As far as this goes, I had assumed you were the same person who made this thread:
Said person is also a druid with only 2 posts, so I figured you were this same person repeating the same thread as bait. If that wasn’t your intention, then yeah that’s my bad, but you can see why I thought that I’m sure.
It should be a discussion which would actually have some kind of chance of working, which this one doesn’t. It would be much more reasonable to ask for an HD remaster of the set which isn’t gender locked because they can make something new which would make sense and not possibly risk spaghetti coding.
Being direct with you in that a change will not happen one day before a holiday event ends for a decade old set is not an indication of my personal life, or anything of the sort. Reading into such is strange to be honest. Nor was I aggressive with you the first time. I am blunt and direct. Though people do often confuse those for being aggressive, which is also fine.