Refuting basless WoW is dying claims

Because I like RP? What does this have to do with anything?

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Then ya still have to reason to stick around which is the people and guilds ya do RP storylines with
 I was honestly the same way for a while 
Raiding had burnt me out so I gave RP a shot and it kept me playing through the rougher x packs.

I’ve done only random Bgs for the last two months and already at level 32 AP. You don’t get ap through raiding?

Oh snap thanks for that.

Your Welcome and BTW I honestly have nothing against raiding I just a person who tries to enjoy all aspects of the game.

But if we are going to just stick to raiding 
arn’t you jumping ship a bit early 
the second raid is not even out yet usually the first raids are the rockiest maybe you should wait until the siege of Daz’alor comes out before you give up the ship.

I mean, I want to be able to do RP and be competitive in either PvE or PvP. Gameplay just isn’t enjoyable.

Eh, people have been saying WoW is dying ever since Lich Kin and the game still ain’t dead

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I understand and Blizzard has been trying to fix that.

For PVP they have gave more incentive for Alliance to do warmode to help rebalance the Horde and Alliance population there and as for PVE like I told Oakttg:

I raid mythic, and since MM was nerfed hard in 8.1 I want to swap to my DK, but my guild, and every mythic guild ive seen recruiting on my server want you to have your neck at level 36-38.

I log onto my DK and just dont want to do that grind, so I can either hope theres a mythic guild without gear requirements, which usually doesn’t happen, or I can just raid heroic, but I like the difficulty of mythic, nothing in the game feels as rewarding as downing a hard boss.

My guild had issues with attendance and recruitment that made our mythic zekvoz kill take 165 pulls, but nothing in BFA felt even a fraction as good as killing that boss.

Heroic isn’t hard enough, and mythic now requires so much non raiding, first with verly expensive consumables compared to previous xpacs, and now with the endless XP grind I would have to do outside of mythic.

In the past if I had a character who just needed arena wins or raid clears for gear id play an alt, back in wrath I had multiple classes at max level and I raided and pvped on them all, you just cant do that with the AP grind.

Honestly I find the AP grind to be a worse feature than azerite gear, at least with azerite gear I was done grinding it out when I had the gear with the traits I needed, AP is just blizz trying to force me to log in every single day, which is funny because I used to log in every single day when they didn’t give me a reason to.

Its just tiring, I love this game and feel defeated, but at this point ive hit the acceptance stage in my grief and can move on.

I criticize the game because I desperately want it to be good, but I cant lie to myself and say that this is fine, I enjoy this, when I dont.


Eh this is nothing new for BFA 
Classes come in and out of favor. The Azerite necklace is an issue BUT do know that each week the amount of AP requited to lvl it drops significantly.

This is sadly the result of the ONE Thing I have seen bad about BFA 
the nerfing of the the gold you get from World Quests and the mission board. I understand why blizzard did it however the Auction house is still running on Legion prices 
so unless you have a resident cook, fisherman, alc, herb, etc in your guild or you are a person who plays the AH enough to still be making decent gold 
it becomes very hard to buy the consumables needed to raid
 hopefully as the x pack goes on and everyone burns through their Legion gold, the prices will level out.

WoW isnt “dying”. Its declining. Doesnt have the same level of appeal and pull it used to and its more or less expected.

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It doesn’t really feel like they’re trying to do what’s in the best interest of the players. This has been a frustrating experience and I’m more than likely going to unsub because of it.


I would AT LEAST wait until Siege of Dazalor 
if ya still don’t feel like the game is for you at least you can unsub without feeling like you may have jumped the gun.

MMOs as a genre are pretty much dead. It’s common knowledge that mobile games cost way less to make and are far more profitable via microtransactions than MMOs. Game devs have moved on from MMOs.

Sadly I don’t think we’ll ever see another large-scale MMO, regardless of what happens to WoW, unless somebody bets incredibly big on VR.

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IDK man recently games like God of War and Octopath Travelers have shown there is still value in game genres that most AAA companies see as dead so who knows maybe we will see another MMORPG boom in the future.

