Red/Green Eye Colours for DK’s

Banshees are spirit types. LadyAlistra is not.

DKs are a higher order of undead, so it would not be wrong to say that the LK can convert undead into a DK. Forsaken are an undead, and they can be turned into DK’s. Just as Mograine was raised to a higher type of DK and became a horsemen.

Yeah…that never has ever applied to anything in WoW. If it needed to be common, then blue eyes should not have been a thing because red and purple were shown more often on those units with Arthas being a leader NPC exception.
Blood elves would also not be receiving blue or purple eyes.
Void elves would not be receiving blood elf skins.
Trolls would not have access to the dark troll skins. So on and so forth.

They are in a previous post. Feel free to scan through the DK character list as well.

We’ve been over this dual sided argument. You really enjoy them and they hold no weight for the discussion. They just spin nowhere. So we work with what we do know and go from there. 2nd generation DK’s that survived have been shown. Anything after that can be safetly presumed to be a 3rd gen and up.

Yeah…it was in reference to this picture.

Where people said “hey, bolvar has had red/yellow eyes as thelich king. What’s up?”

Then, when the cinematic occurs, we see him do stuff lik hurl ice crystals and create an ice storm which is when he makes the comment. It was not some informative lore story. It is disingenuous of you to say otherwise. So…no…he didn’t.

Are…you joking or something? Let’s quote Ion again

“Blood elves have moved past blue eyes.” - Ion
“Void elves look the way they do because they would be too similar to blood elves.”


Look…I can see why people were exhausted with you in the 2 hander discussion. Your arguments aren’t really arguments they just look at what is present and say “well…they don’t matter because I said they dont. It needs to meet my standards or I wont accept it.”.

That is largely what this entire discussion has been.
So…considering you guys really want DK’s to be the only class in the game with no customization options come Shadowlands, I don’t think its going to work out in your favor at the end of theday.

Neither is Sylv and shes called the Banshee queen, who was the queen of the banshees under arthas, she broke his control over her and regained her body and has red eyes.

The forsaken were created in a different way. And technically the player is the highest form of DK, even higher than the 4 horsemen.

Why would red and purple be used over blue eyes?

Ran through Acherus, all have blue eyes with dont have a helmet on. And the helmets they do have on have different shades for eyes, some blue, some purple, some white. This helm model has a type of eye glow on it.

Yes, we work with what we know, yet you are ignoring a lot of what we know which you have been called out for doing.

Ion said that line after the Shadowlands cinematic. His red/yellow eyes were from what happened to him at the Wrathgate. Not to mention the host and the LK have to spend time merging. Thats why they spend so much time frozen in that block of ice at the Frozen Throne, it happened to both Lich Kings. Though this lore has been pretty much thrown in the trash and there is no merging that had to happen with Bolvar since neither Arthas nor Ner’zhul is linked to the helm anymore for some weird reason, at least it would seem.

I said there was a lore reason, which clearly there is. Its not disingenuous at all. So yes, he did. Its clearly lore reasons.

Am I joking? Did you see a HAHA anywhere? Blood Elves did move on from blue eyes because they were using fel magic. They were dependent on it.

And what about the 2h discussion? Looks like what I said was actually right and where are these other people at now?

What customization? Its lore based, its not like earring options, or jewelery, or eye colors that this race have had before. Death Knights draw their power from the Shadowlands and its what was used to reanimate them according to the new lore. Retcons, gotta love them. But even before that, it wasnt just plain old necromancy that was used with the creation of Death Knights.

Sylvanas is a banshee dude. Did…you…not see the cinematic? Or ever seen watch she does?

The forsaken can become DK’sI mentione this.

For…customization options? Nothing has to have a book written after it as an explanation.

Which one? The one in plague lands where Lady is, has an undead troll DK with yellow eyes, and a dwarf with no glowing blue. So…That ison you.

You say this…but posting history disagrees with you. You’re largely accusing me of what you’ve done.

Which was in response to the screenshot I provided to you where everyone said “what is up with bolvar’s eyes.” Like…I’ve said this several times now. Do you just ignore wht I wrote or something?

No…Nerzul’s personality was absorbed by Arthas, and is gone. The only remnants left were in frostmourne apparently.

Per the devs, they did not. You keep saying this, and time and time again it has been debunked. Honestly,this is going to be the last time I address it since you’re just being intellectually dishonest now.

You were…right about two hander not being a thing ever? Okay.

