Blizzard are so obsessed with using the Scarlet Crusade as punching bags, they disregard any and all lore to do so. This is ridiculous.
Wouldn’t the Scarlet Crusade holding Gilneas mean they’ve defeated or driven out Sylvanas’ occupying forces? Probably not, because Blizzard can’t let them win at anything and that’d mean defeating supporters of the writers’ precious Sylvanas.
At least the Primalists haven’t gotten stale through overuse yet.
Look on the bright side. Maybe you’ll get to see a worgen bite a Scarlet or two. Hell, the story could even make its own Lilian Voss copy out of it for later.
… You’re kidding, right? Are you saying you don’t want to see the werewolf race do werewolf things, and possibly make a new character out of it? Isn’t the limited roster of real worgen characters something people have pointed out for a long time?
I can’t imagine many worgen / Alliance fans being hyped to fight lolscarlets who are utterly unrelated to Gïlneas in any way or form instead of forsaken, who are the ones that actually ruined the place and killed thousands.
While I can’t say it was impossible to imagine forsaken holdouts, the idea did seem a bit implausible for the current vibes of the expansion since it’s full of unearned, saccharine unity and “renewal” between the factions. To do all of that but then go “but here’s some renegade horde for you to kill” seems off-key for Dragonflight.
Makes me wonder what in-universe point is there to the worgen form now, though. Previously, it was at least a buffer against the risk of becoming undead and ended up being a rallying point for the country to unite. But that’s over with and the forsaken don’t have any valkyr, so all you’re left with is a curse that only part of the group deals with.
You know what would have been better? Just make Lord Godfrey somehow still alive and controlling parts of Gilneas with his undead. Bam, problem solved, at least he’s related to Gilneas and not a member of any faction, if you don’t have the balls for faction conflict. Still a bit of a lorelol but better than lolscarlets by a mile.
Plus we also had the Scarlets messing about in the same neck of the woods with the Forsaken. Maybe having the Forsaken and the Worgen having a mutual dude to hate will make the unity theme go down easier.
There’s layers of satisfaction to be had from red-misting Jingoistic Zealots at almost any time of the year. But I take greater satisfaction in recent years given the levels of legal and extralegal violence many of my friends have had to endure.
Probably because HUmans and Night Elves have enough Narrative meat to actually have splinter groups unlike the Forsaken who have up until extremely recently been Sylvanas Fanclub Every Years All Year
That would be bad writing because the Worgen have far more reason to hate the Forsaken than the Scarlet Crusade. It was the Forsaken who took or blighted their homeland and killed their families, not the Scarlet Crusade. It’s as stupid and implausible as if Israel and Palestine suddenly teamed up to invade Cyprus.
Can you be more specific? What jingoistic zealots? What violence? Which specific group did what you’re saying?
The Forsaken have enough lore meat that not all of them are Sylvanas fanboys and fangirls (Remember Varimatharas’ and Putress’ faction in Wrath? Remember Godfrey’s faction in Cata?)