Reclaiming Gilneas!

Here’s hoping the Horde get content dedicated to them and it’s every bit as good as the Alliance’s. I’m sure you’d be so happy with it. Enjoy those 5 minute long, unsatisfying questlines! :slight_smile:


They made The reclamation of Gilneas the central content of the half patch. Rather than appreciate that Blizzard is concentrating enough on Alliance to force Horde players to play their content, they complain they want to fight the Horde.

I would ask what they wanted Horde players to do, fight themselves ? But we know the answer, they didn’t care.

And everyone gets bad writing. They expect is to be different for them?


Getting back the other half of Silvermoon? Returning to Kezan? Vol’jin resurrection? Yes please.

The alliance has gotten an entire patch. We all know the Horde will never get that. I didn’t expect any differently. But then hearing posters trying to play the victims….


In this very expansion Horde had exclusive content with Baine and the Tauren, and even got exclusive mogs in 10.7. They got the totems that everyone caterwauled for for 19 years and then nobody ever uses because they collectively realized it looks dumb as hell even if it is a cool concept.

And, by the way, this questline was after thirteen (13) years of being promised that it was going to happen someday. Forsaken didn’t have to wait that long. Hell, Horde didn’t even need to wait as long to get the Forsaken out of Orgrimmar while Night elves slummed around in Stormwind for 5 years of real life time. It took them 6 years to “fix” the Teldrassil debacle and wrap it up. The devs saw people’s complaints about Baine not doing anything in SL and “fixed” it in the very next expac.


It’s a few years too late for that. Normally I would agree with that mentality but what’s done is done

A 10 minute, if you take it slow, quest is “central content of the half patch”?


Nobody is forcing you to do the reclaimantion quest though. Don’t do it if you don’t want to

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I dunno, man, the Horde would never get a quest like that mastery.

Not like helping Baine in the plains or deplagueing Undercity. They may have been at least twice as long and more detailed, but we got a reskinned fox for this one!


Crazy idea, probably not going to happen:

They should add endgame-level world quests to the Gilneas area so that people have stuff to do while they’re there. Enemies could include feral worgen, bandits, Forsaken deserters, witch cults, whatever.


Sounds like a ton of fun. :bear:


I sort of thought they might do this to begin with as a sort of way of showing how Gilneas is being “reclaimed and rebuilt”. After 12 years of being basically uninhabited I imagine some undesirables would have moved in and we need to clear them out.

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Yup, we finally got an actual heritage quest that everyone could play through after whatever the mess of a failed intro to SL thingy that was listed as our heritage questline. Which so far is also the only heritage quest to ever for a period require a raid completion to access when it launched for reasons.

You know, after such lore highlights as having stuff in books singling out Tauren beliefs as being wrong, unlike anyone else. Having an expansion where one major plot point was that the female coded soul of the planet was dying out and then having that plot which seemed tailor made for Tauren participation completely avoid having them interact with that concept at all as well as having the speaker for that soul being the faction leader we lost our good leader for so that the alliance wouldn’t cry when he was put on pause back in cata.


You forgot the whole “and coming after two expansions of our current leader being drained of any potential, all to cater to Alliance fans, only for him to decide to centaur for a bit”.


Just two expansions?


Well, I couldn’t remember Baine even existing much beyond a generic model from Cata to Legion, so…

But then I remembered the books and how he gave Anduin some horn, so yeah.

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He was pretty badass in the Mulgore questing in Cata, stomping some Grimtotem. Then the alliance kidnapped him and replaced him with a look a like


Baine came back to crush some centaurs in DF though. As much as I hate the plot, that felt like a true ‘Baines back, baby’ moment.

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Sometimes I feel like I don’t fit with team blue and that I’m crazy because I don’t blindly eat up the junk blizz throws out there.

But people also don’t seem to grasp why some of us are so hard on them, because we know they can write good stories, there’s plenty of goods to choose from. But when they screw up, boy do they really screw up


To be clear, the Undercity reclaimation quest is not without a few warts (mainly the “all undead are alike, shut up about Calia” bit).

And I’m guilty of profound understatement when I say Baine’s characterization has been a mess, and he’s a bit all over the place even in the questline.

I’m just being cranky about the claim that only Alliance gets nice things and it’s ridiculous to complain.

Firstly, I can complain about anything, just try and stop me. And secondly, there’s a few flaws to be noted on Blueside, too.