I understand dks have always had blue eyes… and it’s because we are essentially lichborn but I’m hoping that WoW is moving in a direction where players write their characters story not blizzard within the warcraft realm of plausibility. This is an mmo after all, sort of. But red would make sense because it too is shown in the eyes of dark rangers etc. There are san’layn dk npcs in icc I believe. I just feel glowing red eyes would look sooo badass!

Also void elf shadowpriests, undead holy priests, and panda dks make no sense, so I think this at least has some grounds.

This makes perfect sense. They already channel the void.

As has been said in the game, the Forsaken are the only undead that are capable of using the Light.

Pandaren die just like anyone else. What do you think should stop Bolvar from raising them as DKs?

Void elf holy and disc mb its late… I guess but why use magic that damages your already damaged body? I thought pandaren turned into petals when they died because of their starting zone lmao.

Death Knights have gone through many evolutions in lore, all I’m saying is that it would be easy to give red eyes to new gen dks going into shadowlands. It’s also not hurting anybody.

I can somewhat agree with this, they did allow Lightforged Draenei to be DKs despite the fact that the Light would have either left their bodies when they died (leaving them as regular Draenei) or would have prevented them from being reanimated as the Light and Undeath don’t mix well.

There is also the fact that they aren’t likely ever going to prohibit certain specs of a class for gameplay reasons even though it would make sense in lore. Maybe they should split Priests up into a shadow version and a light version so we no longer have this problem.

A grandmaster could potentially do this as seen by the starting zone. Kind of like how characters like Yoda and Obi Wan in Star Wars disappear without leaving a body behind. However, a run-of-the-mill Pandaren or the adventurers are unlikely to have gone through the amount of study, meditation, and whatever else is needed to do that.

We would have to see how they handle the DK storyline in Shadowlands. Right now though, all non allied race and non Pandaren DKs are raised by Arthas. The magic he is shown using to reanimate is blue in color and completely infuses our bodies and comes out through the eyes. We don’t see him using it, but it is likely that Bolvar uses the same power on the allied race and Pandaren DKs.

Neither would a Tauren Rogue or Lightforged Draenei Warlock (except if you face them in combat). But they would not make any sense at all either.

I think that’s just a Master/Monk thing, but even if that were just a regular Pandaren way of dying I’d imagine it’d only be for a peaceful death.

Lots and lots of Pandaren were killed during MoP, none of which turned into a tree like Shang Xi.

Yeah you dont just make up what you think color goes for what. Red eyes would be awesome for dk. I support this.


These guys are completely making up reasons to not get colored eyes. Its crazy. Theyre throwing excuses here and there that dont have to do with anything. Just making up lore to say why we should keep blue eyes.

Make more eye colors.


@ Aggamaggan

This is why 3rd gen eyes are blue and can be no other color at this time.

Want to keep saying I am just making up lore?

Calling the lore “made up” because you can’t be bothered to do the barest amount of double checking on information you disagree with has to be the best argument I’ve seen in this thread yet. These forums get more depressing every day.

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dont feed the trolls

So, let me make one final and clearer post on my point of view because I feel I wasn’t clear when arguing with Aguni, mainly because I’m bad with expression and English is not my native language.

So first: Teron Gorenfiend has red eyes.
Yes he does. He is also a First Generation death knight, meaning he is a fallen warlock possessing a fallen Stormwind knight. It can be said his red death knight eyes are nothing more than his orcish warlock eyes (see Gul’dan for proof of orc red warlock eyes), that indicates his essence taking over the fallen knight body. The reanimated bodies were also just that. mere reanimated human shells, nothing special. They did however had tremendous magic powers.

But why do our death knights doesn’t keep our racial eyes, since in theory, reanimation is the act of putting a soul back in a body, much like possession? Well, this can be explained by the difference in the method applied. For the first generation death knights, Gul’dan simply put the souls of fallen powerful orc warlocks into a reanimated knight body. For our generation of death knights, their bodies, and soul, are infused with the Lich King’s power, and not merely reanimated like the forsaken or first generation death knights. The lich king’s power changes the very core of their body and souls, granting them his powers, his being, his everything. He wanted to make them his image, hence why they have unholy strength and powers. Wich also explains why their eyes take on the color of the Lich King eyes.

So to sum it up:
First generation Death Knights: fallen orc warlocks spirits possessing fallen human knights. They didn’t have more strength or martial prowess, instead keeping their great warlock magical powers.

