Reclaiming Gilneas!



This has yet to be answered.

Orgrim Doomhammer destroying Stormwind.

Sylvanas killing Saurfang.

Forsaken taking all of Lordaeron in Cataclysm.

Horde of Dreanor fighting the alliance until Ner’zhul can escape.

Why should I? All he did was to make the Horde weaker and forced us to apologize just for existing. No other faciton based MMO does that. You think Dominion, Asmodians or Sith ever apologized for anything?

And in Warcraft all of these are villain moves. You know what happens to our villains? They become raid boss fodder.

I like the heritage set for worgen cause it’s the only set in game where the shoulders wrap around the back like Genn’s coat. That is really cool! But as Alysna said, it isn’t really armor…

Also I am not a huge fan of the color, I wish we got a more grey colored one to match the Gilneas flag, but whatever. My biggest gripe with the heritage set, and now the new Reclaim Gilneas set, is that neither are a long coat. That’s the ONE THING worgen players wanted for their heritage set. A coat like Genn has. AND HELL it can even work like his does where the long coat disappears in worgen form, I don’t care, as long as we have the long coat in human form like he does.

Was that too much to ask?


Only if Metzen writes it. He is the ultimate MHP.

Ah yes, the Dominion, truly a nuanced adversary with shades of grey that would make it fun to play as them.

And everyone knows the Sith as aspirational!

(I don’t know anything about the middle example, but I’m sure I could be snide about them, too).

But seriously, those are piles of two dimensional baddies which is not a great place to put the Horde.

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Almost all of orc history is about who is morally right VS who is actually in charge. Saurfang did what seemed right for his people even if it meant going against who was officially in charge.

It didn’t work out well for Doomhammer, either.

It’s still far better Horde content than SoO where Garrosh spent a fortune fortifying the Orgrimmar wall entrance, cladding it into a death fortress for two expansions just for the doors to crumble when Tyrande threw a few glaives at it. Horde players spent three years watching their capital transform into a raid location right before their eyes, only for the Alliance VIPs to push it down without a sweat.

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The three alliances in ESO are equal.

Asmodians are dark angels and certified dragon haters.

The Horde turns on itself all the time while the alliance is a monolith of unity. I rather be evil then help to kill my own.

Gul’dan was arguably evil and died for his treason. Actually the Horde saved the world here by making sure that warlock can’t claim the power of Sargeras. KIl’Jaeden admits the Horde had won the war if it wasn’t for that.

Better! There’s going to be an entire expac dedicated to the Blood elves and it may or may not include an updated Undercity (And maybe Gilneas if they’re feeling charitable to Alliance). An EK update was announced for Midnight and I would be surprised if Lordaeron was not included in that.

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I warned people it was going to suck, and look how they responded.

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It’s good to be home. Despite the qualms I have with the story and lore execution, it just feels good to be able to hang around in the area and it now being populated… 12 years late, but still better than never. It’s a closure for a formative escapist childhood experience for me.

With all that aside, there are still some pet peeves I’d like to see resolved:

  • An Alliance City crest reading “Gilneas” on the World Map.
  • “Ruins of Gilneas” zone renamed to “Gilneas”
  • Gilneas City banner renamed from “Gilneas” to “Gilneas City” on the Map Pane.
  • Patrols, hunters and more fishers along the roads, forests and around the edges of the zone.
  • Ships to Stormwind and Bel’ameth from Keel Harbor
  • Ideally – a Stormwind Portal added as well as a Barber and an Auctioneer

And that is why the bad writing will continue. We fans sweep it under the rug as long as we get that little nugget of gold under the turds.

I sympathize with your desire for Gilneas and resolution. As for me, I’m seriously considering quitting. Main thing keeping me in at this point are my guildies and online friends.


You got a resolution. You only hate it because the Horde asn’ there to be killed.

The quest line is genuinely terrible. It would have been terrible regardless of who the worgen had as enemies


My guild and friend group were broken apart many years ago in WoD… I stay for the PvP and nostalgia :slight_smile:
I understand, sympathize and frankly agree with the issues mentioned. I suppose I just didn’t set my expectations high enough to quit over this one despite its importance to me :smiley:

I follow alot of twitter and other forums. That was the major complaint “We want carthasis against the Forsaken! Make the Horde scum suffer!”

There is going to be an entire expansion devoted to Elves on both sides. Devoting time to both side is most definitely not the same as content devoted to just one side.

Undercity might, in contrast to the Night Elves, get thrown in as an afterthought.