Reclaiming Gilneas!

On one hand, the Scarlets make for a simple enemy that can have the worgen be interacted with as if they were werewolves, for the first time since their starter zone. Maybe you’ll see some getting bitten, or an optional worgen-only quest where you have to pass in human form for some espionage first.

On the other, it’s a bummer from an outside PoV that the forsaken’s racial enemy may as well work better for worgen now, given how you get people saying that the Scarlets have a point for their anti-undead hostility, thanks to how the horde story’s gone over the years.

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I’m still not sure the Scarlets are who the enemy will actually be. Those Scarlet NPCs are always dead, and one of them is propped up in a unique position against the wall not the usual dead human pose, which means they were specifically set up that way. Something else killed them in-story.


Someone’s getting used as a punching bag and I’m all in, regardless of who it is :blush:

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Congrats Gilnean fans! This was long overdue.


It’s about time blizz stopped messing around with Gilneas and decided to actually let the gilneans retake their home


Did a bit more looking around this afternoon.

Stormglen has an innkeeper, a vendor, and several unmodeled checkerboard cubes.
The Headlands are free from most of the Forsaken art assets (on live there are more tents and plague carriers here) but there’s still some around the flight path.
A vendor in Emberstone Village.
The fishermen who flee during the starting zone are back.
New mobs.

Every NPC is just named “Unknown”, nobody is actually named anything. I also can’t speak to anyone despite my mouse turning into the speech bubble icon, nor buy anything from vendors.


Seeing all the dead Scarlet Crusaders laying in obvious “I was massacred by a lethal and ruthless enemy” poses, makes me think this is the work of Ivar and his Pack.

Come on, think of it. The Scarlets are trying to take Gilneas but are being slain by something before Genn and his people even arrive. It’s gotta be Ivar who has been in the area the whole time.

You’re going to be following the “trail” of corpses to find Ivar’s holdouts who have been fighting for the land the entire time, and they’ll be like,

“We’ve been fighting for years against the rotters, and we did it, we won. They all fled with whatever they could carry north. Gilneas was ours! Until these red-crusaders showed up. Thought they were here to help us, until they started attacking us too.”

I’d put gold down on it.


You are most likely right.

Forsaken and Worgen teaming up against the Scarlets is something Benedikt has been advocating for a long time. Maybe he will finally get his wish.

One thing is for sure though, the Forsaken (Loyalist or not) won’t be designated as the enemy of this reclamation, even though it was they that conquered it in the first place.

I’m betting on it being evil worgen too, but rather than Ivar it’s the Wolf Cult.

Specifically because of this
before the starting zone the cult used Jack the Ripper-inspired murders as an initiation rite, so I’m thinking that’s what’s killing the Scarlets.

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Evil worgen or evil scarlets.
Its most likely the latter… maybe a few worgen joined them but we will convince them to switch sides.

If there is one core, red line blizzard won’t cross is the red line that the Horde is not designated as the villain in any story going forward despite past events.

Unlikely. The wolf cult was started by and lead by Alpha Prime/Ralnaar, The one who turned the pack form into The worgen form thousands of years ago.

His whole plot was to spread the worgen form and reclaim the scythe of elune. He was killed and the story was told in the Worgen comic series, “curse of the worgen.” The story starts just before the starting zone and runs along side events in the background up until the battle for Gilneas. Most feral worgen joined Ivar’s and Darius’ packs and were treated by the Night elves while the player character was doing quests. A lot of the starting zone, and really worgen lore in general, is in that comic series.

Though I wouldn’t be surprised if we see worgen corrupted by some force or another. With every new protagonist, there are always mortal races corrupted and serving them.

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Very excited for this.

Little excited that we can’t test it on the PTR so we’re not spoiled. We waited 15 years, whats a few more months?

8 weeks right? Maybe 7 now, thats not a lot for me to have a fully leveled worgen for the experience…

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My worgen was created in Cata. Sounds like the perfect time to turn him into a main again.

Sir, you’ve been Zerde for as long as I can remember and that’s going back to Cata/MoP.

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I just recently leveled a worgen warrior from 1 to 60 in two RL days, probably maybe 12 actual hours? Possibly even less. Wasn’t counting. Anyway BfA leveling was surprisingly quick

Yeah, leveling is fast, i’m just still catching up, after a 2 year hiatus so i have to get my bearings.

Same actually! I stopped playing around mid BfA.

I just… Couldn’t anymore with the story. But DF seems like a nice casual pallet cleanser so far

I got into retail wow in bfA, dropped in shadowlands not because i didnt like the game, but felt too comitted to it.

Another heritage set where they get a long coat like Genn’s when in human form would slap so hard. It’s what I thought the Gilneans would get originally.