Refuting basless WoW is dying claims

Back then WoW was less catered to the casual gamer. I got lucky in wrath cuz I was in a raiding guild when my guild collapsed in Mists I still had LFR. Now I don’t even a raiding guild to experience raid content I have LFR.

Because your in what was once an RPVP server those servers liked to raided a lot by off server PVPers because RPVPers tend to put up more of a fight.

Didn’t have a guild to run with in Wrath. Still got to raid. Not sure what the problem was.

I can’t understand what you’re trying to say. Please retype this.

How is the casual audience of FF left out when the 24-man raids are designed only for them? When they get a queuable version of the raids that’s actually fun because it doesn’t win on its own? When they get 2 dungeons per patch? When they get queuable Onyxia-like single-encounter raids? When in next patch they’re getting a whole class entirely for them? And I’m not even mentioning the non-combat stuff like housing. Heck just look at their patch notes, the savage and ultimate encounters are just a bullet point.

As an ex-raider who became a casual player let me tell you WoW LFR is an absolutely awful experience. Either the boss is a total pushover, or you’re on G’huun and people just keep leaving. Normal and heroic dungeons are the same thing. And don’t get me started on warfronts that you can’t actually lose unless literally everyone is AFK. It seems that Blizzard’s definition of “casual content” is content that doesn’t require you to actually play the game, like pet battles and the Darkmoon Faire, which is frankly insulting… Or maybe you’ll do a transmog run on content that is 3 expansions old that, again, pose absolutely no threat. At least last expansion I had the mage tower, which was stupid hard in my 890 gear.

And? Wow’s current playerbase (at least accross EU and US) is going to be way less than 5 million. There are only 5 million total 120s across the 2 regions, and It’s safe to say the average sub has more than one maxed character and that plenty of the people who did level to 120 have quit by now.

Considering these things, the current player base in these two regions is probably in the 1 - 2 million range optimistically.


None of that matters:

Record sales for BFA/Preorder. That is what matters.

Subs go up, subs go down, that doesn’t directly indicate success.

Also, the unwashed masses are the thing. Youtubers, streamers, or forum users who say they are leaving are moot. As Blizzard has said, the bulk of their users never post on the forums (or may if they have a problem, which is why you often see such people with 1-4 posts, even before the forums were reset.)

If subs were as low as people think, there would be far more servers being consolidated together (rather than just CRZ.)

Classic, being bundled with your current sub, is a good idea. This shows that they want to possibly increase recurring subs, however low they might be.

If the game was really dying, I could never see anyone capable of conscious thought producing "Battle For Azeroth; If the game WAS in trouble, it seems like a recipe for the final coffin nail.

You like the rest of us have an opinion too. I respect yours but disagree. I can’t speak facts in terms of sub numbers and that but I can relate this experience to past experiences. I won’t go into details-because my opinion is mine and let’s face this is the internet and no one cares about it but me. I’ll just say that this whole Blizz thing feels a lot like it did during WAR, Wild Star, & SWTOR all took a big nose dive.

On another note look at how this butthole of a company treated the Heroes of the Storm community. Hundreds of people that find out that their livelihood or part of their livilhood is overwith via an internet post? Merry F’ng Christmas to you all! What makes it worse is that all Blizzcon long we were told that the esports part of it was still being finalized. While that was probably the truth I believe that they were just leading folks along. If you want to see the face of the devil…the Anti-Green Jesus then look no further than this person Amrita Ahuja-CFO of Blizzard.

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Fastest selling, not highest selling pre-order or highest selling overall I think you’ll find. Initial sales don’t mean that much if people don’t stay to play.


Emerald dream was once an RP PVP server …usually when people want to city raid or attack capitols they often CRZ into a RP PVP server to attack them this is because on those server people are more likely to fight back thus creating a more enjoyable PVP experience.

EXACTLY of the 10 people you see complaining bout leaving there are often HUNDREDS of others silently enjoying the game so…

So, content creators and streamers that have only every made content for WoW are playing other games more and more while being increasingly critical of WoW and the Dev team are doing this to make more money? Are you seriously suggesting that people who’s income has been directly tied to the SUCCESS of WoW are now being critical of it to increase revenue? Do you know how stupid that sounds?

So public forums don’t count because they are “pubic.” That’s just preposterous.

Sorry, but the language and poor generalizations you just used offers no credibility whatsoever in you ability to analyze a specific company’s value, much less all publicly traded companies in the US. This was just rambling nonsense.

Ya, MMOs, the games that take significantly more development time than any other genre, should be springing up all over the place in the last 6 months because WoW numbers are dropping…

Did you read any of this before you posted it?

None of what the OP stated is correct.

I would suggest finding a new social support system outside this game.

I think it’s more accurate to say that everything the OP said is opinion and speculation.

Is WoW dying? Nah, but it’s heavily medicated and in desperate need of a referral to see a specialist. Hospice is hovering in the wings.

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No they are catering to their fans if the fans hate WoW the streamer would Hate WoW in order to keep those fans subscribed not saying ALL streamers do this but some do.

With all the disreputable “Game Journalists” out there I honestly have gotten to point that I take anything short of an unedited game video with a grain of salt.

The stock market being at an all time low has been ALL OVER the news.

The ACTUAL GAME does yet I see no announcements or trailers SUGGESTING that a new MMORPG is coming out this shows that again their is no interest in the market which they would be interested in if WoW was actually dying.

Considering that EverQuest is still a game that people play I am not too worried about WoW.

Your right this is just my opinion but the people who tallk about how ppl saying WoW is bad is just THEIR OPINION. However many people who actually enjoy the game just keep quiet. The ONLY reason I posted this thread is to give the other opinion to anyone wishing to buy WoW and checking the forums first.

The DOW is sitting over 21k, you literally have no idea what you are talking about.

That’s pretty asinine.

Again, I don’t think you have any idea about the topic you are trying to speak about. You are just embarrassing yourself at this point. Merry Christmas

EQ is a shadow of its former self, can you imagine wow releasing an entire xpac with no new raid?

Actually I had already made my point was willing to let the thread die your the one who necroed it.

It still has enough of a dedicated fanbase that it’s still going and still putting out expansions, though. And it only ever had a fraction of what WoW had throughout its life.

Even if WoW ever reached 500k-1mil subs, it’d still be doing well.

I am just honestly not that worried.

No. Thats the thing. You haven’t made a single point. You are just kind of rambling aimlessly with randombuzzwords. com opened up to spice up the text.

Fair enough. For me my empty friend list and the death of guilds tells me a lot. That subs are in the toilet seems fairly evident, at least from an anecdotal standpoint. Hard to know for sure since they don’t share numbers, but it wouldn’t surprise me. The game has no staying power and no depth anymore.