Our eyes should not Glow Blue by default

First, there is another thread on dk eyes already, you even commented on it. Do you really need that much atention?

So assuming you are not a troll, wich almost certainly you are, here goes:

I believe it is safe to say that the current generation of Death Knights were made in the image of the first of the “Lich King’s Death Knights”

Nope, it’s safe to say they were made in the Lich King’s image, as the very first Death Knight quest quote:

" All that I am: anger, cruelty, vengeance - I bestow upon you, my chosen knight. I have granted you immortality so that you may herald in a new, dark age for the Scourge"

That was said by Lich King Arthas, not Death Knight Arthas.

the blue glow from his eyes is removed once again - further evidence that it is the helmet that grants the glow, not his status as a Death Knight.

As per last cinematic, Bolvar vs Sylvannas, Bolvar had the helmet all the time, however his eyes only glows when he activates his Lich King powers, debunking your: “it’s the helm that glives the glow” theory.

Arthas was never raised into undeath, he didn’t die prior to becoming a Death Knight, his body wasn’t infused with the lich king’s essence. Hence why his eyes didn’t glow. However, the moment he merged with the Lich King’s, he got the signature eyes.

What’s more, when the helmet is removed and Arthas ‘comes to’ at the conclusion of the Wrath story cinematic

That just means the Lich King’s essence left his body, nothing else.

What IS safe to say, is that playable death knights are supposed to be lesser version of the Lich King. There is plenty of lore behind it. Deny all you want.

So to sum it up:

Third generation Death Knights: fallen heroes of both the Alliance and Horde, reanimated AND infused with the Lich King’s power, granting their bodies superior strength, among other of his powers. Made in his image, having some of his physical traits.

But then again, you are probably a troll, considering you post this:


7 posts

120 Blood Elf Death Knight15135


“Lore” is kind of a weak argument at this point when you have blue eyes blood elves.

and this:


7 posts

120 Blood Elf Death Knight15135

Can you explain gold on Blood Elves? Or why the Night Elves color is the way they are? Or why now we get Blue for Blood Elves in Shadowlands?

on the other thread about eyes, wich you were given basically no atention, considering your lack of basic lore knowledge on Blood Elves, or why they are begining to get back their blue eyes on lore, due to the restored Sunwell cleansing the fel energy in them, or on the reasons why some have golden eyes now, wich is because the Sunwell is not only a source of arcane energy anymore, but also light, after it was restored with the “spark” of the naaru M’uru.

So yeah, I lost my time answering to a troll, but whatever, I’m bored.