Red/Green Eye Colours for DK’s

What did death knights of the Horde do this expansion? Oh yeah, participate in the burning of a tree filled with thousands of innocents, then proceeded to fight for the Lich Queen for 2 years.

DKs of the Horde vs. the Scourge? You’re the same thing at the point, even the Scourge has more class tbh.

Let me explain it to you. He meant DKs of the Horde as in first generation of DKs, the ones that were orcs walorcks possessing human bodies. And wasn’t even talking about their deeds, just commenting about how someone else tried to use them to explain their reason for wanting other eye colors… so… yeah nice response lol.


That a goal post shift.
You asked


You…do realize the 3rd gen DK’s are of the scourge…since they were raised up by the same guy as the 2nd gen…yes?

Its like I didn’t list several examples.
Why are you responding to me when you clearly ignored everything I posted. Unless you’re here just to do the very thing you accuse me of, its such a silly thing.

By the logic you guys espouse, no one in the game should have a change in eye color at all. Neither classes nor races, so…whatevs.

If DK’s get new eye colors, it will be really welcome and surely used.
You can stay hateful about it but that is fine.


What I said still stands.

They should just give different eye colors to DKs already. Shadowlands is the DK expansion and there are multiple examples of DKs with no glow or different colored eyes.

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No, it doesn’t. You completely misunderstood what “Death Knights of Horde” refers to. Those are first generation Death Knights created by Gul’dan during the First War, and there was a total of like eight of them; they are Orc Warlock souls (plus sacrifices) turned into Soul Gems and stuffed into human corpses as a form of possession. The second and third generations are Death Knights of the Scourge, a mix between converts to the faction and risen undead, and we as players are specifically the third generation. You confused the former with current faction affiliations, and made a convoluted post that is ultimately unrelated to the discussion based on your misconception.

The only non-glows all have skins with facial tattoos. That makes it likely that there is a system limitation, as those characters have glowing eyes in other official depictions. Especially given that even recent additions like Whitemane also falls into this category.

We are still stuck at a single maybe case of one Death Knight with non-blue eyes. We do not have multiple examples.

The first Death Knights were created by Gul’dan. In case you havent noticed, the Burning Legion loves to mess with souls… absolutely loves it. It should be no surprise that they would create the first Death Knights which were just taking Warlocks that were killed and putting their souls into corpses of the Knights of Stormwind. They were then instilled with the ethereal essence of the Shadow Council. They used necromantic spells, as well as elemental spells, to kill the enemies of the Horde.

The second generation of Death Knights were different. They were once paladins, Knights of the Silver Hand, and after the Paladin ranks were disbanded by the failing Alliance, many of these paladins traveled to quarantined lands to ease the suffering of those left within the plague-ridden colonies. They were immune to disease of any kind but the people persecuted them believing they were infected by the plague. A small band of these paladins bitter due to societies cruelty, went to find the source of the plague. They succumbed to bitter hatred over the course of their quest and finally reached the Lich Kings fortress in Northrend. The LK offered them power in exchange for their services and loyalty and they accepted. They made a pact, but retained their humanity but their souls were twisted and bound to his will for all time.

The 3rd gen were Death Knights raised by the LK to be champions of the Scourge.

There is absolutely no reason someone cant choose to join the LK, there was a religion based on that very thing. Alistra while most likely raised as a banshee, could have become a Death Knight due to other reasons. She might have showed a proficiency with unholy magic.

I really don’t feel like going in circles.
Read my previous post where I stated

“Even if we ignore first and second gen” as well as the fact that Lady Alistra is a DK considering she wields a rune blade.

Wielding a runeblade is not exclusive to death knights.

Let me rephrase, given the context of where she is, it clearly would be a runeforged DK blade, along with the spells she utilizes, that the game files her under death knight.
She is a death knight.

There is also a troll who has yellow eyes who is a DK.
You have Selterus (non blue eyes)
Nearly headless jacob
Enoch fuller

Doesnt mean she became a dk the same way as the player does. You would have known that if you would have continued reading my post instead of just skimming thinking it was all just a lore explanation.

