Refuting basless WoW is dying claims

If your talking about the grear you get from the Rep vendors honestly that gear is replaced so quickly it is not needed. Also most of the Warfront Gear has stats designed for PVPers.

Well TBH the vendor was not meant to replace ya chest but as a way for people who are gettign crappy azerite gear runs to eventually get what they need.

Me and 4 of my guildies did battle of Darkshore warfront together just fine… just grab 20 guildies and do it together.

The game literally wont let you do that, you would all have to queue up at the same time and hope you all got the same instance.

I’m not. I’m talking about PvP Vendors. And how we still don’t have them. Yet Island Expeditions, Warfronts and Mythic + all get vendors.

Never said it was meant to replace the chest. I said that the way they’re giving the currency is bad. And yes it’s meant for people to target pieces of gear. But having to wait like what over a month to make that choice is bad.

I can’t. The game won’t allow it. Also the Darkshore warfront is boring.


People blowing stuff out of proportion? that never happens…

I don’t believe you can enter the scenario in a group. However, you can make a party and go do the Darkshore rare/elite run together.

Yeah, but they’re not MMOs. MMOs take an incredible amount of resources to create.

Sorry just added it as ya were typing is that bascially all the 7th Legion gear ya get from doing WQ in Zandalar AND the gear ya get from Warfronts have stats carted to PVP …ya guys are basically getting your gear for free.

TBH the Azertite buffs tend to be SO minuscule I find I can still get decent numbers even with bad buffs. So unless ya pushing world firsts it is not going to make that much of a difference.

Eh guess my group was just lucky.

and @Oakttg I see what your saying and TBH I agree with ya …I got burned out from Uldir pretty quick and I don’t even DO keys anymore because of how toxic the M+ community has become. If it was not for RP I may have unsubbed for a time but believe me it would NOT be permanent and I would back when Siege of Dazalaor dropped.

Black Desert Online was made my a smaller company and while it is not as big as some of the others it has a nice cult following especially when it comes to rp.

WQ and Warfronts aren’t PvP content. Both PvE and PvP players can do it.

World First race is a bad argument as to why it doesn’t make that much of a difference. Because when raiding Mythic, the ultimate goal is to complete the raid as fast as possible. Any more time spent can lead to burnout, roster issues due to irl, and possible drama.

So yes, it does matter. Also, that doesn’t really address the point I made about how Titan Residuum.


Im glad you have fun RPing, but thats your fun and doesn’t have anything to do with the game at large really, RP is completely seperate from the gameplay loop they are pushing. I wish I liked RP in wow because I have put alot of time in the game and anything tat would make the game fun is something I would jump on.

I know its hard to find an irl group of people to play a pnp rpg with, but its these days theres so many ways to do it completely online if I was going to RP I would just play pathfinder 2 of dnd 5e, I have till jan 21 to play, but I wouldn’t pay for a server transfer to RP, and mal’ganis isnt a server with RP guilds kicking around.

Thing is both of them are SO facerolllingly easy I find they are preferable to a vendor.

TBH I have mostly raided casually and usually if we are not clearing a boss it is usually because of a bigger underlying issue than just someone having bad azertie talents (using the wrong tactic, people are not geared enough, etc) and we do not try to rush things.

My guilds never had this issue because we enjoyed hanging out. I see videos from “Top Mythic Guilds” where raid leaders are screaming at their members because they messed up and I understand why people would burn out quick or drama springs up in those cases.

Just buy some looms and make a brand new char. Nothing says you have to transfer an existing toon.

I aint losing my undying title to a new character, and I just dont want to relevel for the umteenth time, ive tried the last few years, but even when you could spam dungeons to max level far faster than you could level now, I just gave up around 30 or earlier.

Yet players that partake in Mythic + also get gear from a vendor and they benefit from the warfront. You keep making points like this but are missing the core reasoning as to why this is a problem.

Well it’s like you said. You raid casually. That mindset doesn’t fly on a Mythic level of raiding. Everyone needs to be doing their best to pull up their numbers as much as possible while doing mechanics.

he more damage we have the faster the boss goes down. The faster the boss goes down that’s less mechanics we have to deal with. And the less mechanics we have to deal with we minimize our chances at wiping.

Well, when you create a fantasy and think that’s the status quo then you’re going to have this mindset. I’m the raid leader for my guild and I’ve never yelled at someone or demeaned them in front of the entire team. Lets talk with actual facts rather than seeing 1 other example of how a raid was done and make assumptions.

It’s like you said though. You raid casually. And based on what you said I’m going to assume that you haven’t raided on the hardest difficulty before. And that’s not a shot at you that’s just how it is if true.

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I Don’t level via dunegons since for a DPS ques are too slow, I just quest and I find I level in a decently speedy rate.

well, i can always tell when sub numbers are crashing, because A. all the server lists says low or new player, and B. people starts saying wow is dying, but wow does in fact die on and off depending what blizz screws up that players don’t like, and right now is the low time for gaming, sub losses are the lowest between december until the end of february, then in march it picks back up as spring vacations comes in and gamers becomes more active in gaming

I understand but in our guild we always make a rule that if tempers do start to get heated we call the raid. This is to avoid like you said drama … if we can do both thats great but in a choice between keeping the guild intact and downing bosses we choose the former and sure it can be slow going this way but we have fun, and that in our opinion is what matter.

All the top servers still say “high” and “full” so yea that does not have as much argument as you say it does because again it can be argued people are just jumping servers.

I mostly dont want to level because im going to have to when classic drops, I even stopped playing my vanilla pserver characters because I think it might be my last hurrah in the game.

I do love wow, but the only thing that excites me right now is the thought of playing through vanilla yet again.

And that’s your choice. Ours is that if an altercation pops up, we deal with it head on, solve the problem and down the boss. We really don’t get an option on just calling it. That would slow down our progression to the point where Cutting Edge isn’t even gonna happen.

We’re moving away from the main point though that every little thing in Mythic matters if you want to cut down on the wipe count. Even socially among team members.

I honestly don’t care anymore if “wow is dying” or not. I care that for me personally, the game is boring as hell now, I don’t approve of Blizzards direction/practices anymore, and the only reason I still play is a handful of friends that are still around. When I’m done with WoW, I’m done with Blizzard for good.


Amazon are working on a massive scale MMO. Yes it looks terrible, but it’s still a MMO.

We’re obviously past the time where you would get 3 new (non Korean) MMOs per year, but to call MMOs as a genre dead is a huge exaggeration. I think what realistically happened is that huge corporations took notice that the bonds created by the guilds in WoW are so strong that even a Star Wars-themed WoW clone backed by Bioware could not rip off WoW’s playerbase, so then they kinda gave up and moved to to create MMO-like “live” services into games that are not MMO at all.

Fast-forward today, all other MMOs that are still doing well target different audiences than WoW. Black Desert targets the PvP crowd, Guild Wars 2 and FFXIV target a more casual crowd, ESO… I dunno why that’s popular but it obviously doesn’t target WoW’s audience either.

i actually feel sorry for fresh new players these days, if they choose not to use or buy their boosted character, leveling and questing really is stacked against them to force you to buy or use a boosted, and make you go through a lot of pain and misery leveling until you do buy a boosted, this game really is pointless playing right now, professions are pointless, leveling are just for unlocks these days, ilevels are just to gain access to certain things, you really have 0 sense of scaled power as you level right now, the scaled down stats and power is so underwhelming it makes the game very boring to grind through