Refuting basless WoW is dying claims

No, it can’t. You have no evidence whatever that this is true.

I play on a lot of servers. I change servers and characters a lot when I play. Several times since mid-Legion they have changed the “population size” on servers. The most recent change was a few weeks ago, when the deadest server I play on inexplicably became “FULL”, and has been that way since 24/7, even though I rarely see another player.

And no, they didn’t all jump ship and server transfer.

Actually I don’t know bout Guild Wars 2 but IMO FFXIV I found targets the more hardcore gamer who does not mind the grind.

F2p? LOL. Obviously you are not familiar with ESO. And far from keeping WoW players away, more join the game every week.

The fact is Azeroth is a barren wasteland, and regardless of how big or small FF and ESO servers are, I see players everywhere, wherever I go in-game.

Eh could be a bug but again I always go by the populations of the top servers if they are doing well WoW is doing well.

The server population designation has meant nothing since mid-Legion. You didn’t even notice when they changed them. Why are you here, since you have “proven” none of your points? You don’t even seem to understand the arguments that other posters are presenting.

I play on the Rp servers mostly and they are not barren in the SLIGHTEST in fact they are BIGGER THAN EVER.

Maybe it just Area 52 that is having the issue.

Well again my main servers seem to be doing just fine so until I see it with my own eyes…

He is using the meaningless “full”, “high”, “medium”, or “low” descriptors on the realm selection panel.

He thinks they mean something.

Right. Just love that CRZ, eh?

Show us actual numbers. You don’t have any. You’re going on the feeling that it just has to be so, because you want it to, you need to feel that the game is rapidly growing.

You named one company that is developing an MMO in 2018.

Black Desert came out in 2014, Guild Wars 2 came out in 2012, FFXIV: RR came out in 2013, and ESO came out in 2014.

The genre is dead. It’s just not profitable compared to other game genres. Whatever Amazon is making, it’s not going to be as large-scale as WoW. The necessary resources just aren’t worth it from a profit perspective. I wish that wasn’t the case, but that’s the state of video games in 2018.

Because I believe if Blizzard marks a server as having a high population they have a high population because short of bug that would mean blizzard is lying and I still have faith in the company.

My server is having no issue with that in fact WoW is helping us Rpers the Potion of Tongues shows that.

Sure it is. Your server population has grown greatly since the end of Legion, because they changed it from “Medium” to “Full”.

You cannot even explain to us what those words represent, because they just confirm what you need to feel is true.

Stop trying to use fake statistics to disprove that everyone’s friends have left and lots of guilds have shut down. Stop trying to prove that the population has grown when you have no observations to base this on. They are sharding you with more servers all the time to keep the players around you seem the same.

You don’t even seem to understand what CRZ is, based on that last comment.


I see more people in Stormwind and in the Tradewinds market than I used to so the numbers increased.

I do Know what CRZ is.

  1. I see VERY few off server ppl an when they are they are often group with someone who is FROM the server.

  2. I see plenty of people RPing in Boralus so sharding seems to be quite low.

Stop trying to say that just because YOUR server is having issues with that that means ALL the servers are My servers are doing Just fine and sure a lot of the servers are the same.

I am sure for EVERY player that says they are having issues there are 20 others who are having a great time an thus do not have a need to complain. A few people do not represent the community as a whole.

Your post here is all over the place. You just told someone that their server may be having problems but that doesn’t mean that all servers are having problems and that many of them are doing just fine with no actual statistic to back this claim up.

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Come to MG Alliance on peak hours and you will find HUNDREDS of people walking around and interacting same with WRA Horde both those servers are listed as “Full” and the server itself represents that.

Okay. That’s 2 servers to how many?

How many servers are listed as “high” and “Full”? I just listed those two to shows those population bars are accurate.

I totally disagree. FF has 14 “mythic” encounters in the entire Stormblood expansion. Blizzard puts that in a single patch. I also think that Mythic+ dungeons can get harder than even the bottom floors of Palace of the Dead.

FF has a lot more for the casual player, but if you read the comments of their more hardcore players, their wishlist is pretty much asking to turn their game into World of Warcraft with catgirls.

Yeah and I’m on ED. We’re pretty populated as well. Still see tons of CRZ players.

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How many LFR encounters do FFXIV have? …I am not saying WoW does not have something for the Hardcore gamer I am just saying the Causal gamer is not left out.

I wasn’t left out before when LFR didn’t exist.