The one in eastern plaguelands is still there with said NPC’s.
I like how arbitrarily you just ignore what is inconvenient to you.
We’re done with this discussion. Speaking to a wall that does not realize the self defeating logic it pushes gets old.
Haha, yeah ok. Even though you stated there was Alistra, a single troll, and a dwarf with no eye glow… that’s a real good sample size right there. Oh I forgot exceptions are fine when you use it.
Death Knight eyes are blue due to lore, get over it.
Ignore him, at this point he is just trolling, mixing gameplay mechanics with lore, nitpicking samples while ignoring other aproaches, whatever suits his “logical” approach to his needs.
And I’m bored at this point because it’s too hot and humid to work on my motorcycle.
There are certain helmets that they can use to get this red and green eye if people really wanted. But this whole argument is like saying Blood Elves should get red eyes even though the lore clearly says otherwise.
Can you explain gold on Blood Elves? Or why the Night Elves color is the way they are? Or why now we get Blue for Blood Elves in Shadowlands?
“Lore” is kind of a weak argument at this point when you have blue eyes blood elves.
Which are high elves. They had blue eyes before they had green eyes.
The Sunwell was cleansed following the events of the Burning Crusade, and now channels both Holy and Arcane energies. As of the end of BC, the Blood Elves at large stopped drawing on Fel energy to sustain themselves, and went back to using the Sunwell as they did before. Holy = gold, Arcane = blue in this particular case.
Night Elves gained their silver eyes during their transition from Dark Trolls. As they worshiped Elune, the took on more features like her, and their eyes are one of those traits. Golden eyes don’t have a direct explanation, as much as an implied and observed one. Golden eyes seem to be indicative of potential within an individual’s life, as well as an inclination for druidism; however, neither of these are requirements (you don’t have to be a hero, and you don’t have to be a druid). Golden eyes are also not a strictly binary trait, as they can be gained over time, as shown in Malfurion.
This is largely just a player allowance of something that existed the entire time. High Elves originally had blue eyes, and some were outside the loop of the Blood Elf schism to begin with and never lost their blue eyes; being sided with the Alliance or other factions, or simply out of contact. Then the Sunwell’s restoration brought back the color in lore to the Blood Elves as well.
when the sunwell was restored using a naaru it gave it a light influence hence sunwell touched high elves have gold.
night elves have 2 base colors depending on some things in lore. Illidan pre having his eyes gouged out for demon huntery things had glowed amber which in night elf lore is a sign of great destiny. normal night elf silver glow is leftovers from their blessing from the world tree and the dragonflights giving them immortality.
Firstly i was being facetious with my comment, so don’t take it seriously.
Personally i don’t want those things, i like certain restrictions on races, it makes them more unique but yes, I’ve seen those threads too of players demanding absolute customisation.
This comment didn’t age very well now that all of the undead can make their eyes red or purple in customization screen. With all of the new customization options out now there isnt really an argument left as to why dks cant have something other than blue. Night elves can already cover it up with the Night warrior eyes so might as well let others change their eyes for thematic purposes.
It’s aged just fine. Red eyes still isn’t that common of a thing for undead at large in the world, even if Forsaken players now have it for Dark Ranger RP. I think you missed that the point of that specific post was contesting that undead were “known” for red eyes, when it’s far from common, not that they didn’t exist at all.
It also still doesn’t change that undead/Forsaken =/= Death Knight. And that their justifications don’t inherently transfer to us because of various differences.
I really doubt that death knights’s eyes are bright blue because of cold or ice magic. Take a look at the anima stuff going on in the maw. Pay attention to anduin “transformation” and the color of his eyes, armor and sword. Death magic. Yeah, I know, night fae is bright as hell, kyrian is heavenly blue, the venthyr guys are blood red and that’s all dead stuff. My point is, all blue dk stuff(not the ice magic necessarily): frostmourne, those dk runes and maybe the special way they’re brought back to life are just a hint to connect them to the maw, the jailer and the runecarver(and no, I don’t believe blizzard kept that in store for so many years just for shadowlands, it was probably just a happy coincidence)
I think the same way. It should remain the iconic blue as a result of death magic.
Besides, if we were to get red/green eyes, you better believe that people will start crying out for rainbow colour eye customisation, it won’t end.
It really would ruin something iconic tbh
idk why this has to turn into some kind of sweaty lore debate Dks want more options b/c right now blue eyes feels like a restriction not a privledge, people will always want more options where there are none, even if we dnt get different colord eyes, why not blind eyes? or eye patches? another shade of blue or a snowy white. Id settle for anything honestly, only thing that is not an option is no options at all
Can we get these posts closed there’s two of the bloody things, beating an already dead horse into undeath here.
ill happily beat this dead horse into a fine powder if it means i can finnally be free of these baby blues
100% agreed
Agreed, just report the necroer and move on. Hes doing it to all the eye threads when there is one already open.
h8er r going to h8 but i wont stop till this injustice is resolved, plus it will look cool with all my red xmogs