Reclaiming Gilneas!

It’s not bad writing, it’s pretty basic concept of “you and the other dude you hate now meet a third dude you both hate, and the new guy threw the most recent punch so you’re more concenrned with him now.”

Okay now you’re just making it weird, dude.

A whole 2 enclaves that evaporated in a blink of an eye once their number came up. Before the Desolate Council post-Sylvanas the entirerty of the Forsaken Identity was tied to the Banshee Queen.

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No it is bad writing. It’s like if Israel and Palestine suddenly decided to end their blood feud and team up to invade Cyprus.

You’re the one who wanted to go there, why back down now?

They’re still factions of Forsaken whose identity isn’t tied to Sylvanas. If writers can keep retconning the Scarlet Crusade back from extinction, why not do the same for literal undead too?

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No, it’s not actually :blush:

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So you believe that anti-Christian propaganda? Propaganda spread by a media industry so desperate they pushed it even when Islamic terrorism was widespread… and push it now even as a blood feud between Jews and Muslims threatens to drag humanity into World War 3. That just further proves me right on what I said about the media in that other thread.


I wouldn’t call the Israel-Palestine situation a blood feud.


It is partially a blood feud at this point.

We have actual republicans not being subtle about what they want America to be :man_shrugging:

It’s not propaganda when members of the republican establishment are telling people exactly what they want


Citation needed, not baseless claims of “they said X, so hate and fear them”.

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You’re going to deny it anyway, so why should I bother? You seem to be in denial about the Christian far right in America, so it’s a waste of time


Because even if what you said was true, I’m not the only one who’ll see the comment. Your refusal to give proof undermines your claims.

Talk of the Christian far right in the US is making a mountain out of a molehill at best, anti-Christian fearmongering and/or defamatory deflection to hide the real threats to society at worst.


I just said it was a thing, nothing more. Everything else is your problem.

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You and certain people in the media make a lot of fuss about it considering there’s much bigger problems and more dangerous groups (or people from other groups) seizing power in the US. And your shiftiness has earned you a place on my ignore list, Micah.

Our current speaker of the house, Mike Johnson, has outright stated that America is a Christian nation, only thinks of the separation of church and state to be “so-called” and only meant to be seen as the church being protected by the state and not the other way around, and believes homosexuality should be criminalized.

This man is currently second-in-line to be president if anything happens.


Citation needed. Especially since Kamala Harris is Biden’s VP and Mike Johnson isn’t even among the Republicans’ top 10 candidates.

That’s wrong and you know it lol. Even for anti-Christian fearmongering, that’s desperate.

I mean the Forsaken did mention they’d pull back. There’s never been any reason for them to want Gilneas. It was a conflict forced on them by Garrosh and far as I can tell there’s zero strategic benefit to occupying it.

The Forsaken apparently use boat necromancy for their navy. Their ships are described as being raised from the bottom of the sea which is certainly on brand but is still funny to me as it implies boats have souls in this setting. So that harbor is useless and the Forsaken already have spooky forests and haunted looking towns for days so, not sure what theyd get from it.

Also makes even less sense they’d hold on to it now. When they’ve the Scarlets and presumably bolstered Scourge remnant to contend with while being in a state of active reconstruction. Seriously the implication the Forsaken had a whole battlegroup just deadbone chilling in the adjacent zip code while Dark Rangers barely held the line against probing feral undead in Brill was just bewildering.

Not to mention the great Forsaken Worgen rivalry has been the most one sided beef in Azerothian history. Outside Silverpine the Worgen have a cameo in Hillsbrad then never turn up again until Stormheim, 4 expansions later. I genuinely didn’t know they were supposed to be arch rivals. You fight Murlocs more often for Christ’s sake.

And the Scarlets kinda do serve as the perfect antagonist for both the Worgen and Forsaken. Knights in shining armor fighting Halloween creatures with glowing red eyes, and the holy knights are unambiguously the baddies, is very Warcraft to me.

Ideally I’d have Gilneas and Lordaeron broadly at peace with subfactions like the Bloodfang and Defilers clashing over Fenris and/or Alterac City. Be a good excuse for a new BG which we haven’t had since duck mothering BFA.


It’s a thing. Nobody is being shifty but you and this is why you’re mocked. Blatantly denying the extremism is a thing


I’m talking about the line of succession should the current president be disabled. This isn’t something up to a vote.

If the US president is disabled, duties fall to the vice president. Should the vice president not be fit either, next in line is the speaker of the house.


You literally said “second-in-line”.

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lol you can’t be serious right now


Also, citation needed on those supposed remarks from Mike Johnson. The term “far-right” gets thrown around so much, it’s like crying wolf at this point. Got proof of those quotes?

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