Im not an AH gobline, and if everyone was no one would make money on the AH because pricepoints would be perfect and no one would be leaving money on the table. I was buying a token a month to pay for consumables because its more time efficient to earn real money and convert it to gold, it would require far more hours of my time to earn the same amount in game, and I dont have endless time.

Id feel bad about leaving my guildies I play with with another spot on the roster to fill, but I have a feeling we wont have a 20 man team come the end of the holidays, we stopped progressing on mythic vectis, which isn’t a roadblock in the slightest, because people were already burning out.

Its the first raid on an xpac and weve been fighting the roster boss the entire time, even if we keep 20 people for the next raid, the first content drought of BFA will decimate us.

Ive seen less guild recruitment on my server during BFA than I did after antorus, when the only thing to do was wait for BFA, I know thats just an anecdote but it seems to line up with the difficulty of adding people to our raid team.

I would advise instead of quitting cold turkey is to just rake a break for a few months 
eventually the gold thing will balance out (as someone who plays the AH with alc and herb I have seen Anchor weed prices and Battle potion prices drop). Or take up alch and herb 
in an hour I can farm enough mats to make 40 battle potions and even get a decent amount of Anchor weed.

I wouldn’t feel like I’ve jumped the gun at all personally. Telling Mythic Guilds that they can’t help each other out in gearing because of the Forced PL system.

Telling PvPers that they won’t be getting a vendor because they want to see how it works out while all other outlets get vendors.

Making a Mythic + Vendor thats currency is acquired by the weekly chest and scrapping Azerite instead of just having it be given at the end of M+ runs.

Giving us a 20 man instanced pve scenario (warfront) but telling communities and guilds that they can’t premade it because they didn’t want to trivialize the experience.

Just 1 thing after another being said by Blizz that just spits in the face of players. And this is just a portion of all the issues I have with BFA. The only reason I’m holding on is because I’m a GM of a guild that has run for 7 years. But even then I’m considering leaving because of the bad decisions made by Blizz daily.


I’m not sure what that has to do with whether or not “WoW is dying”. As with any review on any site (including this one) you can agree or disagree. And all those posts are is opinion. As is yours. As is my comments. It’s all just what one person believes.

That I wouldn’t know about since i don’t keep track of youtube and streamer numbers. Do you? Do you know the number who have left compared with new people taking it up?

Yes, the Nasdaq is in something of a freefall. I agree while this is not an indication the game is dying, it is a concern generally.

Again, I’d need to see actual numbers before I can agree or disagree. And as for other companies “springing up” to step in and take Blizzard’s place - new games and game developers appear and disappear constantly. I doubt anyone can directly compete with WoW because no one has the gaming depth that WoW has. And not many companies are interested in the long-term time and money investment that developing a big MMO requires.

I play WoW on almost a daily basis. I am very much aware of how BfA works - or doesn’t work as the case may be. What all of those things mention may or may not be right is irrelevant. What matters TO ME is how the game feels subjectively. And that’s the real concern. At this moment it feels
shallow. I don’t know how else to describe it. Nothing they are doing atm excites me. And that’s very sad because I love this game.



I understand that, but ive never engaged with professions, I have enchanting because DEing the gear I dont need tended to make more gold than vendoring it, I cannot stand to run around a set path click nodes, I literally despise that and would rather do anything else, I just dont find it fun.

I know the next raid tier looks far better than uldir, but I just have no motivation to log in right now. Most days I log in, think about what I want to do, then log out and play a different game, I couldn’t even rationalize why I still log in, because it makes no sense, maybe to see if my guild has more than 4 people online when its not a raid night, but I really don’t know.

It sounds crazy to type it out, but I literally have logged in, checked out uldir pugs, then look at what keys people need players for, then instead of running a key or pugging a raid, I just log off.

This is spot on, why they wont let guild run warfronts makes no sense, do they think the computer controlled NPCs would feel bad if they got stomped?

Forcing PL made no sense since they made it so every pug that wasn’t a 95% guild run was forced to use it, if you pugged in legion, you used PL because I couldnt make a pug group and ML everything to myself since they lit made that impossible.

I haven’t pvped seriously since wrath but without vendors why would I waste my time.

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