This means we cannot make any assumptions whatsoever about her origins. All we can say is “she wields a death knight rune weapon, uses death knight weapons, and is classified as a DK by the game.”. We cannot say anything about it.
You do realize that this makes whether or not you raised or converted meaningless right? Thassariian and koltiras are both second gen DK’s, but they were raised just like the 3rd gens from death.
If their abilities and powers are the same, then its quite clear someone who is converted is every bit a DK as those who came back to life.
Those that I have listed do not. They are depicted with yellow, or amber, and in some cases,purple like the WC3 hero units which are second gen just like Kol tiras and thassarian.
Look, just because I use a term, doesn’t mean you can use it inappropriately.
Second of all, I’ve said this is pointless because here is why.
Its like choose your own adventure.
Me: This 3rd gen DK has purple eyes. This one has amber.
- We don’t know if they are 3rd gen!
- Its a bug!
- You’re wrong and know nothing.
So basically, as I said before, it is a catch 22.
You and yours state there is no precedent, but since a precedent cannot be created, no precedent can ever occur, meaning you stall the discussion and say “See? I was right!”
I pointed out that at no point does Arthas, our creator, ever use blood spells.
If we are to say “we can’t have this because arthas doesn’t have it”, then we should have not have red spells we do (blood), because Arthas does not use it.
It is to counter the bad logic of “well if arthas doesnt have it, it doesnt exist and cannot exist ever.”.
The point went over your head. I am not surprised, you used to argue that frost DK’s shouldnt use 2 handers.
Or it can be taken as options, which they clearly could be.
Why when they switch specs? I want it as a customization option period.