Lady AListra makes no known appearance until the DK starting area unlike other characters present. She is more than likely third gen.
Let alone, someone becoming a DK while they are alive by the lich kings hand, verus being a dead body that comes back to life makes no discernable difference if any.

It is an arbitrary distinction being made.

You can also go down the 200+ death knight NPCs/named characters to find different eye colors. I am sure you’ll say those with different eyes are all bugged though.

So…having this discussion is utterly pointless.

Nah, goal post shift is you saying that because DKs and Arthas use different colored spells rather than just blue that they should be able to have any color eyes.

My goal post, from the beginning, is simply that the power coursing through Arthas, the power he infuses Sindragosa with, the power that he animated us with is this blue energy. This energy is what makes our eyes blue and, once again, can’t be any other color when originating from Arthas.

A goal post shift is where you ask for something, get it, then say “give me something else.”.
The matter of magical spell colors was in reference to another poster. Hence the context.

Given we had 3rd gen DK’s with different eye colors, this is clearly not true. It may be common like brown eyes are for humans, but can be different clearly.

So what if she makes no known appearance. Whats the relevance there? Here are things we do know, banshees and dark rangers have red eyes, we also know that you dont have to be raised to become a death knight.

You dont know why these characters do or dont have blue eyes. And a lot of these characters do have blue eyes in other sources so there is clearly something going on either in unexplained scourge lore, or through the system.

The only reason why you are saying this discussion is pointless is you have ran out of room to move your goal post. That is all you have been doing since you started posting in this thread. No lore to support this, and lore is then provided. First gen use death magic too! And then lore is explained that they are just warlocks put into fallen knights. Demonic magic, which demons also use plagues that same type of magic, look at the Nathrezim for example. And there are other things that were said that have also had to be explained.

Another thing, Maganar asked for something being raised using red colored magic and you went completely off the rails saying blood spells should be blue which isnt what was asked.

If anything, these “3rd gen Dk’s with different eye colors” should made it so we have no eye glow or white from what you have stated they have.

So, ill go back, why should Dk’s have red or green eyes when they switch specs? There is nothing to support this.

This means we cannot make any assumptions whatsoever about her origins. All we can say is “she wields a death knight rune weapon, uses death knight weapons, and is classified as a DK by the game.”. We cannot say anything about it.

You do realize that this makes whether or not you raised or converted meaningless right? Thassariian and koltiras are both second gen DK’s, but they were raised just like the 3rd gens from death.
If their abilities and powers are the same, then its quite clear someone who is converted is every bit a DK as those who came back to life.

Those that I have listed do not. They are depicted with yellow, or amber, and in some cases,purple like the WC3 hero units which are second gen just like Kol tiras and thassarian.

Look, just because I use a term, doesn’t mean you can use it inappropriately.
Second of all, I’ve said this is pointless because here is why.

Its like choose your own adventure.

Me: This 3rd gen DK has purple eyes. This one has amber.

  1. We don’t know if they are 3rd gen!
  2. Its a bug!
  3. You’re wrong and know nothing.

So basically, as I said before, it is a catch 22.
You and yours state there is no precedent, but since a precedent cannot be created, no precedent can ever occur, meaning you stall the discussion and say “See? I was right!”

I pointed out that at no point does Arthas, our creator, ever use blood spells.
If we are to say “we can’t have this because arthas doesn’t have it”, then we should have not have red spells we do (blood), because Arthas does not use it.

It is to counter the bad logic of “well if arthas doesnt have it, it doesnt exist and cannot exist ever.”.
The point went over your head. I am not surprised, you used to argue that frost DK’s shouldnt use 2 handers.

Or it can be taken as options, which they clearly could be.

Why when they switch specs? I want it as a customization option period.

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We can make assumptions about her origins. I did it and you still havent said anything against it and why it couldnt be a possibility.

Here you are cherry picking again, picking 2 characters out of a sea of characters as some sort of “gotcha” argument.

