL reason they are hating on the game is to keep their subscriptions high and thus keep making lots of money. Now not all streamers do this buy some of them do and we must be wiling to look at those who are actually passionate about the game and not those who are just chasing subscribers

The WoW stock is dropping: Now I do agree that WoW stock is very low but this is because the ENTIRE STOCK MARKET Is very low due to the volatile state America is in (and I won’t go in to any detail for the reason of this as I do not want to make this thread political) once America becomes stable again the stock market, including WoW, will rise back up again. Now I got this info from CNN and other news channels may say different.

WoW subs are dropping rapidly: While some people may have left I can assure you that this is not the case simply by the reactions of other game companies. If WoW was truly in such dire straits as the naysayers said multiple MMORPGs would be springing up as other companies, smelling the proverbial blood in the water, would be trying to catch up chunks of the leaving playerbase. This is not the case so it is safe to assume that, at least now WoW is still strong enough that trying compete against it is a bad investment. Now people have been saying both FFXIV and ESO are doing quite well but UNLESS sub numbers from ALL 3 games are released by their respective companies for comparison we will not know for certain.

Now is BFA a perfect X pack, no it certainly is not …but let me tell you it is not the doom and gloom that some make it out to be …believe me if you stop trying to follow the naysayers and actually really get involved in each aspect of the game and the x pack you will find someone that will keep you playing.

EDIT: I admit I wrote the Original post while deprived of sleep I modified it to be bit less rambling.


I think this is the biggest point. I don’t think it is WoW, I think it is the genre. Were it just WoW we would have seen those players migrate to other MMORPGs, but that’s not what has happened.

Like you said, not saying BfA is perfect, but certain things are being blow out of proportion.


Heck, I miss Legion class design.
When they announced the azerite system I expected something really good, not some increase X ammount of a secondary for some seconds at a random unknown trigger rate.
All class/spec based traits and not this trash.


I miss Legion Marksmanship very much. My only regret is that I didn’t give it a fair shake when it came out because I was so upset about losing SV to melee… oh, I wish we’d had more time together. :frowning:

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I don’t really care for it either… they are somewhat redesigning the whole thing in 7.2 so we will see.

For most things I feel like they are trying, but are missing their mark. A lot of it for me is using a sledgehammer instead of a chisel. I feel like a lot of times systems aren’t bad per se, but they have faults… rather than fix those faults (chisel) they just completely destroy it in favor of some other new system (sledgehammer).


I was expecting the azerite system traits to be either class or spec specific, instead we have like 3-4 spec specific traits and around 20 global traits with boring, tasteless effects. That includes:
-All stat increasing procs
-Random DoTs or damage procs
-Azerite globules / Heed my call, etc.
I forgot to add, those “defensives” are also terrible, I was expecting getting some utility/defensive boost to class/spec skills but nope, just random fixed effects shared between every class in the game.

I can’t believe they removed artifact weapons to put this dull reward system on it’s place.
I’d rather have secondary stats than some of these things on my helm/shoulder/chest


Maybe. Possibly. If other companies had the time; the funding; the appetite for risk to wade into the genre; data indicating WoW players had an interest in serious and long-term adoption of alternate MMORPGs; and the ability to create a product that met the interests of those players.

And you’re forgetting the most compelling argument, the one that many players experience personally: their friends and guilds have dwindled or disappeared in BFA.


Well that does not mean they disappeared form game.

A big issue with WoW is that low population servers are becoming lower in population as players seeking better raiding/PVP/RP opportunities transfer to servers that are more populated and since those servers seem pretty healthy one could argue they are not leaving the game just transferring to a different server.


I would have liked pools of abilities that you could customize to your needs. Either Pick x # (based on your rank) out of y number of talents. Or pick two 1st tier talents, 1 2nd tier talent, and 1 3rd tier talent.

I know they think random is fun, and it may be for some people… but I really hate random. I mean I don’t mind random as it “this may drop or not” but I don’t like 1 of 8 billion things may drop. I prefer do this thing and this item either drops or it doesn’t.


Actually tons of WoW players have migrated to other MMOs. Specifically, FF14 and ESO. I see them, group with them, play with them, run dungeons with them all the time. Also these games are far more populated than WoW is atm. Many WoW refugees who have joined these games are former guildmates and people from my friends lists. In fact, we have enough now in ESO to start our own guild.

MMOs are not dying; WoW is in the worst state it’s ever been and happily there are other games to fill the void.


I don’t know how many players ESO has, but FF has ~650k at the last census. Unless ESO has over 4 million (at least)… that was my point. I didn’t say no one changed games, I am saying we haven’t seen 5 million players move to ESO or FF.


ESO has that Free 2 Play/Pay To Win stigma that is going to keep a lot of the WoW playerbase away …and while FFXIV as lot to offer the more hardcore gamer it is too grindy for the average casual gamer that makes up the WoW playerbase.

You also must remeber ESO and FFXIV have less servers than WoW so it could simply be those games look bigger than WoW because less servers mean a denser population in those servers.


Im a mythic raider and im dropping BFA because its bad, maybe the next xpac wont be trash, but I think the only thing ill get out of blizz in the future is classic, then when im done with that ill prob be done with blizzard because I dont play games on my phone.

The endless busywork isn’t fun, its not engaging, it doesn’t make me want to stay subbed, it makes me not want to play.

You sound like the kind of player who will declare wows not dead when only a few thousand people are playing but hey if you can log in the games not dead amirite?


If ya burnt out on raiding try a different aspect of the game …try some PVP or join an RP server the game offers you MUCH more than just raiding.


Raiding is the one thing I enjoy, im giving it up because I would have to farm AP to keep raiding at this level, and I dont want to.

If the AP grind wasnt in the game and I could be a successful mythic raider without doing it I would stick around, but I cant, so I wont.

I have done the other content in the game, I dont like it, I play to raid like ive done since vanilla, I dislike grinding XP and AP is literally just XP grinding at the level cap.

Blizzard keeps telling me im not the kind of player they want and im just responding to them.


Wow is more pay to win than ESO…

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Have you TRIED the other two aspects? If not how do you know you will not like them?

All of the In game shop items are basically optional and skipping them has VERY LITTLE TO NO affect on the game so no they are not Pay 2 Win


It’s posted on GD so it’s probably not true is refutation enough.

My dude,

In WOW you can spend cash money to purchase in game gold to purchase carries for shiny gear. There is no such system in ESO and 90% of shop items are cosmetic


Unless you pay for a sub in ESO most of your bag space is locked.

As for The WoW token with the right professions you can earn enough gold that ya can pay for those carries without needing to by a WoW token but LBH if someone got their gear via carries they likely won’t have to skill to get on a real raid team so yea getting carried is gonna hurt ya in the end.

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