Third generation Death Knights: fallen heroes of both the Alliance and Horde, reanimated AND infused with the Lich King’s power, granting their bodies superior strength, among other of his powers. Made in his image, having some of his physical traits. This is all is shown in the first thing he talks to a new death knight:

" All that I am: anger, cruelty, vengeance - I bestow upon you, my chosen knight. I have granted you immortality so that you may herald in a new, dark age for the Scourge"

So, playable Death Knights are supposed to be lesser versions of him.
And why the Lich King have these ghostly phantom eyes? Don’t know, ask Blizzard. It is what it is. Bolvar mostly kept his “revived by flames” appearance, even while using the helm of domination, but as seen in the last trailer, the moment he goes full on Lich King, his eyes, scars, weapon, everything glows ghostly blue. And no, he doesn’t need to be full on lich king to be mind controlling the scourge, because as we have seen with Arthas, it’s a menial task. He mind controlled the scourge while being greatly active, doing various other activities at the same time. If it was that hard for him, he wouldn’t be able to do half of what he does. He only lost control briefly due to being almost stricken down. So no, Bolvar probably didn’t have to tap on his full Lich King powers just to keep the scourge in line. He did however need it for powered up Sylvannas.

As to other Death Knights shown that has no blue eyes.

Thassarian: has no blue glow on his eyes on his ingame model, however on the very cover of the Death Knight manga his eyes are glowing blue. That inconsistency alone is enough to invalidate his example, as it can be many things. His eyes may only glow when using his powers, blizzard also may have effed up on his model and it’s not worth redoing it, it can be many things.

Lady Alistra: has red eyes. However, I’m yet to find any source that states she is a Death Knight. Most sources cite her as undead Blood Elf with affiliation to the death knights, as unholy trainer. As we know, death knights trainers aren’t always death knights, since Amal’thazad, the frost death knight trainer, is, well, an Arc Lich. A quick small search will only mention Lady Alistra is an undead blood elf afiiliated with the Death Knights of Ebon blades, and is their trainer. You know what other undead Blood Elf has red eyes? Sylvannas.

Now I believe those 2 are the major examples people were using on this forum. They can also be very easily invalidated as examples, as per motives above.

Now everything I said, can be easily researched in the Death Knights lore. And all gaps were logically filled, because, as we know, blizzard haven’t been exactly consistent on things.

And that ladies and gentleman, is why I believe the ghostly blue eyes are indeed part of the Death Knight identity, and having more customization for it would ruin it for people that like the lore behind Death Knights. Sometimes, less is more.

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When was this information released? I have seen numerous threads where people say they want or are even entitled to every conceivable option. I’m assuming you have more than 5 views on the forums on some alt(s), but if you are new to them you would know that wanting or even begging for new things does little to expedite changes, if made at all.

You said banshees are spirit types, which Sylv clearly isn’t. You have got to be trolling because context was left out.

But forsaken are created in a different way, thus a different eye glow.

So red and purple for no reason while blue has lore backing it up. It’s called story telling, and having set rules within a story makes for better writing.

Lady Alistra is in the one above the Broken Shore as well. So where are all these death knights you are talking about?

She repossessed her body. An exception to the rule does not make that rule no longer existing.

DK forsaken can have either blue or amber eyes.
The PC is blue eyed.
Some are ambered.
Some are white.

Same for trolls.

Red and purple existed before blue. By that logic, blue should never occur because of “story telling”.
Again, by your logic, blue shouldnt exist because no precedent existed.

You basically created a situation where you say
“You need a precedent.” then say
“You can’t make a precedent.”

Blue eyes though are an exception because…you want them to be.
Your logic doesnt work.
The entire argument doesn’t even need support.
Red, purple, green, amber.

It is possible until Blizzard says no.

Its like…there are two Acherus’.

There is only one Acherus.

Oh, and I did explain Sylv in my initial post about her not being a spirit type that you completely ignored. And so exceptions to rules are fine if you make it, but when there are multiple undead elves with red eyes then there is suddenly a problem. I also never said Lady Alistra was a banshee, but she could be.

What in the world are you talking about with red and purple existing before blue? My logic? My logic is the magic used is why the eyes are blue, what the story tells us. Don’t go trying to tell me what my argument is when you clearly have a failure to read.

No, you don’t have a precedent. You tried to say death knights should have red eyes because Teron, which isn’t even an Arthas Death Knight created in a totally different way. And the rest seemingly don’t exist. Where are all these death knights at?

There are two in game.
So…I can’t take you seriously when you say things like this.

There is only one Acherus, otherwise what you are saying is that there are 2, so that would mean there are 2 Alistra, 2 Mograine and so on and so on.

Oh and when I use my gate, I go to the one in Legion, must have missed the story where they moved it from Eastern Plaguelands to the Broken Shore.