Refuting basless WoW is dying claims

Yes, I loved arena in wrath, outside of arena, raids and pvp, nothing offers rewrds that progress my character. You may like WQs, I find them repetitive, pointless and unrewarding, but you do you, I assure you, ive played this game long enough to have experienced it, only thing I have avoided 100% is their worse version of pokemon, because I can just play an actual pokemon game or battle other players on smogon.


Have you tried RP then? It can be a lot of fun and refreshing for people burned out on current content.

Bag space can be purchased from an NPC whether you have a sub or not. You just don’t have access to the profession bag which is entirely unnecessary. I know because i have 5 lvl 50s in ESO almost maxed champion level and maxed professions on all my characters. All without a sub

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it’s all a big social experiment.
so far we’ve been saying wow is dying for 15 years and counting.
if you say it enough it’ll eventually be true :wink:

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As I can agree wow has lower sub numbers than it did during it’s prime wow is not dying. The forum’s have been saying wow is dying since vanilla. It’s not in the best state right now but it’s far from dying.


tbh they should just merge the super empty servers into one since most of the PVP servers have turned into PVE servers because of the Warmode addition in BFA. So alot of those servers are going to populated ones that have the possibilities of having more people in Warmode cus sharding/zoning is garbo

Unless ESO is like Legion and ya can make gold by standing around doing nothing the AH is gonna be ya big moneymaker and BELIEVE me if the ESO AH is ANYTHING like the WoW Ah your going to WANT that profession tab.

I agree because most low pop servers are totally irrelevant and gimp the players unfortunate enough to select them, likely not knowing how dead they are.

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If I was going to RP I would play a PNP RPG in person so I can meet new people or online, because a pnp RPG has so much more freedom for RP, RP in a videogame just chains you to the restrictions of the game, on pen and paper, anything is possible.

Maybe the reason people rp on WoW is that we enjoy the story and world building that Blizzard made and not everyone here on WoW lives in an area where a PnP RPG can be done.

You say that but the auction house system in ESO is a horrible mess. You have to meet sales quotas for most guilds to even have access to sell things. Not to mention professions are time gated to an insane level.


If thats the case then likely your going to be grinding a LOT to get any from of gold in ESO meaning again it is not going to appeal to the casual gamer with not a lot of time to play.

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Thats fine, I was just saying blizzard is clearly no longer making the game for players like me, I never found wows story that great, and it has been really bad at times, in vanilla I played the crap outa the game and never gave a flying f about the story, the only reason I even knew what the story was going in was because of the cutscenes that they put in between every map in their RTS games.

Even if the RTS games didn’t have that, they would be worth playing though, I read alot still, so its hard for a videogame story to engage me.

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The biggest problem for blizz is that Those servers will throw a huge stink about it because it might ruin their economy/community(or whatever is left of it) and lose their unique names so it might be why they are not touching them. But if they wanna save some :moneybag::moneybag::moneybag: they should just merge some servers, I know it has to be expensive to run so many servers.

Preach. Mythic Raider here and I want to break something. Putting effort into the game feels unrewarding and it’s a tedious and boring task.

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Then why join an RP server (Former RPVP server) if ya just gonna raid?

RP servers were spared from the worst of the sharding, at least in the past, I can see someone swapping to one if they played in MOP when sharding was really rudimentary and pretty bad.

I dont RP and ive played on an RP server, as a raider I mostly interact with my guild, and if you do xrealm content it doesn’t matter what server your on, not rping on an rp server is as easy as not rping on a pve server.

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This is nothing but wild conjecture on your part. My friends who have left have not moved from a low pop server to a higher pop server. They no longer log in. Ones I know in real life, yes, I know they do not log in.

You don’t seem even to be aware that our friends do not leave our friends list if they were to transfer to a busier server. But I don’t even see that. People don’t think the game is worth investing cash in anymore.

It seems like every day I’m logged into one character or another and somebody in that guild says, goodbye, I can’t do this anymore, if I come back in the next expansion I’ll rejoin this guild, /gquit.


I see what ya saying I did NOT mean that you should not be on an Rp server if ya don’t rp I am just suggesting that maybe the issue is that in his current server he is not finding enough individuals who like to raid and perhaps instead of quitting the game he could try a more PVE oriented server.

Also how do you do quote boxes, I hate replying without quote boxes, is it the same format as before?