Refuting basless WoW is dying claims

So you’re saying you have no numbers and were making it’s whole decline up?

I don’t need to. You made very specific claims and then admitted you made them up and have no basis for those claims.

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You do need to.

That is if I need to.

Unless we’re both just gonna stand here and say “i feel this”.

I’m at least basing my assumption on common knowledge in the MMO world.

WOW during the BFA era is dying because:

  1. Reward system is terrible.
  2. Class fulfillment is in a bad spot [in comparison to Legion].
  3. Warfronts and Island Expeditions and Azerite System feel pointless.
  4. There are much better games out there to play at the moment.
  5. Blizzard has severed themselves from communication with the player base that could help them with making the game better via constructive feedback and reasonable suggestions.

I don’t need to prove wrong the claims you made that you admit were based on lies. No one does. We see what is happening around us. Maybe you see what is happening around you, but more likely you don’t even play the game if you haven’t got an actual avatar.


There is probably more people that left BFA than that are still subscribed. We won’t know though since they are embarrassed to show to numbers.

Technically, the naysayers are right. WoW is indeed dying. It’s been dying since about 2010.

But it’s dying in the same way that you and I are dying. The game isn’t getting younger, it’s not growing anymore. It’s on a steady popularity decline. But it has been for the bulk of its existence.

It won’t die tomorrow. Probably won’t die 10 years from now. But it’ll likely never see the prime of its life again.

So the claims aren’t so much base-less as they are meaningless. Saying that WoW is dying doesn’t prove anything, it just makes bitter people feel better about not being able to enjoy things like they used to.



Both ESO and FFXIV have issues of their own. ESO is very grind orientated from what I heard and when I played it when it first came out there was an overabundance of phasing making it impossible for you to see your other players. Also limiting the races to specific factions and outright locking Imperials behind a preorder wall hurts the community and RP potential as some of them don’t even make sense (why nords would ally with Dark Elves who take nords as slaves sometimes is beyond me)

As for FFXIV …while there is a lot of content from what I heard most of it is recycled also like a lot of eastern MMORPGs it is a bit grindy in the later levels. Top that with, from what I heard, an community that is unfriendly to new players and an RP community that basically amounts to what goes on in Moon Guard’s goldshire makes it a no sell in my book. Maybe not so much if you were a more grind loving player.

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I’ve tried FFXIV, ESO, and Rift for modern day MMOs.

WoW is the best one.


What I meant by better games out there, I wasn’t specifically talking about other MMORPG games. There are just better games, period. To spend time, effort and attention on a game other than BFA is a pretty good move. I’ve been going hard on Path of Exile. I don’t necessarily love the type of genre the game is but it’s still very, very entertaining. And the game company (GGG) is very communicative and responsive to the player base. There were a couple obvious problems upon release of Betrayal but it was less than a week’s time when the players saw absolute fixes that made the game play so much smoother. Can’t get any better than that, man. /clap

Getting any information from CNN immediately makes this thread laughable on it’s claim department.

I stopped reading there.


sniffs around anyone else smell a shill?

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I don’t think people will abandon current WoW, but use Vanilla as another option, like playing another game (which I’m pretty sure it is). Thats how I plan to be with it. A fun alternative.

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You can bet the house that I’ll be spending way more time on Classic than BFA. BFA is the type game you only need to log into once a day, perhaps a few times a week. Classic is going to be that grind fest that I and so many other people would love to take part in - several hours a day at least.

Then we’ll finally get to see real tears.

Have the rest of my likes.

38 years old , 20 years playing mmorpgs
I do not want to know about other genres of games, if the wow died it was because they did not continue with the same mechanics we had in WOTLK, and probably one day we will have something very close to what was that time by some other developer company that is going to suck this market of players, it’s not the genre, it’s what’s being presented that sucks!

Some people say the same about Fox News.

Some people still enjoy the game. If you want to make your concerns known to a company you need to present them in a Professional manner. Calling people who refute your claims “Shills” not only hurts your case but the cases of others who has issues with the game.

Inaccurate random assumption, but nice try…You DO know you have to be sub’d to the game to even talk in the forums, right?

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