Who are these characters?

I didnt use the term inappropriately. You have been moving the goal posts and I went through several examples as such.

Because people were suggesting it as switching specs, not to mention it has been shown that eye glow is linked to certain magics.

Simple, because there is no information either way, so it would be pointless whataboutism. It would be the same as me going “What if the sky was red instead of blue!?” and you said “Well WHAT ID THE SKY TURNED PINK!?”

I mean…are we really going to play the numbers game?
Blue eyes werent a thing until Arthas made it a thing.
So the numbers don’t work.

Death knights.

Why…would I care about what other people suggest if its not something I suggest?
Let alone…why…would we care about eye glow being linked to certain magics while Blood elves completely demonstrate how it is meaningless.

There is information, I mean you were making assumptions about her origins were you not? Based on some pretty weak observations but assumptions either way.

And im just saying like others have said to you, outliers or a value of 1, does not make for a good argument.

Who are these characters?

You were the one talking about the mount changing based on spec so why couldnt the eyes were you not? That was your argument, and that argument was completely destroyed.

I have no dog in this fight, but I can assure you that’s not their logic.

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Not everyone’s, no, just the one i was addressing at the time.
I know that is not Kelliste’s view.

From everything that currently exists, no information on Lady Alistra’s origins is available outsideof her being considered a DK by the game. That is all we can go on, and we can only go on the timeline in which we see her.

The argument of “it must be common to be available” is a non-functioning argument as it has never been the basis on whether or not something becomes available to the player.

We only see once, jewelry on a blood elf, but now it available.

Does it matter? We don’t need an indepth explanation on everything.

It is your opinion that the argument was destroyed. It does not make it so given the round about dance that has been played.

  1. No 3rd gen DK has a different eye color. This was false.

  2. We are mirrors of Arthas so we shouldn’t have anything but blue. That is a bad argument because not all DK’s look like Arthas, and the blue eyes would still be there. it is also a presumption of the player that Blizzard wants DK’s to have blue eyes only.

  3. Well they didn’t update the eyes when they had the chance. they didn’t have the customization options being worked on for BFA. Only for Shadowlands will customization be a thing and onward.

The arguments regarding blue eyes are assumptions of Blizzard’s design with no basis whatsoever.
The eye color is whatever they want it to be, and it has been shown time and time again.
Someone brought up blood elves and their eye colors. They’r getting access to blue and presumably purple. So…clearly…its nothing concrete.

If you want to ignore other evidence like other people the LK raised that have red eyes… those would be hmmm… ohhhh right banshees. And then we also know that Death Knights can come from other areas like the paladins who sought out power. If all that makes a death knight is a rune blade and some magic then that can be done with anyone even a banshee or a dark ranger.

The argument is it must be common, to be common. What you are asking for is not common, and its not even the same as jewelery. You are asking for something to be common, that is against lore for one, and that is based on outliers that as you said, no one knows the full lore for.

Yes, it does matter, because someone else went through what you have said and it doesnt exist. These death knights you are talking about have continuously changed. Talked about red and green eye death knights when it is limited to one each. Then it turned into no eye glow or white eye glow… now its to yellow.

And yes, I would like to look these characters up that you are talking about.

What 3rd gen dk’s have different colors, and were these people raised by the LK or did they join in like the 2nd gen DK’s from the cult of the damned? As you said earlier you dont know.

Ion clearly stated that there was a reason for the blue eyes. But you are ignoring that fact for the sake of your shaky ground argument. The entire lore behind death knights now is that we draw our power from the Shadowlands, from one area of the Shadowlands. And even before this change, it was the type of magic used. Not all magic is equal and magics corrupt the body in different ways.

You literally have no basis, yet you think its some argument against other peoples argument which holds more water than your bucket without a bottom.

And yes, it is what they want it to be, and its rooted in lore that they created.

Blood Elf, and Void Elf, eye color is rooted in lore reasons as well. They arent just giving this race of elf any eye color.