A race that was killing Trolls and Orcs suddenly joins the Horde because Arthas was a meanie to them is hardly a coherent reason. You can argue for “thematics” all you want, but no there was nothing uniquely thematic about Blood Elves joining the Horde that couldn’t be said the same for them joining the Alliance. There was no valid lore reason for it.
I can only imagine how Zul’jin felt when he saw how stupid it looked seeing Blood Elves suddenly fighting alongside the Horde.
But I do appreciate the smugness from someone who refers to Sylvanas as “Sylvie”.
So a “Weapon to Break the Chains of Oppression” … which is no longer needed because the Alliance (the other major power of the World) is not a FORCE of Oppression (which means standing for this is rather meaningless on a grander sense … its obsolete). To that end, the members of the Horde are not hunted anymore either (except when we tick off those that would hunt us).
As for Family, well … thats a little bit of a stronger thing to stand for; and vaguer concept to conceptualize. Seems to me the Horde is now creating a foundation for a FAMILY that is more INCLUSIVE to all of its part (rather than what its sort of been up until now, which is just the WC3 Horde races as a “Family” … and the others stapled on rather haphazardly).
As for the Warchief … that position has been unstable since the FIRST Horde, and by its very nature builds cults of personality around a SINGLE authoritative individual (which in of itself is counter-intuitive to the FAMILY theme). Finally, living and dying for the Horde is great and all … but if the Horde ONLY really stands for a vague concept of FAMILY … then you’re living and dying for nothing but a vague concept. That quote you just stated IS inspiring, but when you realize that the Horde lost the Underdog status that made MOST of that quote relevant (all the way back in WotLK) … then its rhetoric and little else (until you create a Horde that stands for something again).
But, it did not need to. Nor does that quote have to be relevant just to a pure “Underdog.” A bastion for the hunted and the lost, a weapon which shatters chains of oppression, a family of blood and honor(that part all the Sylvanas stans forget? which also ties into the whole “shattering chains of oppression”?) - all these actually do create something worth fighting for.
Uhhh, yeah, but that doesn’t mean that’s the way it had to be? And there are more forces of oppression than just the Alliance, or there can be. You have this weird take on WoWs lore that the entire history of the game since WotLk was just the way it had to be because otherwise “The Horde wouldn’t even be relevant!” which just displays an utter lack of creative vision on both your and Blizzards part.
Again, no, it doesn’t. It did not need to. And we certainly didn’t need there to be 2 civil wars complete with the Horde committing massive war crimes for the idea of a “council” to appear. A council which advises the Warchief could have been made much earlier for more healthy reasons.
It’s not vague, the first parts of the quote - a weapon against oppression, a bastion for the hunted and lost - tie into the type of family we as the Horde are ( or could have been). Like the Horde could have been more progressive of an entity than the Alliance, could have been heroic, a nation of people deemed unworthy and downtrodden that rose up and became strong and proved its place in the world, that proved capable of handling things the Alliance could not by themselves (partially because the Alliance is shown to be itself liable to massive corruption, being made up of feudal monarchies)… basically a continuation of WC3 themes but done even better.
I guess discussion and opinions to you on a forum about the lore and story of this game = meltdown. Get used to the world having different opinions from yours. Go outside.
Darnassian night elves are the only race in game to have wholesale violently disposed their former ruling class, dismantled their empire, and radically reshaped their society.
Which is cool and why they’re the only Alliance race I support
Then what’s your problem with me? It certainly appears you have a fixation with my opinion that Blood Elves do not belong on the Horde and my facts for why Blood Elves are the most played race on the Horde because they look the most like an Alliance race aesthetically. I mean I’m happy that my truths stick out to you. It’s okay to admit I’m right. You wont lose popularity points on the forums. Maybe you’ll get a few less likes on your post because it’s not “correct speak” but it is fact speak.
Admitting I’m right won’t make Blood Elves disappear either on the Horde. So it’s okay. But if you want to remain foolish, in denial and wrong trying to argue that Blood Elves somehow thematically match the Horde more than the Alliance then you will eternally be a lost thinker and not of a free mind. Free yourself.
I have spoken of “Nightborne” plenty in my post history. I don’t even take the “Nightborne” as a serious race. They are merely phony fake Night Elves that Blizzard completely made up simply because they wanted to give Horde Night Elves because they want to appease the crowd that wants to make the Horde look more like the Alliance as a faction of Elves. Blizzard loves the Horde and they want it to remain as the popular faction so that’s why they want to transform the Horde aesthetic into an Alliance aesthetic as a faction of Elf Paladins and Mages along side their Undead masters but only they wear skulls on their armor instead of eagles and lions and their cities to look like Stormwind but only with red roofs instead of blue ones with Elven and Undead architecture thrown in. Hopefully with Sylvanas removed as Warchief this direction they were taking the Horde is reversed and they give these people who aren’t Horde at heart their own faction, where they can look like the Alliance and be Elves and follow their High Elf “Banshee Queen” and no longer have to ruin the Horde with their nonsense.
I am a Horde player who advocates giving the Alliance playable High Elves and the usual crowd that disagrees with me is of course Blood Elf players. That’s because they fear being replaced by Elves that make coherent sense and are afraid that their cozy position as aesthetically Alliance looking golden eyed, blonde Paladins and uppity mana addicts on the Horde among honorable savage warriors and prideful shamans, while outrageously claiming they “thematically” align with the Horde and not the Alliance will be dented.