As a blood elf I’m stoked about the new customization changes, and class changes and look forward to playing my dk next expac. DK’s have always had unique options, and I think it’s fair to give those to everyone, but feel like I’m missing out. I would really like blood red eyes on my DK so I can live out my san’layn blood dk dream. Please!
But San’layn are not and have never been death knights?
Watch the Wrath of the Lich King cinematic and you should figure out why we have glowing blue eyes and not any other color.
I would love this as an option. Fits the specs all too well. Sadly, I don’t think it will happen. One day maybe.
Blue eyes = undead
Green eyes = fel energy (see: Gul’dan, blood elves)
Purple eyes = shadow/void
Eye color is dependent on character lore, not talent specialization. Green and red eyes for DKs wouldn’t make sense
Red eye dks already exist in game.
Green is also not just the color of fel, but unholy and nature magic.
Green is the color of a lot of things. In game green eyes correlates to fel magic. Druids don’t have green eyes, just like mages don’t have red, blue, and purple eyes, and DKs don’t have red and green eyes.
Why DK NPCs in ebonhold have red eyes I don’t know, but a lot of things blizzard do don’t make sense like Tauren priests. But come across any death knight/scourge NPC in the lore and 999 times out of 1,000 they’re going to have blue eyes.
If you’re referring to Lady Alistra, the only closely related red eyed NPC to death knights, we don’t even know if she’s a death knight. And we effectively know nothing about her, much less why her eyes are a different color. Suffice to say, she probably wasn’t raised in the same manner as us. It may be possible that she is, or is closer to a second gen Death Knight, who don’t necessarily die, and just swear allegiance to the Lich King (see Lord Thorval, etc.).
Plus, if the argument is “eye colors to match spec,” then she runs counter to the whole concept, as she is associated with/in the Unholy wing of Acherus, and can frequently be seen demonstrating Unholy spells like Corpse Explosion.
Why do some DKs have blue eyes, but others like Thassarian and Whitemane don’t?
If I had to speculate its because whoever designed their DK models thought glowy blue eyes would draw focus away from their Insane Clown Posse makeup.
There are also white eyed dks, I wouldnt get so caught up on the eye colors when colors other then blue already exist.
And the red eye dk teachers unholy, and undead are known to have red eyes, I wouldnt be so sure blue eyes are absolute.
What Death Knights have white eyes? I’m actually unaware of any that do.
Regardless, just because it exists, doesn’t mean it’s the norm or should be widely available. The playable Death Knights are from two very specific points in time now, and we come about in a very specific manner - our eye color is linked to all of that. It’s literally part of what makes us what we are.
That’s literally who I just talked about in the post you’re referring to.
No they aren’t. Undead are known for yellow (such as Forsaken), or blue (such as Death Knights); many do not have an eye glow at all. The only undead known for red eyes are Dark Rangers, and there are exceedingly few of them. Why they have red eyes has never been confirmed, or explained, but it largely speculated to be due to them being banshees possessing bodies (their own former bodies, or otherwise).
Skeletons,ghouls and what are known to have red eyes, and I didnt mean forwaken I meant like zombies.
So red eyes are an undead thing, its just locked out of forsaken for some reason.
White eye dks include the buddy of koltira who I cant remember right now.
Majority of the acolytes training under dk teachers have white eyes with tattoos.
None of what you have claimed in this post is true, and it’s all very easily verifiable.
By and large, these types of undead do not have eye glows. This is just painfully wrong.
Thassarian? He has no eye glow.
The Disciples in EPL Acherus largely do not have eye glows outside of racial glows. e.g Forsake have their yellow, and female Night Elves do have white, but Gnomes, Dwarves, and Humans have no glow, etc. (Only those later three races can have facial tattoos, and even then they don’t always. Orcs sometimes have a facial scarring skin.) The only exception is the male Trolls under Unholy, who have a yellow eye glow, as they use the undead Sand Troll skin found elsewhere in the game. This actually raises the question of if those disciples are dead, or Death Knights yet.
You nit pickery is just silly, many undead have had red eyes, they appear to be glowing, they dont need a unique aura just to point this out.
And and the eyes dont need to glow anyway as shown as the necrolytes.
You arent enforcing your argument and I am not being dishonest.
Stop trying to enforce a standard that has already been broken.
You made multiple blatantly false claims. Fact checking your claims is not “nit pickery.” Just own up that you didn’t even try to double check your supposed info.
Several undead do have red glowing eyes, but it is far, far from the majority, much less something they are “known for.”
- old skeleton models don’t have any glow
- new skeleton models have a blue glow
- neither old or new ghoul models have any glow
- abominations don’t have a glow
- gargoyles have green/red/purple glows
- zombie and corpse models have blue/red glow
- skeleton mage models have a blue glow
- Risen Construct models have a blue-ish purple glow
- wight models have yellow glow
- and Scourge Champion models have blue/red glows.
By no means a comprehensive list, but when you go through nearly a dozen models and their variants, and only three even have the option for red eyes, “known for” becomes a bit of a fantasy claim.
Perhaps not dishonest if you genuinely believed your claim, but still incorrect.
You just reinforced my claim while also calling it s fantasy claim, which contradicts my supposed balant lies.
While making a list was Unnecessary you only strengthed my arguement.
Already dks in game with red/white eye color, simply give player dks that option as well.
She is a DK trainer who specializes in unholy. She is a DK.
back when DK’s were first released you could dip into any of the trees. The whole, red, blue, green and the like is a concept that happened way after wotlk.
Our Frost trainer, Amal’thazad, is a lich. Being a trainer =/= being that class. She certainly has more in common appearance-wise with banshees or dark rangers.
You mean, way back when, Blood didn’t have a swath of red in it’s tree, Frost had no blue, and Unholy didn’t have a hint of green? Talk about really trying to re-write history.
An exception to the rule does not make that rule no longer functional. Let alone in game text, her behavior in game, the spells she uses, are all DK exclusive. Amal’thazad simply does not do the same thing.
I think it is disingenuous of you to willfully misunderstand what I was saying for the sake of focusing on a different tangent.
In WotLK, you weren’t necessarily ONLY blood, or ONLY frost, or ONLY unholy.
Heck, we had purple runes at one point which could be used for any ability regardless of rune requirement.
I don’t understand why you, and several others are balking at the notion of DK’s getting red or green eyes given they are apparent with DK trainers and the like. It isn’t unprecedented, and even if it were, it doesn’t harm the class fantasy and only adds to it.
There is no “there must be X number” of characters with Y feature to make it something appropriate for the player base to have access. That is simply being restrictive for the sake of it, and not because it is a necessity.